
Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
William Page, this is for you. Next time your mother or your wife goes on a trip make sure you tell them to properly submit like these innocent girls.

If John Adams or Thomas Jefferson had witnessed something like this there would be two dead patrol officers on the side of the road and a couple of smoking flintlocks in their hands.

Our country is gone.
William Page, this is for you. Next time your mother or your wife goes on a trip make sure you tell them to properly submit like these innocent girls.

If John Adams or Thomas Jefferson had witnessed something like this there would be two dead patrol officers on the side of the road and a couple of smoking flintlocks in their hands.

Our country is gone.

Tony I just think its a urban thing, guys in the country know there law enforcement. So likely if someone searches there mom or wife like this it probably a relative.

Thats not a joke, well maybe the last part but the idea is in smaller areas i see more trust in Law enforcement. Not in PHX or any other place I'm a stranger...
What's next? A roadside colonoscopy to check for hidden cigarettes in a restaurant environment?

They are already drawing blood at DUI stops in Florida for goodness sake!!!!!

"Looked like you were driving and texting. Let's see if you've got a phone up there".....

"Heard you were posting on facebook before you left home about police brutality, where is that phone now, in your ass?" Here, let me check.....

I have raised hell with the police when they have spoken disrespectfully to my wife. I can't imagine the outcome if this happened to my wife and I was in the car.

How much pot could they have stuffed up there?????????

Who gives a crap???????

No one cares about this Ron. These thugs keep us "safe" from the dangers of some pot head spilling his chips and mountain dew. They are doing wonders keeping our kids from trying drugs in school aren't they? The truth is, they are worthless.

No one remembers the time when we could travel without having to look over our shoulder for some psychopath with a gun who is itching to stop and search us and steal our cash like they do all up and down interstate 40 in Tennessee. I carried over $10k cash last year across country. I don't like credit cards on a trip except for hotel rooms and gas. No doubt had I been stopped I'm sure it would have ended up in the coffers of some Podunk police department as "drug money".

Did you hear the video? "Where are you going?" - the correct answer would have been - NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!

"Do you have any marijuana in the car?" - correct answer - "IF I WAS DRIVING LIKE I WAS INTOXICATED WHY DID YOU SAY YOU PULLED US OVER FOR LITTERING? KISS MY A$$!


I don't give a damn about any so-called "drug problem" in this country or crime fighting bull$hit or anything like that. If it takes sticking a finger in somebody's ass, it's not enough worth bothering with.

The biggest drug problem this country has is harassing people and arresting them for small amounts of substances that people choose to put in their own bodies, leaving them with a criminal record that makes it difficult for them to become employed long after they have grown out of the crazy years of partying. THAT is the problem in this country.

I am so sick of this crap.

Sorry for the language. Somebody needs to WAKE UP!
I want to make something perfectly clear. This post was in no way directed towards anyone's family in particular. It could have been my wife or my mother, or yours.

But if you think this is wrong and the picture of this happening to your wife or mother disgusts you, and you do nothing about it, then, if and when it happens, there will be no one to blame but you.

That goes for me, Ron, William, or anybody else who has a keyboard or a pen or a piece of paper to write your local police department or write this broken down Texas department that allowed this to happen and stand up for your own rights and the rights of your wife and children!

What you saw on that video is PROCEDURE. What does that mean?

That means someone WROTE THE PROCEDURE
Someone TAUGHT the procedure
And the entire force LEARNED the procedure.


No one.

This is why guys like William think that I think all cops are bad. All I know is that ALL the cops who have even seen this procedure taught and have NOT STOOD UP AGAINST IT.........Are BAD. EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM!!!!!

None of them give a damn about the constitution of the United States or the citizens they are sworn to protect or they would have STOOD UP AND PROTECTED THEM when they saw this atrocious procedure.
I asked you on the phone to please not bring my wife or mother into conversations on the internet. Now I am asking you to leave my name out off your conversations on the internet. I can't make you. I am just asking. I am sure that Adams and Jefferson would have fired flintlocks if someone sugggested their wife or mother submit to that also. I appreciate your concern, but we are capable of handling our own affairs. We disagree on one point. Leave it be. Your assumptions of what I think are wrong. I left this board to avoid arguments with you and have been doing pretty well at it I think. I ask you as a friend and a gentleman, leave my name from your internet conversations. I'll be back in a year or so. carry on.
I asked you on the phone to please not bring my wife or mother into conversations on the internet. Now I am asking you to leave my name out off your conversations on the internet. I can't make you. I am just asking. I am sure that Adams and Jefferson would have fired flintlocks if someone sugggested their wife or mother submit to that also. I appreciate your concern, but we are capable of handling our own affairs. We disagree on one point. Leave it be. Your assumptions of what I think are wrong. I left this board to avoid arguments with you and have been doing pretty well at it I think. I ask you as a friend and a gentleman, leave my name from your internet conversations. I'll be back in a year or so. carry on.

