The DZ EZ Foamer

All I can say is don't let homeland security see you wheel that thing into Denny's...LOL
And for goodness sake where a flak looks dangerous.
That looks fine for the chem tank and air compressor. We get the foam from using the fabricated wand which mixes and agitates air with the chem at the wand end of the whole setup. We've been running it with around 100 feet of hose, using about 1-2 cups of foaming agent per 5 gal chem. Shoot me an email and I can give you our phone number so you and Steve can shmooze.
1-2 cups of foaming agent. I am using the Morgan Gallacher agent and I use 4oz per 2 gals (10oz for the full 5 gal bucket) and it foams up sweet. Kudos out to Matt for turning me on to them they make a great product and are super customer friendly.
I'm with you Alexy. I recieved my Foaming Agent Last Wednesday...hheheeh and I though dawn made foam.....The Foaming agent Rocks!!!! oH ONE OF MY 5 GAL PAILS GOT "DAMAGED" in shipping and they had to send it back. I would have loved to see the look on the guys face when he started washing out the back of that UPS van:)
"DAMAGED" Remember those Samsonite comercials from the 70's with the apes behind the ticket counter smashing luggage...I think they all work for UPS now. I bet the 5 gallons of brown sticky liquid was a pleasant treat :)