Congrats man, You need to have Sex to speed it up! lol
We can probably find someone to sub that out to if you get too overwhealmed!:dance:Our doctor is the greatest. That is exactly what he told Kelley.
We can probably find someone to sub that out to if you get too overwhealmed!:dance:
Looks like the doctors overshot the day by just one day. We are headed out to the hospital now.
I am too addicted, even with a baby about to pop out, I still update this site.
I guess the doctor was right in his Rx
Fun times! Take some pics when she arrives. Congrats!!Not yet.
He is at the Hospital, should we call must have came by now.
No baby yet. In fact we are back home. Contractions soooo close together. Doctor says 3-5 min apart she needs to check in. She wants to do as much out of the hospital as possible (the other two epurdurals (sp?) wore off before she delivered, so she felt everything both times). They were holding steady at 3 min apart and we were at the hospital, walking around the parking garage. Instead of getting stronger, they started going away.
We are home again. This is so frustrating. I feel so bad for Kelley.
Hopefully she can get some good sleep for the next few hours and we can do this early in the am.