The last American

Wow, thanks for posting that Tony.

I hope they listen to what he said and do something before it is too late.
He believes in some of what he says, but if you dig deep he is a hypocrite.

He talks about fiscal responsibility but then appropriates $400,000,000 for our district (I live in his district). He is an isolationist which would be detrimental to our trade relationships.

On the surface alot of what he says sounds great, but when you really look at his voting record and where his 'policies" would put us, Ron Paul would be terrible for our country.

He cant win anyways so its really a non issue.
Nevada was the only state he won the primary in last time we don't like the government up in our business. It's a great state to live in. If it weren't for the murderous cretan cops we have here it would be utopia!

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Ron Paul is a HERO! A man among the amoebas in congress. The one and only who has not sh*t on the very constitution they swore to uphold. Absolutely consistent. Known as Dr. No because he will not vote for, of all things, unconstitutional government. To stand alone, for whats right, against an endless sea of contempt and hate and ignorance and mocking. Not the most charismatic, not the greatest orator, just the best man . I think Ron DID win the last election - don't believe the vote is real anymore. END THE FED! WU TANG
Tom for someone who is a hero and hates the fed, he sure asks them for a lot of money.

Really look into Ron paul's actions, not his words, and you'll realize he's a scumbag, mores than others because at least others are honest about their willingness to sh*t on the american people and vote for unconstitutional bills.
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Not sure where you got your impression of Paul from. His voting record speaks for itself. He is a prolific writer who has stated his beliefs clearly. He appears to know more about American/constitutional history than the rest of congress combined. He is a tireless opponent and arch-enemy of the fed and fiat currency. His book, End the Fed is a good summary. I'm curious about your animosity and I have to look now but I can't imagine Ron Paul is pulling an elaborate hoax on America.
Paul - Palin 2012 !

They need a good slogan.

For the Tea Partiers who like Palin, but don't like Paul heres a slogan for their campaign:

"Sometimes you feel like a nut, Sometimes you don't"

For the Libertarians who love Paul, but don't like Palin here's one for them:

"Sometimes you feel like a nut, Sometimes you don't"

:0 :)

For the record, I like them BOTH!
How in the heck did Harry Reed get re elected, if nevada dont like big gonv??

He's got the three things that keep him in office like magic.

1) Even the rowdy, anarchists get addicted to the government tit. It's like crack. He funnels money to our state (not much, because he's a scumbag and uses what COULD come to our state as bargaining chips to buy votes on the floor)

2)They think it's good to have someone "in" in washington since we have such a small population.

3) He's a Mormon as is a huge percentage of our population. (Even though Scott won't stop here on his way to Utah, I guess Las Vegas isn't "mormon" enough for him) :)

We tried to get him booted last time. It almost worked.
.Guy, whether the relationships are fair or not is irrellevent. Regardless of whether we like it or not if we cut off trade with other countries the price of products that we typically import would skyrocket, which is the last thing we need right now or in the next 10 years.

The short term goal shouldn't be isolationism, but rather to elect a president who has the fortitude to enact fair trade laws. What's amazing is that even with the unfair practices, high tarrifs etc, our companies and country are more successful than every other country that we trade with. Severing those relationships would hurt us as much as them.

The long term goal should be to bring back manufacturing by A. Making our trade relations more fair and B. Reforming our tax code to be manufacturer friendly.
And getting local, state and federal government out of our business. That includes interfering with buyouts and takeovers and anything to do with unions. And oh yeah, get rid of all govt "incentives" to buy crap products like electric cars and 30 yr mortgage deductions

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Tony, what do you consider yourself politically? You seem pretty libertarian.