Sub-Contracting:Profit and Pitfalls?


New member
Hey guys,
I currently have an account w/ approx. 55 units, done on a quarterly basis. I may be inline to pick up a similar account (# of units). There`s no way I would be able to keep up w/ this volume, as I am a one man crew. I did a search on "sub-contracting" but didn`t get very much usefull info. What tips can you give me? Finding a reliable person to work with, "no compete contracts", how to make the venture profitable for myself and the sub( win/win situation), what pitfalls to look out for. So on and so on. I know there are other items to consider but this would get me started.
If I worked everyday, from sun up to sundown I may be able to handle the load. But there are other things in life that are more important than work to me. Family, friends and basically just trying to enjoy life.
So what I would like to do is work "smarter" not "harder". So any advice would be helpfull. Thanks in advance for your help and everyone have a safe and happy Easter.
Come on now, nobody has ever subed (spelling ?) out work before?
i sub hera is my 2 cents
they have to have their own licence and equiptment. if you lend them any of your equiptment than they are called employees and thats not good. Never call them your employee either. Make sure they have ins too. because they will not be covered under yours.
I preffer haveing subs than having employees. as long as I have less than 4. which i do.
I have sub forms I could send you over too. Just let me know what word prossesor program you have and you email address
or I could fax them over to you.
My email is
hey rocko, that`s great. i`ll email you w/ that info. thanks.
I'd buy a second washer and hire a helper. Get more GPM's and tear though them as fast as your water supply will allow.

How are you set up? Do you have skid mounted equipment and long hoses? My point is, is there any way you can make your equipment more efficient?

I personally have not subbed anything out like that before, so I can't really help you in that regard.
Hey Mike,
That`s kind of what i`m leaning towards. Right now, I have a Tuff skid mounted unit (5 gpm/3000psi). Man, would I love something a little more powerfull. Somewhere up around 8gpm. Something where I could walk along like I`m taking a brisk Sunday morning walk, waiting for my favorite NFL team to take the field. But....alas. I do have a 24" Steel Eagle (waiting for a new Dueblin), sitting in the back of my garage. I guess what it sounds like, is... buy all the equipment on my own and just pay a friend of mine to run it. Pay him/her an hourly wage and pocket the rest??
Using subs has never worked out well for me. They just get to the point where they want more money for less work or want to start out on their own. I'd hire someone else and guy a two gun rig like the one I have. Or just but a second rig and hire someone you can trust. With the two gun rig you work twice as fast and your always there to make sure things are done right and quickly.