Tony I was anti org when I found PWI, Ron himself sold me on the org idea a couple of years ago so I listened and joined and then I watched as two orgs went different directions, now neither go in any direction, I simply feel I tried to support both and then watch their demise, not blaming one single person either, I blame the internet.
Orgs on the net are simply an extension of a bbs in my opinion. Its always the same personalities clashing every year.
I dont blame Ron, Tony, Mike, Robert, Carlos or anyone. Its everyones fault.
Russ I get it, really the Internet ?
Why has pwi not fallen then? Why is this still a popular place ? Because this site around all the negativity above all sorts the bs from truth. That something you helped build. Why because your a honest fair person.
The government of the bbs keeps even the guy who founded the membership here inline when I don't follow the rules.
Nothing or one single person can touch this place. We built a solid house of guys. In charge that are true leaders. Think about that ??
The staff here is amazing!
We get expert most from our industry to assist.
Can I ask why one little bbs can do so much? Because we as people collectively made it happen.
I belong to excellent orgs that have web forums. People don't run around discrediting members. They don't pick the phone up and tell someone I'm donating money too be-careful that guys trying to control or run you. They don't get on the phone and spread lies about me.
I just mention all this because it's a regular occurrence with this org industry stuff. It's like people need to have a gossip channel.
Its sad, truth is I could careless about them all too at this point. For the most part they are bull.
I won't be selling the dream just wait we are working on it. I won't support a new start up until the person has real benefits in place.
The premiss here is not to argue with you or anyone else. But to openly express honest reasons and answers. Give choices and truths of why we feel something works.
It's not the internet, something was missing from the start. It's a foundation an principals that lacks to get the house clean , strong independent from all to stand on it's own.
If I left pwi some say it would not be the same. That might be true, it will still be here when I returned in ten years. What it would be I don't know? But it will go on without me fir years to come.
Funny the very thing that you claim destroys built this place.
Ron Musgraves text me 480-5225227 ???Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk