TEXAS Networking & Pressure Washing Event Nov 2009 Skid Give A-Way –


I'll check with you over the week-end just to see if you're getting bored with no Round Tables to worry about! LOL!
Rahsco Hot Water Skid Give Away

Part 1

Part 2

Listen to the concern in Rons voice as the last key is tried just in case the key doesn't work. I think Ron Jumped and Screamed louder than anyone!! LOL!!! Had to tease you a bid Ron... Thanks for helping put to gether the event - Great Work!! Let me know if you want me to send the original video on a disk.

Congrates to Jay Rissler the winner of the Skid
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Actually, his name is Jay, but that is okay.

This is the kid. He is a 16 year old that heard about the round table, and so he drove up from Bay City, Texas to attend. Nice kid. Maybe a future Michael Hinderliter...
Im in :dance3::clapping:
when and where?
That would be great. I missed the last one because I got married
(for the first and last time).
Even Ron Musgraves told me it was a legitimate excuse to miss the RT.
However I do regret not being able to attend.
So, yea, if you had another RT I would love to attend.
TEXAS Networking & Pressure Washing Event Nov 2009 Skid Give A-Way –

Mike Hinderliter Million Dollar contractor, hosting TEXAS

Truck Wash - Mobile Truck Wash
2300 Cold Springs Road
Fort Worth, TX 76106

November 14th 2009 Saturday Event Only


COST of The EVENT FREE for Contractors

Meeting Time will be 8 am to finish Saturday Only.

Tony Shelton- Filter Change & Coil Cleaning Electrostatic Air Filter Sales and Filter Cleaning Service - Sonitx Las Vegas


Ron Musgraves- Sales, Property Management & Importance of Joining your local Org. www.pressurewashinginstituite.com


Mike Hinderliter- Fleetwashing Expert Truck Wash | Fleet Wash | Mobile Truck Washing | Trailer Washout | Truck Detailing | RV Wash | Fort Worth | Dallas | Texas | DFW | Steamaway

This Facility will be open the day of Meeting for people to watch in action.

Mike's Company washes over 10,000 vehicles a month!!!!!

Roger Gothorp- Graffiti Removal

Mark Belyan - What it takes to get a Property Managers Business-Not confirmed

UAMCC -Jeff LeCours

PWNA- President

IWCA- SHiela

Ikeca - Invited

Scott Stone – Parking Garage Cleaning Expert-Keynote speaker


Russ Spence – Roof Cleaning – Flat work Demo (special Chems) Alabama Pressure Washing and Roof cleaning Company

Russ is a true mobile contract cleaner in a large way. Russ held the opening series of networking meetings in Alabama that has change the industry. Russ Spence opened the Environmental program with Robert Hinderliter in Prattville in Feb. 2009. Nothing will stop Russ from being on center stage as the 2010 come upon us with new ideas and networking programs.
February 20, 2009 Prattville, Alabama
PWNA (Power Washers of North America) Environmental Chairman Robert M. Hinderliter launched the new PWNA Environmental Initiative at a Contract Cleaner Round Table hosted by Russ Spence (Prokleen Power Wash) and promoted by Ron Musgraves (Pro-Power Wash). Over 50 contract cleaners plus Vendor Sponsors attended the event held in a suburb of Montgomery, Alabama. PWNA Environmental Program

Russ's Last meeting was highlighted in Cleanertimes By: Scott Rackley

Special Note: Russ Spence is throwing a party for the industry Feb 20th & 21st 2010

Larry Low Ball Millett – Roof Cleaning Not confirmed


Robert M. Hinderliter
Environmental Chairman

Robert Hinderliter- Expert CWA in relations to cosmetic cleaning- Available for questions
Robert will also be demonstrating the latest reclaim machine Rashco has to demostrate
RAHSCO Cleaning Systems , Pressure Power Washers

Larry Hinckley- Pump Rebuild 101 & various other tech questioning. Expert
RAHSCO Cleaning Systems , Pressure Power Washers

Matt Norman- SEO & Web Building Not Confirmed

Nichole Anglin - Attending from www.sunbritesupply.com

All speakers are subject to change; this event is one Day only.

Saturday November 14th starts at 8 am till finished.

Lunch will served to the first 100 entry’s free

Event Location & registration


Meeting location Steamaway

Truck Wash - Mobile Truck Wash
2300 Cold Springs Road
Fort Worth, TX 76106

Robert Hinderliter & Larry Hinckley Need no Introduction.
These guys are pioneers to the comestic mobile cleaning industry. Delco Cleaning Systems now Roshco Cleaning sytems. Larry & Robert in one Place,WOW!!!!!!! This will truly be a treat for old timers and new people.
Larry & Robert have many friends and associates in the industry. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend Mike’s Roundtable in TEXAS and meet Robert & Larry. These are the guys who invented Roundtables, many many years back Robert founded the PWNA through roundtables meetings.
Larry in a master fix all guy, Larry knows the equipment inside & out. If you’re new or old these guys understand the needs for mobile contract cleaners.

www.Sunbritesupply.com Give-away Myrtle Beach on the 20th 2009

YouTube - Sunbrite Skid Winner
Congratulations-Jay Burr

Rahsco formally Delco Cleaning will Give a Hot water Skid Away
You need to be present to Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holiday Inn Express
6351 N. Freeway
Ft. Worth, TX 76131

SEALNLOCK is attending Texas Meeting!!!

Texas is Happening Again
Hotwater Giveaway
Rahsco Hot Water Skid Give Away

Part 1

Part 2

Listen to the concern in Rons voice as the last key is tried just in case the key doesn't work. I think Ron Jumped and Screamed louder than anyone!! LOL!!! Had to tease you a bid Ron... Thanks for helping put to gether the event - Great Work!! Let me know if you want me to send the original video on a disk.

Congrates to Jay Rissler the winner of the Skid