If you had asked me to leave your name out I would have done so.

My post above was made in direct response to your phone call to let everyone know that this is about ALL our wives, mothers and children.

Your name originally came to mind in the first place because of your defense of the police profession as a whole, which, in my opinion, is a lapse of your otherwise rock solid judgment.

Obviously my contention that every "good" cop who allows this to happen within their department and does nothing is, in fact, BAD is a concept that you are unable to comprehend. I will let you live in your fantasy land without further interruptions by refraining from mentioning your name.

Do you have any more requests or are we done with requests?
Ron , this is real. And when you watch what happens, the cop makes it seem like its something she does routinely. That looks to me like. gross sexual assault, A guilty verdict would be punishable with prison time. This is the exact thing that all the tin hatters have been talking about!!! when does their abusive powers end ?
I asked you on the phone to please not bring my wife or mother into conversations on the internet. Now I am asking you to leave my name out off your conversations on the internet. I can't make you. I am just asking. I am sure that Adams and Jefferson would have fired flintlocks if someone sugggested their wife or mother submit to that also. I appreciate your concern, but we are capable of handling our own affairs. We disagree on one point. Leave it be. Your assumptions of what I think are wrong. I left this board to avoid arguments with you and have been doing pretty well at it I think. I ask you as a friend and a gentleman, leave my name from your internet conversations. I'll be back in a year or so. carry on.

You left because we had a Wack job here, ok Tony might still be a Little wacky.

Happy Holidays, I agree no reason to bring wife or children into this. I do not think the intent was Malice, but a fair request William.

I think Tonys reasonable , so no worries I'm sure.
Ron , this is real. And when you watch what happens, the cop makes it seem like its something she does routinely. That looks to me like. gross sexual assault, A guilty verdict would be punishable with prison time. This is the exact thing that all the tin hatters have been talking about!!! when does their abusive powers end ?

Its terrible that its real, my daughter being a female has to search females all the time. I have not asked her about this Yet.
This female officer was just put on suspension.

Allow me to explain just how shallow that action is.

First, the department already ignored complaints for this same thing. They did nothing.

They only did something when it was plastered on Fox News.

What does that tell you? They aren't concerned at all about the 4th amendment aspects of this, they are concerned with their PR.

This female officer was just doing as she was taught. Doe that mean she was justified? Absolutely not - for reference please look up the Nuremberg trials.

But WHO is at fault here?

The fault has many levels.

1) The people who believe that their views (religious or otherwise) on drugs trump the constitution. These uneducated voters blindly insert politicians into the system who follow their views regardless of whether their views are lawful or not. Some Christians need to wake up and realize that if they want to believe that Romans 13 tells them that they have to follow the "law of the land" then they better learn the law of the land (the constitution) and hold their politicians and enforcement to it. (Example - We tried to insert our morality into the law of the land with prohibition and it failed. Christianity isn't a religion of force. It is a religion of choice. We are not here to change hearts by regulation. We are here to change hearts by example and persuasion.)

2) The politicians who KNOW the constitution, yet bow to the will of the voters to keep getting elected. I AM TALKING TO YOU REPUBLICANS HERE! (This happened with the founding fathers also, some of whom were staunch slavery opponents, but they kept slavery out of fear of the voters.)

3) The lawyers who use semantics to and eisegesis to interpret law in ways to make regulations that fit their preconceived end result. in other words, they twist the law in order to find loopholes that will allow them for force the will of whoever hired them on everyone else. (Example: Twisting the second amendment to take away "certain" gun rights while pretending to follow the constitution by allowing "some" gun rights......I'm talking about you Chicago, New York and soon to be the whole country)

4) The enforcers who enforce these unconstitutional laws and regulations. These can be broken up into a few categories:

a) The President, Governors, Attys General, Mayors, etc who are elected/appointed to enforce unconstitutional laws (Reverse example - A State Attorney in Illinois recently announced that the laws in Illinois regarding gun ownership are unconstitutional therefore, his office will REFUSE to PROSECUTE based on those laws. - See - each level can make a difference!!!!!!_)

b) The local police/sheriff department entrusted by the (a) group to enforce the unconstitutional laws.

c) The officers entrusted to train new recruits in how to enforce the law and follow the law.

d) The supervisory officers.

e) The officer on the street.

Unfortunately there is a break between 4a and 4b where there is little chance of holding accountable those who violate the constitution. In other words, the first thing to happen is this lady officer is put on suspension. She might be fired. They might discipline the supervisory officers and "change" their training. (right)

But this buffer zone is what keeps this foul system in place. It never goes high enough to make a difference.

Ideally it would make it's way up the chain and everyone up to the president would lose their job. But that's not possible.

So what are our alternatives?

The only alternative is to work it from both ends and try to excise the entrenched power that controls this machine of injustice.

No matter what we do it will not be easy and it won't be free.

