The last American

In just the first 4 pages I found several I disagree with. And I found several that he voted for that go against what he says he believes in.

There are some that I do agree with as well.

Simply put guys, Ron paul will never be the president of the united states and voting for him or sending him money only takes votes away from people who could actually win and govern effectively.
Yes, but I'm on my phone. Once I get some time at the computer ill go line by line. You'll be suprised and probably won't agree.
Ron seems to be at the top of every other republican poll, he raises millions from small donations all despite the entire media (AKA the PR department of large government) set against him. I believe his support is far larger than estimated. For decades in congress Ron has never wavered from a constitutional, free market, limited gov, ELIMINATE THE FED (I'll vote on that alone) Austrian economic position. He has thousands of columns, books, you can hear him state his positions endlessly on youtubes of media and his voting record speaks for itself compare it to any congrescritter you want - but you say its all a lie and he's a scumbag?
I find it peculiar that he has "so much" support, yet he never gets more than a small % of the vote. And if he wants to get rid of the FED why does he request and take so much from it? He wants a small government yet votes to extend the patriot act, gives more money to HLS and the TSA? Small government my ass
I find it peculiar that he has "so much" support, yet he never gets more than a small % of the vote. And if he wants to get rid of the FED why does he request and take so much from it? He wants a small government yet votes to extend the patriot act, gives more money to HLS and the TSA? Small government my ass

I think you must be thinking of someone else. You need to go back and look at the record link above. He voted against the Patriot act extensions across the board and is staunchly against the TSA. I'm beginning to question your knowledge on this man. From the way you sound, it sounds like he'd be a perfect candidate for you to get behind.

Tom for someone who is a hero and hates the fed, he sure asks them for a lot of money.

Really look into Ron paul's actions, not his words, and you'll realize he's a scumbag, mores than others because at least others are honest about their willingness to sh*t on the american people and vote for unconstitutional bills.

Scott are you trying to say we have politicians who put on a front?? Naw, I dont beleive that!
T vote aagony, look ay the supporting bills. You can't vote against the bill, then vote for the support of them. Its a game and he's very good at it
Scott, you are confused about the Fed also. The Fed is the Federal Reserve System. I think you are thinking of the Federal Government. Nobody takes money from the "FED" they don't give out money. They are in charge of PRINTING the money and VALUING the money that the federal government, in turned gives to everybody who won't work.

Paul want to end the Fed. He wants us to go back to the gold standard so they Fed can't keep writing bad checks (printing worthless paper money) to put us further in the hole.
I'd like to put this to rest. Can you provide some concrete documented examples of hypocrisy on Ron Paul's part. I just spent 30 minute on the internet looking for it and can only find the theory that hes is a freemason!

Give me something to go on Scott.
I think we're talking about different people? I'll tell you the votes that show a lot, when he votes against all of the republicans or all of congress on principle. There's been some big ones like the original patriot act he voted no almost alone while the rest of congress passed it without reading it.
.Guy, whether the relationships are fair or not is irrellevent. Regardless of whether we like it or not if we cut off trade with other countries the price of products that we typically import would skyrocket, which is the last thing we need right now or in the next 10 years.

The short term goal shouldn't be isolationism, but rather to elect a president who has the fortitude to enact fair trade laws. What's amazing is that even with the unfair practices, high tarrifs etc, our companies and country are more successful than every other country that we trade with. Severing those relationships would hurt us as much as them.

The long term goal should be to bring back manufacturing by A. Making our trade relations more fair and B. Reforming our tax code to be manufacturer friendly.

You kidding right???? Of course it's relevant Scott. I'm not saying shut down trade, I'm saying protect our trade. Proper (Higher) tariffs on imported goods would bring money back, and protect (Or Help Protect) the few U.S. jobs that haven't gone overseas.

The "Mindset" of U.S. consumers is what we fight in our businesses all the time "LOW PRICES ALL THE TIME". All the while other countries get richer and we get poorer, all in the name of lower prices??????????

Where are our Steel Mills?

Where are our Booming car factories?

Where are our Textile Mills?

If it would mean bringing these jobs back to the US would you pay more for these American made goods.

Not Relevant????????????? PLEASE
We need 50 yrs of isolationism to put the country back on track.

Here's what we need to do:

1) Close our borders and only allow legal immigrants

2) Bring our troops home. All of them. Everywhere. Put them on the border. Keep some of them at our Embassies. Send them out only when our citizens are attacked abroad. (I did not believe this 10 years ago. Now the pathetic nature of our meddling is starting to hit home, notwithstanding the fact that most of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia should be a smoking heap of radiation about now)

3) Make Tariffs HIGH enough to make it attractive to manufacture here in the US again at competitive rates. The high tariffs will shake up this nation. We will learn to live skinny instead of fat like we are used to. We need that. We are a nation of wasters. Once the shock has worn off, entrepreneurs will find a way to make products at a competitive price DOMESTICALLY and we can return this nation to prosperity. (If we quit giving government money to every aspiring rapper with 20 illegitimate kids so he can sit on his a$$ dreaming about his "Bentley" and get up and get a job)

4) Use the media to expose worker abuse (rare these days) and quit subsidizing the vampires (unions) with laws that protect them. We don't need them anymore. They served a good purpose at one time but are no longer needed to protect workers.

5) Make public service a job for public servants, not for gold diggers. Public jobs should pay 10% less than private sector jobs. If you want to "serve" then "serve" and quit expecting to be served. That would put more quality public servants working for US. It is not within the constitutional authority of our government to "create jobs". The open market does that. They have killed jobs the way it is set up now.

6) Restore our constitutional rights. Eliminate serial numbers from guns. Eliminate all laws relating to guns and prosecute criminals to the full extent of the law when they use them to commit a crime. Every citizen of the US is has the God given right to self protection using whatever method available. Our crime rate would plummet if our rights were respected as the founding fathers intended them to be. Eliminate all searches of people who aren't immediately suspected of a crime. There is no reason for anyone to touch a citizen nor go into their home, nor detain them unless there is reasonable suspicion that they are about to commit a crime. Period. Our founding fathers were very clear about that. Eliminate all barriers to free travel. It is against the constitution for the government to track or hamper our movements in any way. We are a free people. Being forced to license our vehicles, or ourselves for that matter is against our constitutional rights. The founding fathers knew that was the way for the government to take freedom away from its citizens and that is why the matter is addressed in the constitution. (And by constitution I mean the whole thing including the amendments)

7) Eliminate all criminalization of acts that produce NO VICTIM. Use and selling of drugs, prostitution, private homosexuality - everything that produces no victim or only WILLING victims are not prosecutable under our constitution and do not fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government. If a state or locality wants to make ordinances against such things, more power to them, but the federal government does not have that authority under our constitution.

I could go on and on. This country needs a shakeup like it had in the 1770's. It's time to rise up and take our rights back.

Before anybody goes on complaining about "Well, do you think FELONS should have guns?" or "Do you think we shouldn't have any traffic laws"? or other such nonsense, I think ALL felons should be locked up or executed depending on their crime. Once their sentence is served, they are a full on citizen, and have the same rights as any other citizen. The constitution does not allow for picking and choosing. Our country used to pick and choose like that, but now blacks AND women can vote and have guns. And as far as traffic goes the states have all the right in the world to regulate traffic. What they can't do is hamper your ability to travel in any way and that includes making you "purchase" the "right" to travel in your own property (license to drive your car).