telescoping wands


New member
Does anyone have any opinions on telescoping wands? Good or bad. All I have is a three foot wand and a ladder. What do you guys recommend?
ron p but dont order anything untill you get more opinions and we/I what you plan on doing with it. Coress makes a good one also
check GLENN at
depending on what your washing and what you need it for a X-JET may be what you need. Also on GLENN'S site amoung others.
Use the search feature on this site. There is all ready a lot of info about this subject.
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Try they have some resonable in price...
Paid 105.00 for 24 ft. I use it every time I wash a house, Dont have to stand but 10 ft. away, And wash just about the whole side with out moving to much... Saves me a ton of time, I can wash a two story house, about 2000 sq.ft in about 2 to 2.5 hours

Hope this helps,

Buy an x-jet or make your own from a downstream injector. Although the second will not give a 1-1 dilution like the x-jet claims.

Also let your chemicals do the cleaning instead of your back!

I can wash a 2 story 2000 sq. ft. house in less than an hour and yes, it is clean, including gutters.

how are you applying the chem,x-jet?My downstream must dilute the chems too much,have to soak the side over and over,till mold dissapears.
Do you wash /rinse from the ground after soap has been applied or have to get close to the siding to remove mold?
This is what i like to see,after soaps on,mold has dissapeared,like magic,slightly rinse from the groung without getting close.Is this what you are doing,i need to get on the right tracks finally.It still takes me around 3 hours for a house like that
As far as telescopic,i bought it this spring and never used the piece of crap,no need for it ,if siding cleans like desribed above
Listen to Les. That is the method I use and IT WORKS!! I washed a 2000 sq ft 2 story masonite house today from the ground in 1hr15m and that includes taking two breaks.

What are you charging for that house... Kind of hard to charge 200.00 for one hour of work... Just my opinion but people wont pay some one 200.00 for just one hour of work unless you are a doctor or something... You are also right let your chem. do the work, I have almost a no rinse home brew... Cost me less than 5.00 in chem to wash house and 5.00 to do gutters...

Hey fellows you all need to lay out exactly how you do it this way,that would really help.It takes me that long just to rinse the plants.

you seem to be wrong.You dont have to be a doctor to charge $200 an hour.What would you charge if you could do it that fast,$60?,at least a $100 right,good money per hour ,but not enaugh off the job.
Thing about it is,people like me or much ,much dumber all around,will charge the following.4 hours ,$50 or 60 an hour,
Total the same or more.Or worse ,a guy who totally washes off the ladder (lots of those here),no chemical will figure all day, 8h ,total $400.
Price the same,result the same-clean house.But i see where people would feel ripped off after 1 hour of work even if you did a good job.
Next year try another guy and he washes all day at same result and price,what a hard worker!!!!!!!,did a great job compare to the other guy,washed all day!!I hope thats not what they think.

Recently i bid this stucco house,house
260,front porch (painted)
$100,back deck $100.
Total $460,took 7 hours.

Other too guys were close@
house $600,deck(took me 4 hours)
$200 (took me 1 hour),
porch $200.
Total $1000,at 7 hours thats a lot.Surely they couldnt have been that dumb and plan on doing this 16 hours,who knows so.I believe they were planning on working same as i did or less
I was pissed at my estimate,oh well.

What do rest of you think?
When I first went into business almost 6 years ago, Delco was the only board around and I was looking for answers, mainly what to charge. I seen where guys were getting $300 or more to wash houses. My first bid was a 2 story about 2500 sq. ft. I quoted $2 a linear ft. like everybody was saying and my bid came to $280. The customer almost fainted and I'm standing there wondering what's wrong. This is the going price is it not? That's what the guys on the BB said it was supposed to be. Well, not in my neck of the woods. Single storys were being washed for $75 and 2 stories a little more.

This is where the adventure began. In order to make money, I had to cut my cleaning time. I asked everyone local that would tell me anything. I tried everything. I bought chemicals (most of them useless, some I may still have somewhere), I mixed chemicals, I tried extension wands, ladders, prayer to the pressure washing Gods, you name it and I was willing to try it.

Here's what I learned.

Invest in hose reels. Don't drag your washer around. If you bring it in the truck or on a trailer, leave it there. A hose reel can cut out 30 minutes of set-up and take down time.

Trade the extension wand in for another 100 ft. of pressure hose.

Invest in an x-jet or similar nozzle.

For chemicals, you need something that has no less than a 20-1 dilution rate. Anything less and youre wasting your time. I use sodium hydroxide based cleaners. Important, not straight sodium hydroxide but sodium hydroxide combined with some type of surfactant. If you can't find anything local, and NO, home depot does'nt have it, the closest thing I know is Delco's DNB-1430.