From the top, we, as a society need to educate our children on the law of the land. There is no reason any of our kids shouldn't know WHY our country was formed, how it was formed, and the form it finally took. The constitution only takes 35 minutes for the average citizen to read. It's not that difficult. The amendments take a little longer and, will also serve to show how we, even through the amendments, (after the first ten) have progressively become more and more wordy with our laws to the point where it is ridiculous and becomes hard to understand. But we need to learn it ourselves and teach it to our children. I would suggest the book "Paul Revere's Ride" also. It is the most concise and complete explanation of the events that birthed this country that I've ever seen.

From the bottom our law enforcement officers on the street need to first, learn the constitution, just like stated above, then utterly REFUSE to follow procedures that violate that supreme law of the land. It won't be easy. People will lose their jobs. The problem starts HERE. The good officers on the street fall into a few categories:

1) The corrupt - there is nothing that can be done about these but to root them out and fire them.
2) The up and comers - these guys will do whatever it takes to move up in the ranks no matter what it takes to feed their own ego and add one more ATV to the garage. These guys are almost as bad as #1
3) The misinformed - Those who do what they do because they have been brainwashed into believing that they are doing something good, without fully understanding that the ends does not justify the means when the means violate the supreme law of the land. The irony of these guys is that they will arrest people for confusing "crimes" who didn't even realize they were doing something wrong, but yet won't look inward and see that they are doing the same thing. These guys need to be educated. If that doesn't work you can rest assured that they really belong to #1 or #2 but have fooled us into believing they are honest.
4) The honest public servant - Most of these guys are afraid of losing their jobs. They are great men and are the ones who should be on the streets enforcing just laws. They will most likely lose their jobs if they try to do what is right. But they can rest assured that there are other jobs out there and their loss of job is a small sacrifice compared to the men who lost their lives in the Revolutionary war and left orphans and widows in order to put that law of the land into effect.

It starts with #4. They need to learn and educate #3. Their integrity needs to rub off on #2 and they all need to come together and excise #1.

Up from there the supervisors need to instruct their guys not to break the law and to remain upright and honest. The ones who don't need to be fired immediately. They need to learn the constitution and refuse to order their men to violate the it.

The trainers need to refuse to train in unconstitutional methods.

And most of all, the captains, sheriffs, Mayors, etc need to demand that the law be followed.

You can bet that when the legislature starts passing bad laws and those below them refuse to enforce them, things will begin to change in this country. Just like we have seen happening with the State Attorney in Illinois.

This is a tough issue and will require tough sacrifices.

And finally, if you are a police officer and you see nothing wrong with these women in the video being searched, please look at #1,2, and 3 and determine which officer you are and do what you have to do to become #4. (If you are number one, please turn in your gun today and quit)

If you are a citizen and you haven't read the constitution in its entirety in the past 2 years please go read it. Then read Paul Revere's Ride when you get the chance to see what real citizens are willing to go through for the freedom to travel without someone sticking a finger in your ass.
Its terrible that its real, my daughter being a female has to search females all the time. I have not asked her about this Yet.

I understand your daughters position, I am not against a police force and I do believe there needs to be women like her,ready to fight the crime. but I would hope that she is appalled by this and knows that it is wrong.
On the flip side, What if these girls had a pound of cocaine stuffed up their drawers?

So what if they did. Would that make this any more constitutional? Would it make it right if they were actually guilty of something?


(Disclaimer - "you" in the following paragraph is addressed to all Americans)

How many of you are going to give up your guns when they come for them? You all talk a big game about taken them from your "cold dead hands" but from the other side of your mouths you rant and rave about those who are sitting in a cage somewhere because they wouldn't give up their pot.

The fact is, almost all of you will give up your guns. Otherwise you might end up in jail and miss Jersey Shore.

How many of you have fully automatic weapons? Sawed off shotguns? Pistols with a stock? Californians, how many of you have 30 rd magazines? New Yorkers how many of you have a gun in your pocket now?

Virtually none. We talk big, but have no guts.

You want to hear someone with guts?

Do you know this story? General Gage, the "law enforcement" for the King on April 18, 1775 sent 700 men (cops) to Concord Massachusetts to confiscate the weapons of the people. Seventy brave men withstood them. The others "submitted". This was the beginning of our country.

Those men were brave. But they were just practicing civil disobedience. The 700 soldiers and General Gage didn't give a crap about the fact that they were violating English Common Law by enforcing the King's illegal law.

Here comes the bravery that might surprise you. .......Who warned them the soldiers were coming? Why were the men ready for the "assault" that was coming their way?

One person who saw what they were doing was wrong warned them. One person who defied a loyalty oath and saw an opportunity to do good. That person was exiled to a land far away from their birth for their loyalty to the law and disloyalty to the King. They lost their family life and their home.

Who was that person? It was Margaret Kemble Gage. The wife of General Gage.

Now you can all go back to Dancing with the Stars.