This is the letter we should all send!!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Feb. 25, 2009

Actual 'Letter to the Editor' from February 5, Wichita Falls ,Texas Times Record News...

Dear IRS,

I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed April 15, but all is not lost. I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, cigarette tax, corporate income tax, dog license tax, federal income tax, unemployment tax, gasoline tax, hunting license tax, fishing license tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, Medicare tax, city, school and county property tax (up 33 percent last 4 years), real estate tax, social security tax, road usage tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, state franchise tax, state unemployment tax, telephone federal excise tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle license registration tax, capitol gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas assessment tax, Colorado property tax, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and New Mexico sales tax, and many more that I can't recall but I have run out of space and money. When you do not receive my check April 15, just know that it is an honest mistake. Please treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangel, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Daschle and, of course your boss Timothy Geithner. No penalties and no interest. P.S. I will make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.

Ed Barnett

Wichita Falls
Talk about salt in a wound. I just mailed a check yesterday for penalties and interest for 07.

This country is out of control.
This country is out of control.

I agree that the taxes in this country are way out of control, and getting worse.
I could go on for hours about my feelings about how the tax system in this country is out of order. I think it is time to rebuild the tax codes, getting rid of the loopholes that the wealthy use to avoid paying legitimate taxes. We need to go to a system where everyone pays X%. No deductions, no credits, nothing for people to use or abuse to avoid paying their share. No extra dedcutions because you choose to have a large family. Your decission to have 18 kids shouldn't affect my taxes, but it does today. If you make more, you should pay more, but still the same percentage as me. You still end up with more than me, so wheres the problem?
This country was founded under the premise that all men are created equal. Why then does that not apply when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes? The wealthy always get away with paying next to nothing compared to their earnings, while most of us struggle just to get through the month?
The middle and lower classes are getting taxed to death in a time when they truly NEED a financial break. Instead, the government is doling out money like candy to everyone but those who really need it, where it could make a real difference.
Wouldn't it stimulate the economy if some of that money actually made it into the hands of the public? Some people might save it, but most would go out and buy stuff. My wife needs a new car. I need new clothes, and a high def tv would be great, but I can't afford any of those things now. Nor will I be able to at any point in the foreseeable future. My full time job relies on the building and remodelling industries. Sales have been down at least 15% every quarter for the last 2 years. My job is already in danger if this doesn't end soon. I suspect that alot of people are in a similar situation regardless of the industry they work in. It will be many, many months possibly even years before any of the stimulous money trickles down to the public where it could then be used for actual spending that would then stimulate the economy. Instead we are going to throw trillions of dollars at companies who have already failed to run themselves efficiently and profitably. They have already played smoke and mirror games with their finances to get more investors and then squandered all that money. And now AIG is looking for trillions of dollars more from the government. They already mugged us once, so why not let them do it again?

When are we going to say enough is enough?
One of Mike Huckabee's stances was a flat tax. Again, he is the man.
Your right!!! you dont want to be caught impersonating a Senator..
I am on many different boards, alot of them have nothing to do with P/W. The feelings around the U.S. is the same everywhere.

I am sure this Government knows that it's just a matter of time before the people will not stand for this Horse S**T they have been shoveling in our face for much longer.
Thats why they are doing it at RECORD SPEED before anybody can do anything about it. He has only been in office what 5 weeks or so and look at the mess and it happened before ANYBODY EVEN READ IT.....
There ain't no right way to do the wrong thing!!

Toby Keith
I agree that the taxes in this country are way out of control, and getting worse.
I could go on for hours about my feelings about how the tax system in this country is out of order. I think it is time to rebuild the tax codes, getting rid of the loopholes that the wealthy use to avoid paying legitimate taxes. We need to go to a system where everyone pays X%. No deductions, no credits, nothing for people to use or abuse to avoid paying their share. No extra dedcutions because you choose to have a large family. Your decission to have 18 kids shouldn't affect my taxes, but it does today. If you make more, you should pay more, but still the same percentage as me. You still end up with more than me, so wheres the problem?
This country was founded under the premise that all men are created equal. Why then does that not apply when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes? The wealthy always get away with paying next to nothing compared to their earnings, while most of us struggle just to get through the month?
The middle and lower classes are getting taxed to death in a time when they truly NEED a financial break. Instead, the government is doling out money like candy to everyone but those who really need it, where it could make a real difference.
Wouldn't it stimulate the economy if some of that money actually made it into the hands of the public? Some people might save it, but most would go out and buy stuff. My wife needs a new car. I need new clothes, and a high def tv would be great, but I can't afford any of those things now. Nor will I be able to at any point in the foreseeable future. My full time job relies on the building and remodelling industries. Sales have been down at least 15% every quarter for the last 2 years. My job is already in danger if this doesn't end soon. I suspect that alot of people are in a similar situation regardless of the industry they work in. It will be many, many months possibly even years before any of the stimulous money trickles down to the public where it could then be used for actual spending that would then stimulate the economy. Instead we are going to throw trillions of dollars at companies who have already failed to run themselves efficiently and profitably. They have already played smoke and mirror games with their finances to get more investors and then squandered all that money. And now AIG is looking for trillions of dollars more from the government. They already mugged us once, so why not let them do it again?

When are we going to say enough is enough?

Right now while we still have a home and amunition left!!
I would love to send this to the IRS!!! And I agree...a basic across the board tax for everyone. And to think we still have fewer taxes than England...My former ROTC instructor said that he had a garden hose tax when he lived there. RIDICULOUS!!