start up


New member
i would like to know what i need for a start up business for roof cleaning, pumps cleaner,and what ever else that i need i looked all kinds of differant sites but i just have more questions than answers so if anyone can help that would be great. i would like to know not the cheapest but not the most expenseive. thanks jeremy
i would like to know what i need for a start up business for roof cleaning, pumps cleaner,and what ever else that i need i looked all kinds of differant sites but i just have more questions than answers so if anyone can help that would be great. i would like to know not the cheapest but not the most expenseive. thanks jeremy
I suggest a delevan 5800 pump to start, and a 100 gallion tank with 200 feet of 5/8 hose.
Call Pressure Tek in Ohio, ask for Bob, they have all ya need.
Everything you need to know is on this bulletin board. Use the search engine located at the top of the page. I have been a member here for a few months and i have been in the business for almost a year, and it is the best resource for our peoples.
I suggest a delevan 5800 pump to start, and a 100 gallion tank with 200 feet of 5/8 hose.
Call Pressure Tek in Ohio, ask for Bob, they have all ya need.

Chris is right , that is the best set up for the money , the only thing I would add would be a good hose reel like the Titan Stainless
Chris is right , that is the best set up for the money , the only thing I would add would be a good hose reel like the Titan Stainless

Hose reel???? Russ, you told me you roll it all up yourself by hand?:D
I'm new to the forum. Can anyone tell me how to get rust off of a roof as I have run into several 2 story houses thst are draining AC water and causing rust stains. Thanks
Roy Lawson
I suggest a delevan 5800 pump to start, and a 100 gallion tank with 200 feet of 5/8 hose.
Call Pressure Tek in Ohio, ask for Bob, they have all ya need.

Chris and others,

I took your advise and ordered from Bob at PT....very nice gentleman. He talked me into 200' of 1/2" hose. He mentioned that the difference is not that great, the cost for a starter is a bit easier on the wallet and a bigger diameter hose longer than 200' would not be ideal for the pump's capabilities.

I just received most of the equipment and I'm very happy.

But the 1/2" vs 5/8" hose choice is still nagging me. I do see that the delevan pump has native 1/2" in/out well as the gun I bought. (The barb does reduce it further though and that's where I'm guessing the difference is)

If possible please comment.

Is anyone using 1/2" hose and happy with it?

Also, how is the Mean green hose holding up? I see that it is PU(R) based which is rated a C regarding SH resistance.
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There Has Been Many Tests Done On Hose Size And 5/8" Is The Way To Go. Even With A Small 1.8 Gpm 60psi Pump. You Will Want To Up Grade In The Future To More Flow And The 1/2" Will Be 2 Small.

There Are A Few Guys Using Mean Green Hose And It Seems To Hold Up Well.
Chris and others,

I took your advise and ordered from Bob at PT....very nice gentleman. He talked me into 200' of 1/2" hose. He mentioned that the difference is not that great, the cost for a starter is a bit easier on the wallet and a bigger diameter hose longer than 200' would not be ideal for the pump's capabilities.

I just received most of the equipment and I'm very happy.

But the 1/2" vs 5/8" hose choice is still nagging me. I do see that the delevan pump has native 1/2" in/out well as the gun I bought. (The barb does reduce it further though and that's where I'm guessing the difference is)

If possible please comment.

Is anyone using 1/2" hose and happy with it?

Also, how is the Mean green hose holding up? I see that it is PU(R) based which is rated a C regarding SH resistance.

once the larger hose pressurizes I see a huge difference but I use the 1/2 mpt with a 3/4 barb and a 5/8 goodyear hose and the poly gun that Bob Sells and I absolut:D ly love theset up
I'm new to the forum. Can anyone tell me how to get rust off of a roof as I have run into several 2 story houses thst are draining AC water and causing rust stains. Thanks
Roy Lawson

Phosphoric acid works best on rust. Oxalic acid also works well too.