Tampa Updates and Changes Thread!!!

I missed that round table on relaxing. I was doing double duty: learning at the event and spending time with my family. It was a "challenge" or "situation" (thanks for the new words Steve Stephens) at times but I did enjoy. I felt like super man changing from my "School" cloths (what my 4 year old, Lillie, called them) and my pool trunks at the facility locker room. In fact, one time I was in such a rush that I started into the ladies room by accident, I'm glad no one was in there. Btw, does anyone know why the Woman's room is so much nicer than the Men's?

It was great meeting new people and seeing old friends. I wish everyone the best - Great show.

Now I'm going to relax and digest all the information in Punta Gorda for a week before I head back to the grind. Oh yea, did I forget while, I'm relaxing: I have to make a new marketing plan, develop a safety program, read a marketing book, ...........yea relaxation!
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This may come out wrong but oh well here it goes. I do not need the round of applauses or acalades for putting on these shows that does not drive me to do these events. What does drive me to do them are the comments like Stevens and Tims about how much they are excited to have learned someting new that they can use to run their business better and make more money!
Shut up, you did a great job!! Certified 62 guys. You made history and deserve all the props. Making more money is by-product of the event. People will now need to implement all the great info they got. No more round tables on buckets, people expect quality and you delivered.

So sit back and enjoy it now. Next week they will blame you for there failure!! Lol
Ok, well here you go then Kory... The place you picked for dinner was awful. Reminded me of a baitshop. lol

But that didnt bother me at all. In a few hours Friday I picked up enough missing pieces of the puzzle to set our business on the right track. There is still a mountain to climb but this weekend was worth its weight in gold.
You suck Kory.....just want to make u feel better. You have grown by leaps and bounds since I first met you, You were just a kid then, now I can say you have become a businessman and professional.

Awesome job! I cant thank you enough.

Chris Apple, I picked the bait shop....lol

I had a great time, learned some great things like always and made some new friends.

Thanks Kory and Ron, another great Tampa event!

Each year I learn more things to make money and this year deliered just as before.

It is a shame that there will not be a Tampa event next year but I will probably just take my son to Florida on vacation and have some fun.

I am planning on going to the Phoenix event, I know it will be a great event.
And one more thing Kory remember to keep everything lubed up so it don't run dry!
lol Aaron it was great meeting you. You and Steve had me Rollin. That reminds me I need to send him some rattlesnake eggs. I hope we didn't take you to far out of your comfort zone this weekend. Aaron is a good ol boy we had eating Korean food and suchi he refered to as bait. Aaron if I ever make it up to your neck of the woods I will have to try something I haven't before.