Lets start with your tax return since you seem so comfortable with it. As for me, I think it is a terrible idea to be posting your tax return on a public forum. With three companies and investment properties, mine is a convoluted mess that the accountants figure out. Besides which...as any good business person knows, it is not the gross sales that counts...it is the income after taxes and expenses that counts. One guy might cash flow $250K thru his company and make $75K net...another might cash flow $150K thru his company and make $75K net.
Also, not everybody is year around. We are on a 8 month season around here, where you guys in FL are pretty much year round. Add to this the fact that each person's idea of "success" might be different. Some want big cash flow, others may be happy working less because they want a better quality of life and want to spend more time with their families so they earn enough to be comfortable. Others want to work 7 days a week and build an empire. Whatever makes you happy.