telescoping wands


How often are you using you Extend-A-Wand. I use mine for 8-10 hours a day for weeks on end(hope that will change once I get my hands on an X-Jet) Great design, I agree but definitely would recommend to anyone thinking about getting one to wait a while
Because, I think once the company gets more feedback from the end users, improvements will be made. Like I said I have three
and have had same problems with all of them. If I only had one I might have thought I just got a lemon, but all three. no way.
I will be the first in line to buy another one once improvements are made. From talking to Steve H. at the company I get the feeling that E.A.W is a great company with a great idea, just need more time to fine tune and improve upon a terrific idea.

I see the potential need for stronger materials, but I presume weight was an issue also.

I do not use it as heavily as you do. I am also very careful when lowering it not to slam it into anything, including the ground. When I lower it, I let go of the trigger......let it fall some, then pull the trigger again and use the pressure to break its fall. Works every time.

Not exactly sure what you mean by weight being an issue?

Not to beat a dead horse but, I'm extremely carefull when lowering wands also. I'm 6'3" tall almost 300 lbs. I dont even let my wand fall to the ground. I keep trigger pulled til about at a 45 degree angle, release trigger and (hand over hand) walk the wand down. I treat all my equipment very carefully. I dont want it to sound like i'm trying to bash the company. Maybe if others have had similar problems and post them here improvements will soon follow. Or, could be I recieved three wands from a defective run. Either way just listing my expierence with E.A.W. Hope to here from others on both sides of equation.


Call Glenn at Ace Cleaning 866-788-5074 about the Coress Wands. The X-Jet will reduce the need to use the wand all day long. The Coress is more money buy , but it is well worth the extra cost. You are only as good as the tools you have to work with. I recommend purchasing a belt to go with it.
I never had a Coress wand so I can't comment about it. I have the yellow 24'wand and I had the Blue 24' wand(Sturdier then the yellow). I also have the 24' extenda wand which I think works great. I did have it slam down on me once or twice and it can really shake up your hands when this happens but all in all this wand has worked like a charm. No swaying which is what I like.

Thanks for the info. I will definitely check into the Coress, after I get my X-Jet to see if I still need an extension. But in the mean time, could you elaborate a little more on what makes the Coress so much better. By the way the E.A.W. are not cheap either, but I have never been the type of person to put price before quality. Have you had your Coress long (trying to get idea of its reliability in the long run)

I purchased the Coress over a year ago. I personally like the twist locking system ( over the pin type) and the more rigid tubing. They have made improvements since I purchased mine (larger tubing) I did not care for the pin lock on the Extend a Wand. I also like the fact that the pressure hose inside the Coress comes out for storage. It is easier to take care of the hose that way. The yellow wands are just not sturdy enough for daily use. I have owned at least three of them over the last seven years and only keep them as backups.
M.C. said:
Not exactly sure what you mean by weight being an issue?

Point is, they try to make a wand as lightweight as possible, therefore making it easier to hold, raise, and lower.
i have a 32 foot corress telescopic wand which i purchased from Glenn at ACE CLEANING as mentioned above.
i have had much success with this wand and would reccomend it very highly.
when i pull out that wand people start staring and pointing in my direction.