The camaro has officially blown it

agreed Scott. The prices they ask for this car is rediculous. I had a GTO and sticker on it was 36,ish with the options i wanted. But to ask 41,000 for a different grill, same motor as the z28, and different trim and seat covers they are out of their minds. If GM went to selling the z28 for 22-25000 they could move millions of them and dig their selves out of this dark hole they are now in
not to mention the performance parts industry would thrive from this because everyone would have the extra cash to purchase that 1,500 set of headers, and the 4000 for a good set of heads and cam.
not to mention the performance parts industry would thrive from this because everyone would have the extra cash to purchase that 1,500 set of headers, and the 4000 for a good set of heads and cam.

At one of the Ford dealerships my wife does business with they have three $122,000 mustangs that have a disclaimer that they are not street legal. I don't know anything about them, but my son does.
Hey since we ( US tax paying citizens) are bailing GM out do you think they will bring all those factories and jobs they sent to Mexico under NAFTA back to put AMERICANS to work?
What do you know, GM "Gay Motors" just pulled the video from you tube. I guess they couldnt handle the pressure.
lol "gay motors"
At $41,000.00 they can keep it.Tax money thieving scumbags
Maybe thats why they are calling it the Gay Camaro...Anyone who buys one now at that price and then see's what it is worth in 6 months -1yr will realize they got it in the A'zz. :eek: