something no one want's to talk about

ron p

What are you doing to prepare for it at home?
What do you think it will do to our industry?
We are going to war.
When they hit the towers, i could'nt get cash[atm's/banks computers shut down]
the food stores were out of everything.[cash only]
There is a big diffence between being scared and being preparred.
I now have plenty of water and canned foods.
In my life i never thought i would even have to think about this stuff.
I also have a home safe. It has more then just cash in it if you get my meaning.
If this war drives fuel prices to $5 per gal i guess my little PW co will be the last of my worries or will it?
If i had oil heat in my house i would switch to gas.
Maybe it's time to look at propane to run the wash unit and burner.[Dave Olsen style]?
Who out there has family that's not home because of the starting of this war?
God Bless Us All.
I don't want to talk about it!

No, just joking, as far as gas prices go, I would be more worried about the situation in Venezuela, taking out Saddam insane, will do a lot to stabalize the oil industry, and if all the tree huggers get out the way and let us start drilling in Alaska, then we will be a lot more independent>

If all else fails, i guess we will just have to uncap our wells down here in Texas...LOL

I don't think prematurly (sp) worrying about gas prices will help anyone, in England gas is over $5 a gallon and business still manages to plod on there!


I probably have a different attitude on things but since there is really nothing we can do to control what goes on I just go about my life and if it happens it happens.

I do try to keep water, dry and canned food for a couple weeks around but what really can we do?

If you want to talk about what this country should have done, well how far back you want to go, Germany during WW2 when the big 4 split it up instead of us taking the whole place?

Korea, Japan, Desert Storm etc.

The one thing that bothers me is why do we always stop short? I say if you start something FINISH the WHOLE JOB.

Ok might as well speak my mind here, if I were in charge and was going to start a war I surely would not give my enemies warning of it, we say in x number of month if you don't comply we will attack you, we are going to send in inspectors, we are going to do this or that.

Hell we gave him so much lead time he has it all hidden well and is prepared for us, we are in my opinion at a disadvantage here.

NO I was not in any service, I tried but my dearness prevented me from joining yet I wanted to. I did pass all the written and physical exams till they said something and I turned the wrong way, ops, YOU COME HERE, DID YOU HEAR WHAT WE SAID, no Sir, into that little room for a hearing test, I told them I will not pass it since I am part deaf, he asked how in hell did you get this far, my smartass reply was and yes I remember it forever was BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU I HAVE BRAINS AND AM SMART.

Well they did give me bus fair home.
Actually, despit what what the Mediots say, Desert Storm was finished, the whole deal stemmed from a british promise to Kuwait to protect them, maybe one of our history buffs can confirm, but it went back (I believe) to the Empire days.

The English were going in, and luckily we got help, but the sole purpose was to liberate Kuwait...Mission acomplished!

As for preparation. I am prepared. I will suffice it at that. If we do get in a protracted war I think that it will be good for industry in General. A "good" war will always help an economy to recover, especially if it is fought somewhere else, such as Europe, or the middle east. As an example of this look at post WWI and Post WWII. Although times were a bit difficult during the wars due to rationing of supplies, as a whoel the conutry did fine, and many fortunes were made. After the wars, yes Both of them, all of those GI's came home and started spending the money that they made while they were at war, and couldn't. It made for a very robust economy for 12 years after WWI, and then the Depression came, mostly due to political chicanery, and then after WWII, the economy was good for another 25 years, when he started hitting hard times. Vietnam did not have the same effect for a lot of reasons, mostly because the citizens of the country were not firmly in support of the "war" effort, and because it got to political to quickly. What started out as a training exercise, turned into a full on effort to help them save themselves, without ever going the full distance. A lot of that had to do with how the hands of the military were tied in order to be politically correct.

Anyway, I feel that the sole responsibility of providing for my family falls squarely on my shoulders. No one else is going to do it, so I have made arrangements to make sure that we are taken care of, and that our needs (NOT WANTS) are met.

Scott Stone
Quote "because it got to political to quickly" and because of a bunch of liberal democrats and their allies, The ACLU, it could again, I do firmly believe though, old George will stay the course.

God Bless the U. S of A

James Gavin Bushong
By Gad Gav, your related to BUSH?

And you live in Cow country.

And you LOVE the ACLU?

Oh please help me, I think I will learn to drink beer, even if half way though the second can I would be drunk as a wild bull!

Do you drink Billy Beer? eat peanuts with your beer?

Something tells me his reply will crack us all up too!
Hello Jon,

Like you I also have a Medical Discharge from the service. My problem is eyesight.

During the preliminary physical exam they really run guys through the place like a herd of cattle. After getting up to The Great Lakes Training Center the first thing they do is put you through another physical exam. How did you ever get in the Navy, the doctor asked. Held up my right hand, I said!

During this time (early 60’s) the Draft was still in effect. If you enlisted you would have the opportunity to get training and possibility a degree. The Draft was for at least 2 years in the Army. Enlisting was for 3-4 years in the service of your choice if you could meet the requirements.

All I was trying to do was get some education and get my service obligation out of the way.

Jon, as I have said in the past. You and I should get together. I can hear just fine, just cannot see very well!

As for the question at hand, I remember my thoughts on September 11th. “Many of our sons are going to die”, that’s what War is! I also remember it was several months after before I felt that it was Ok to laugh about anything!

I like many others have a real problem with our Country starting a War. Then I ask, how many September 11th’s are we going to endure until we take the offensive?

Dave Olson
haHa Jon, Busch beers the name of the game, I eat red meat and I don't brake for squirrels.

On the question of "starting a war", I don't want any of our boys dieing, but Saddam has had every oppurtunity to get out of his self made predicament, the way I see it, he's leaving us no choice.

Ah, but I do know Billie Beer in the Orange and White Can. Also remember Budweiser in the stumpy 8oz cans. Lets not forget Olympia and the old removeable pull tabs that got banned.
Jon, I thought you were a BREW 102 kinda guy!
The American people have a trait that sets them aside from the rest and that is the American people send their young to fight for the rights and well being of others. And in turn asking nothing in return. WW1-WW2-Korea-Viet Nam-Desert Storm-Somalia-Grenada and so on. Each of these events were fought for others.

Even in Viet Nam the gain was nothing and we asked for nothing. Franklin said " America can't win a five year war", they just don't have the patience. The one gain was simple-NOT Again-we will not let the political waistland decide the fate of our ground units. The ground actions after Viet Nam should that deep seated will-to prevent another Viet Nam.

This new event shows that we have issues that are bigger than us and we must help those who can't help themselves and for the well being of the region.

Grant as with Alan you're just to young to drink!

Lucky Larger (spelling?) Beer and the old Saturday night Lucky Lager hit parade from 9 PM to 10 PM with the top 10 count down.

Now as to what beer I like, truth be told I don't drink beer, soda pop and hardly touch alcohol at all.

Birthday, anniversary and New Years and I hate bubbly water.

Almost finished with a great vintage wine that was opened 5 years ago, not full size either so that is how much I drink.

Before anyone ask I was never an alcoholic and never drank enough to even come close to what one drinks if it is a 6 pack.

Just don't like the stuff period.

Like I said one and a half cans of regular size beer and I am drunk, really.
I found this Airman's response to the Washington Times. It should be
printed in all newspapers across America. Especially now when the
President is calling up more Reserves and National Guardsman. Get this
response out to everyone you know. It's time the Jane Fonda's & Shaun
Penn's of this country wise up and support the troops that defend them.

Noel Pritzl
1st Vice President USDR

Military pay article

On 12 Nov, Ms Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley TV show) wrote a
piece for the Washington Times, denouncing the pay raise(s) coming
servicemembers' way this year -- citing that the stated 13% wage was
more than they deserve.

A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her article below. He ought to get a bonus for this!

Ms Williams:

I just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GIs earn enough"
and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted
overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every
month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my
bank account. Checking my latest leave and earnings statement(LES), I see that I make $1,117.80 before taxes. After taxes, I take home $874.20. When I run that through Windows' Calculator, I come up
with an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40 after.

