When he gets bored of boring the rest of us.
Keep your chin up, and keep doing what you do best. There is a difference between delivering what you feel is best for the client, and what the client wants. Many times they are not the same. But, delivering what the client wants is what has to be done.

Hang in there,
Thanks, Beth!

And sorry so long to reply. This thread took a downward spiral so I basically avoided it for a while.

You are most correct about the line between what is best and what they want. Money talks and some good concepts/ideas most definitely walk sometimes. Regardless, I just keep trying to establish that happy medium. Talk to ya!
You're welcome Keith!
Give me a call sometime.
Beth :)
I'm still here, Ron!

I've been non-stop busy with all sorts of graphics work and I haven't really had a chance to post recently. I will be making a post on all the forums soon to announce the official opening of my brand new website with a ton of new examples & services. Probably within a week, pending when my web programmmer gets everything finalized.

I'll be in touch!