to all the kids

1945-We the Alterboys said Mass in Latin-rode our bikes all over-In January the new cars came out-a big deal-a used car with 50M was ready for the junk pile-I said to a girl-"you want to french kiss"-she slapped the sh--out of me-short hair and American Flags on our white tennis shoes-In 65 we were issued M14 in the Maine Corp-later in 68-CAR M16-seat belts were for airplanes. If we were walking the streets during school, the police would pick us up.
1964 for me. It all makes since to me. I had chores to do each day, then I was gone to the creek or on the bike and had to be dragged in for supper. I picked up the coke botles for 10 cent deposit. I through rocks at cars. I guy in a red pick up truck got me by the shirt collar and took me the front door and turned me over to my Mom. After a good butt woopen I didnt throw rocks anymore; not for a while anyway. When I did I didnt stand by the mail box (5 yrs old). Anyway the guy didnt pull a gun and shoot me.
.....While this post is definitely ironic, do you guys realize that you are the parents of the exact children you are making fun of?????:) Seriously, it's true, talk about how "things were tough and we didn't mess around, etc", but it is your children that are the wieners that stay inside and play video games, won't work in the yard, etc. Hypothetically, of course.

So enough about how your Mom smoked and drank while she was pregnant with you.......where have YOU gone wrong as a parent to change things into this entitlement society??????

(kinda joking, but the irony is there:))
one of these obese, nintendo playin kids

are you done laughin? :)
youngest of three, not spoiled, but not needin much
tag, jailbreak, and football were our games
played a lot of nintendo, after dark
rode bikes, super soakers and used my first computer in first grade

I will not spoil my kid and let him stay inside all day.
Yall are b****in bout the kids these kids and then sayin that your kids wont do s*** either? Whats up with that. Beat them raw then tell them to do it.
There is a small line tween discipline and abuse and I know I will be close to that line raisin my 2 yr old son. So he ends up a mature grown up by 20
a couple more things

just bustin your balls here
I also was a Tiger cub, Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Alterboy, and sunday school
Went to Catholic Mass every sunday til I moved out of my parents house
I have ran into a couple of these paint chip eatin freaks yall are talkin bout
That is why I will never let Brad do anything out of my site.
Any one here a Boy Scout?
just bustin your balls here
I also was a Tiger cub, Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Alterboy, and sunday school
Went to Catholic Mass every sunday til I moved out of my parents house
I have ran into a couple of these paint chip eatin freaks yall are talkin bout
That is why I will never let Brad do anything out of my site.
Any one here a Boy Scout?

No but the 1st time I played spin the bottle was with a couple girl scouts, many many years ago. But I had good manners until the 3rd time we played LOL

You know my son will be 4 in March and he's in karate and his teacher says he is ver disiplined and has very good manners. He said he can tell we are teaching him well. I've also had many people tell us he has good manners etc etc.

You know its a shame that so many kids are rude or dont know their manners etc. because it really isnt that hard to train children when they are young. You know just when I say to Josh "what do you say" .......Sorry Dad thank you" .......or "Excuse me" Explain to them the right way then correct then when they do it wrong. whats it take a couple seconds or a few minutes every day

I know that all can change as they get older and become little PITA's but if you start young they will know better. What I see a lot of today is the children dont even know better because their parents dont know better. Hell theres a lot of parents that should be shot now a days

Like the song says Teach your children well
1980 here.
Youngest of six, 4 boys two girls never had money to be spoiled. We never had(Still dont) a nintendo, x-box and what have you. After school we always had chores before we could play then when either the street lights came on or when mom rang the ships bell we had to come home for dinner and home work.
Saturdays were always filled with work, wheter we were building fences, digging ditches or working on our never ending project cars. On saturday we could sleep in till 8:00. Saturday night for US though.
When I was little we would get up real early on Saturday morning and ride across town to the 7-eleven and buy Now and Laters and baseball cards then race home before the folks were awake, or try to anyway.
High school ws all about Swimming, water polo and large quantities of beer.

And yes Shrec I am an Eagle Scout as are all my brothers. I am even a Cub Scout leader right now.
One more,
We rode bikes all over the place and built jumps out of dirt or from lumber procured from the nearest home being built. We never had new bikes. We always called them backyard bikes because they were built in the back yard out of 5 other bikes.
Brakes? what were those We would just put our feet on the rear tire and stand up on it, mom really didnt like that, in fact she REALLY didnt like us doing that it was a little rough on the Converse LOL.
Its not all the kids or younger gen. fault. It's the fact that you cant disiplin a kid these days with out some tree hugger group or the government pressing charges. I got my butt beat all the time but it straightend me out. My two younger brothers never got beat (divorce) and both of them have been arrested
No I never recieved my order of the arrow.

A good whoopin every now and then is fine if it is deserved. I like many of you I got whooped plenty and I turned out alright, If you ask me.
It is pretty sad when in todays world a little spanking is turned upside down and turned into abuse.
order of the arrow was a popularity contest
never made it to eagle, life though
i was way too old for it, everyone else was three years younger
had my first cig, first porn and almost broke some kids neck, cuz they wanted to pick on the fat boy all at different camp trips