Next thing you need is Clorox, bleach, sodium hypochlorite or whatever you want to call it. An .89 cent bottle of K-mart brand does the same thing as the $1.50 stuff. Don't worry about the plants. It wont hurt them the way you are using it.

Mix 3 gallons bleach to 1-2 gals. of your sodium hydroxide cleaner. 5 gals. should clean 2500 to 3000 sq. ft. unless you are really dumping the stuff on.

Soap one entire side of the house. Top to bottom, bottom to top side to side it doesnt matter. Whatever way feels most comfortable to you. I soap the gutters first and work my way down. Once you have the entire side soaped go to the next side and soap it down the same way. When that side is soaped, go back to the first side and using the same nozzle with the chemical line disconnected, rinse it. Again it doesnt matter how just rinse it. Once you have it rinsed, go to the second side and rinse it. If I'm parked in front of the house I will usually start with the right side of the house moving to the back. When those 2 are done I pull the hoses back to the front and wash it and the left side the same way. I roll the hoses up, wash out my injector and the 5 gal. bucket, have a drink of water, clean the sweat off and go collect the money. With practice and the right tools, you should be able to wash a 2500 sq. ft. house in 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Think about it, 5 minutes to put soap on one side and another 10 to rinse it, 30 minutes setup and take down time. Granted, I'm not stopping to smell the roses or pet the dog either. If I think I may have finished to quick, I may wash off their walkway for some brownie

This will only work if your chemicals are strong enough and you have an injector that will apply them from the ground.

As far as pricing goes, I usually average between $75 and $100 an hour. Depends on how late I stayed on this computer the night before.

Hope this helps

As soon as I saw an ad for the extend-a wands in cleaner times magazine i knew I couldnt live without one. Most of my work is two story condos(didnt know about the x-jet). So that day I called and ordered two wands a12' and 24' . Icouldnt wait for them to arrive. They worked great for an hour or two. Then the big one kept collapsing while I was washing, so I switched over to the smaller one....same result. When the wands collapse they really slam together from the water pressure. The dang things keep falling apart. I have to duct tape the bottom to keep tubes from slkiding out and keep rags tied around the poles so they dont slam together so hard. Steve at the factory was v ery helpfull when I would call with problems(he even sent me a replacement for my 12')Great concept but still to many problems.(to many plastic parts) Doesnt look very professional when wand keeps collapsing during job.

You are right to shave your time on set-up and invest on the important stuff... I leave my washer in the truck and wash with alot of hose... Run about 350 ft of hose... I would save time by not smelling the roses and talking with the customer...Yes, I do clean the walk way to the front door for Brownie points... So we both do about the same thing, It just takes me longer to do it... The average is about 180 to 200 for a house in this untouced market... Sometimes I am so hard headed about time, That I feel that I have cut the time and that is a good price and no you can not cut any more time on the job... Sorry for the negative post on your reply, But I AM HARD HEADED and need to think towards the future on time issues for the low baller that will soon arrive in my neck of the woods.( not meaning anyone or implying)

Thanks Les for keeping my mind open, as the future will bring many changes for all P.W.

Thank you,

Matt out of Iowa
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I pretty much clean Vinyl sided houses similiar to what your saying except I still use my Extenda-wand at times.

The only problem that I can see with your method is the gutter cleaning part.

I use a chemical that is similiar to gutter Zap which if it were to get on the siding it could stain the house. This chemical is strong and I lightly brush it on then rinse it off.

The gutters come out extremely bright with just about no stains on them. With this being said I don't know how you can get the gutters looking nearly as good by just using house wash.

I'm sure you have an answer for this because I know you can do a great job on a house by reading your posts over the years.


I use a long wand to rinse gutters on two story houses. The X-Jet is all I need to use on the siding 95% of the time. I have a 24' yellow fiberglass / aluminum wand, a Coress 36' wand and have tried the Extenda Wand (18'). The Coress is by far the best I have used. I purchased the 36' for use with the Pitch Witch. Extended to 24'-26' if has very little bend.
Hi Les,

That's very impressive 90 minutes for a 2 story housewash. I presume that's mainly vinyl and straight boxes with no deck or sun rooms. Are you saying you don't need ladders to get up on attached garages; the NAOH soap will strip the sealer off decks does that ever become a problem.


I have never used Gutter Zap. From what I have heard about it, compared to what I use, I would say I am washing the whole house with Gutter Zap mixed with clorox. 99% of the time, the gutters come clean without brushing and only the house wash mixture applied. It is very rare that I have to brush a gutter.
The chemcials I use are strong but they will not damage the siding if applied properly. I cannot stress enough the importance of learning your chemcials and what they are supposed to do. Not just how to apply them. Sodium hydroxide mixed with liquid Tide will not do the same thing as sodium hydroxide mixed with NP-9.

