The Music Game

Rock Music- Pixies
I Will Rock & Roll With You - Johnny Cash
Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown)- Judas Priest

originally Peter Green/ Fleetwood Mac.
How does - Green Manalishi - work with I Will Rock With You ?
I Will Rock & Roll With You

Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown)
Rock Around The Clock - Bill Haley
Oh, hell no!

Y'all skipped mine!
/me cries and runs home.

Green Manalishi With the Two-Pronged Crown.

Do you know that one or is it too old school NWOBHM for you?
I love hearing my ten year old daughter (budding young rock chick) singing it.
Greensleves - Peter Paul & Mary-among others
Mack The Knife - Bobby Darin
The Great Speckle Bird-Johnny Cash
Freedom-Woodstock-Barry -----?
Greensleeves to 'Slave To the Machine'.

You guys crack me up.