Thank you Iraq Vets


JL Pressure Washing
With the pull out of USA from Iraq happening this month, I think we all as a nation should say THANK YOU to all the military that spent the past decade there doing their job. I see little about it on the news and in newspapers but our great military did so much and never complained. We as Americans that aren't in the military didnt have to do much of anything, we weren't asked to sacrifice except for the cost of the war.
These great soldiers, all voluntary force, many did tour after tour after tour. Soldiers 18 to in there 50's I think. Kids who hardly ever saw their dads and mothers. Soldiers that gave their lives, over 4500 died, families that will never see their loved on again. They didnt quit, they didn't get beat down they just kept doing their jobs and did a great job, many still don't want to leave. Our military is amazing.

If there are any Vets on here, I just want to say THANK YOU to any Iraq vets and ALL in our military who do the toughest jobs on earth. I wish there was some way to pay you back. I feel there should be huge parades welcoming you all home and I pray every business in the country will hire vets first.

Thanks again and God Bless America

Happy Holidays & WELCOME HOME
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Thanks for the reminder.