One thing I do when I quote the job is pay close attention to the gutters. They will fool you. I have had gutters that were completely black from years of not cleaning that came out looking like new from just one application of chemcials and on the other hand, I have had ones that had very faint streaks that tried my patience and took a lot of brushing. This is very rare though.

I always ask the customers what they are expecting when it comes to the gutters. Some expect them to be like new again and some don't even realize that gutter cleaning is included. I always tell them that there is a slight possibility that all the streaks may not come off. Again, 99% of the time they do come clean and I look like a hero as a result, but I don't open any doors or make claims that they will look new again. I also tell them if they are expecting them to be like new and they end up requiring a lot of brushing then the price will go up, usually $1 a ft. Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing crappy work or I would'nt be in business, but I'm also not going to work for free either. If the customer is happy with a faint streak on their gutters, so am I and we make that clear before I start.

Again, the key to being fast is strong chemcials, knowing how to use them, a "from the ground" application system, reducing set-up time and get a routine. By that I mean wash every house the same way. Always start on the same side. I connect my water supply first, pull my pressure hose all the way to where I will start, mix my chemicals and start washing, working my way back to the truck. I reverse the order when leaving. I never vary from that. Routine is important and elimnates mistakes or forgeting something.

Hi Dean,

I guess by this point I have evryone throughly confused and wondering what they are doing wrong.

One thing to consider is you guys may be washing something completely different then me. Where I live, the primary thing I'm trying to get of is mildew. I'ts very humid here in the summer and there is a lot of mildew. My main ingredient in my house wash is clorox. There is a big misconception about clorox. I have seen recipes that say add a 1/4 cup to your mix. My God, I would have to wait a week for it to kill the mildew. I use no less than 3-4 gallons per house and then it's being diluted through injection. Then I'm rinsing and diluting it even further. The plants are getting rinsed by the run-off from the house rinsing. When it's on the ground they say it turns to salt. Don't know because I never tested that theory. All I know is I have never killed a plant. The soil here is very acidic. Clorox is a base, meaning it is most liking being neutralized even further when it soaks into the ground. For all I know I am helping the soil by bringing it back to a closer to neutral state.

The soap I add to the mix has just enough "bite" to loosen the dirt and hold it off the surface until I rinse it. It has just enough bite to clean the gutters without brushing, but it is not so strong that it is going to take the finish off of a deck. I guess if I let it sit there for a day or so, I'm sure it would do something, but the longest it is on there is maybe 10-15 minutes. The key to sodium hydroxide is that to be effective it needs to be applied to a dry surface. If your worried about decks or other surfaces, wet them first and the NaOh will not "bite" as hard or as qiuck.

Garages and sun rooms are not a problem. The nozzle I use will shoot 30+ ft. If I can see it, I can hit it.

Yes most houses are vinyl. That's the ones that have the most mildew. Painted houses (masonite, wood, etc.) are not much different. Same mixture, same time. Stucco, same thing. Aluminum is a little different as far as how I apply the chemcials because it will streak and oxidation will come off. I always tell the customer about oxidation and some possible outcomes. One good thing is that around here there are not many aluminum sided homes left. I do maybe 2-3 a year.

Thank you for your your time and sharing your methods.I pretty much do what you do,except i need a better injector,perhaps an x-jet.I am with you when it comes to bleach,1 cup is no go.Many homeowners use 1 cup to 1 gal or more and they cant get the dirt out.They call me and i dont have a problem.If they just knew they only needed a pump up,bleach and a garden hose.
Are you really using sodium hydroxide with bleach 1:3,if so what concentration is naoh.Thats what i use to strip decks and i wouldnt want an overspray of that hit me in the face .
Gutter zap users,how do you apply it without getting on the siding,that sounds like too much to worry about,discolored siding.There is much safer stuff without the worry
house washing

what i would do is start a thread under the correct form because you would get more responses.
This thread is under tele wands.
Johny there are meny ways to clean houses, an x-jet is one,it works well. Couple of problems with it. #1 proplem -overspray #2- wind
#3- angle #4 carrying chem around the house
#5-people not learning to use this tool correctly or getting the wrong size for there GPM and PSI
If you would like more help with this please post a new thread so more people can help you.
also do a search on x-jet and housewashing
most of this has been talked about.
I've never seen or used a Coress but have heard good things about them.

I have an extend a wand. I had trouble with it at first due to damage during shipping. We got that resolved, and I have not had any further problems. I think it is a superior design.