tell me if the sites moving faster?

Nope.....It's crawling.

When you first started working on it I thought it was faster, but not now. :confused:
Faster Ron, well if you consider it going from a SLUG to a SNAIL I guess you can say it goes faster.

What is the problem, the server?

If so I surely would change and ask for the money you paid for 10 years back, if not then a bug has to be in the system someplace.

I'm using a high speed cable modem, and even now this board seems to be as slow or slower than it was before.

Like Reed I also am on a DSl and it has gotten slower. I timed when I hit the post reply button to send this reply and it took 1 minute and 48 seconds to load.
Now the initial load is faster, but the subsequent loads for threads and starting a reply or new thread still has the same hesitation, but the initial load is much much better.