I work in the Air Force Network Control Center (AFNCC), where I am part
of the team responsible for the administration of a 5,000-host computer
network. I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with
Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for Network
Technicians in the Washington, D.C. area reveals a position in my
career field, requiring three years experience with my job. Amazingly,
this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year, nor does it pay less than this..

No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum. I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions. Also, you tout increases to Basic Allowance for Housing and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (housing and food allowances, respectively) as being a further boon to an already overcompensated force. Again, I'm curious as to where this money has gone, as BAH and BAS were both slashed 15% in the Hill AFB area effective in January 00.

Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you have NEVER had
the pleasure of serving your country in her armed forces. Before you
take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD
leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest
pay brackets off AFDC, WIC, and food stamps, I suggest that you join a
group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN, I leave the choice
of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make, though, opt for
the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time
away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment

As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone – obviously they've been squandering the vast piles of cash the DOD has been giving them.

Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are
perennial favorites. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a DFP (Defensive Fire Position, the modern-day foxhole), shivering against the cold desert night; and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE (meal-ready-to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor.

Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't nearly
be long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be
thankful for it. You may have picked up on the fact that I disagree
with most of the points you present in your op-ed piece.

But, tomorrow from KABUL, I will defend to the death your right to say
it. You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First
Amendment rights and every other right you cherish. On a daily basis,
my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective nose at us, all on a salary that is
nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most
people cringe.

We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we
can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies. And you, Ms
Williams, have the gall to say that we make more than we deserve?


A1C Michael Bragg, Hill AFB AFNCC"

Lovely letter and now take a few minutes to research how to get a copy of that the the notty B_ _ _ H Williams so she can use it as TP while she pretends to not know what hardship is.

In fact I wonder if she ever was without anything in her spoiled life.

Makes it hard to believe how devoted service people are when they know what the private sector pays for the same job.
Watching these protests just galls me. These people are so mis informed. As was said, Kuwait WAS mission accomplished. The mission was to remove Saddam from Kuwait, nothing more nothing less. Did we try to get him, of course we did. We just couldn't get it done in the time frame we had. I was there in Daha, Saudi Arabia, getting a briefing telling how we were going to extract Irag from Kuwait. It went just as planned and as quickly as planned.

Now, it's a different story. Most Everyone likes security and peace. This comes at a price. A big price. Peace is not free folks.

I spent 20 years in the AF and I would do one thing different today if I could do it over again. I would have joined the Army or Marine Corp. These two service's are the perfect example of defending me and my family. I will forever be grateful to any service member for hearing the call and having the guts to put the country first before self interests.

To the tree huggers out there, get a life. I think these people need to go to Europe and pay 2 to 3 dollars for gas. Sure the oil in TX and OK have a higher sulfer content, so what, filter it, keep Our money in the USA. The hell with the damn diaper headed sandmonkies trying to hold "US" over a barrel. Our biggest mistake in the desert was to teach them how to be greedy. I am sick of hearing how Bush is screwing up. The one good thing he did was surround himself with some of the best people any administration could have, Democrat or Republican. I am an independent and vote my beliefs. It's time to quit screwing around with Irag and get business done. Think of the consequences if we don't. Does anyone know what chemical weapons he has. Well how about RIcin to start with, a strain of Antrhax that is 10 times more powereful that any strain we had.

To those who don't think Saddam needs to be neurtalized, you need to do some more research as to what the man really is and what he is really capable of doing.

Ok, so that's how I feel. Others may see it differentyl, fine, you and I are entitled to our opinions.


ps, I am very proud of my two son's that are over there right now, doing or getting ready to do what needs to be done.
Reed well said,

A question, I thought no two family members could be in a war zone if both are in the service at the same time?

Has that changed or is there some sort of exemption they had to sign to say we both want to be there knowing one of us does not have to be sent?

Or is it only if that person is the last son of those that have served before them?

As for the madman sadam, I still want to know why we did not finish the job by taking him out the first time.
