Our bank just called and they are cancelling all cards that have Target charges on them immediately for every one of their customers who charged anything at Target since Black Friday.
I wonder who pays for this in the end?
And, while it serves a good purpose in this case does it bother any of you guys that a bank, or the government can use a computer and go through thousands of bank customers and instantly know who bought something at Target during a specified time?
What if the government wanted to know if we donated money to a cause they are opposed to?
What if they wanted to audit people who gave to churches that wouldn't take the 501c3 status?
Or audit people who bought things at gun stores?
I'm sure it already happens. I'm sure they can already put a flag on your phone's GPS to let them know when you go to that church or store.
Private business that we contract with has every right to keep track of our purchases if they want to. If you don't like it you can just find a bank that doesn't.
But you can't find another country when your government spies on you.
What is so perplexing to me is that under the law (constitution) private businesses can spy on you, track you, videotape you or whatever they want as long as you contract with them. But the government CAN't by law. What has happened to this country where people now think it's the other way around?
When I was a private investigator as late as the 80's, we were trained in techniques and methods that would have been completely illegal for government authorities to use. But since we were a private company those laws didn't apply to us. What has brainwashed people into thinking the government should be able to do things that we can't?