Soap Injector Question?


Active member
When running TSF2021 pump with 150' feet of 3/8" hose,.. it is pulling soap with a 0020 nozzle. General Hi-Draw injector 5-8 GPM,...Just wondering why it's pulling soap with a 0020 nozzle? I have a 3-5 GPM and the 5-8 GPM injectors. Feels like I'm missing something here?? Any input would be much appreciated.

What size hose are you running?

What are the specs of the gun you are using?
I run the same pump and 150 ft hose with Suttner 2305 gun,it will pull soap with a 0040 but not a 0020.I always use 5-8gpm injector.The 3-5 feels like its choking the flow down.
Ok,..thanks for the replies,...I think I will try an older injector and see what happens. I also think it may be an injector issue as mentioned above. Because if it was working to specs,.. the pressure coming from the 0020 shouldn't be allowing it to pull soap , least I wouldn't think??

Most injectors will start drawing at about 1000 psi some will work at about 1500. Really there are a lot of factors that can impact it but if you put a gun on there with a little more restriction like an 8gpm rated gun you should eliminate that issue.

In a way its a goo problem to have it means you are operating your equipment very efficiently...
Thanks for the input everyone,...Just wanted to keep the topic alive, the guy from the other board stated,..."lots of info on NOT pulling soap, but nothing on always pulling soap",....If I do figure the issue out,..I will share with the board.

@Paul Kassander,...I may try a smaller flow gun and see if that helps,....but,..I really like the ST-2000 triggers,..they are cheap and bullet proof,..and feel good in my hand. But I may try a lower flow trigger anyhow,..just to see?

How much pressure at the gauge? Maybe the unloader is adjusted for lower pressure and that is why it is pulling soap with the 20 orifice nozzle?
Hey Christopher,..there isn't a gauge in-line and I don't even own one,...but,..I am going to get one with the quick connectors so I can test it and see where I'm at with the 20 orifice nozzle. Good point about the unloader,...Just the way it feels though, it shouldn't be pulling soap,..but maybe I will give the unloader a turn or two and see where I'm at.

Jeff, it still pull soap with a 3-5 gpm injector or just the 5-8? We use the #40 to wash & rinse with....of course we have to walk back to the trailer to manually pull the chem line but it's really not that big of a deal, we've done it like that for years.

We're installing 1/4" 3-way ball valves on the box truck we're building so we can just switch from pulling soap to pulling water (rinsing injector) through the injector. Still have to walk back to the truck though.
Thanks Guy,..yea, pulls soap with either injector. What I've actually been doing so far,..(Till I get this figured out),....For house washing, I've been idling down to where it is like 5 GPM and using my quad-banger nozzle set from last season. On concrete we've been pre-treating and then running the pump without any injector to get max flow. Love the flow of the 8 GPM on concrete and decks also. Even rinsed a couple of roofs just to see the flow,Ha,Ha,..

I run the TSF2021 as well.. I was having a horrible time getting soap to draw from the General injectors.... tried both the 2.1 and 2.3 ( 3-5, 5-8).. I literally had to soap eve thing twice it seemed to get it cleaned... it was a real PITA.. I was use to the great soaping of my 4gpm.
Hal turned me on the the SSS injector..(super suds sucker)... I am running it with the #3 nozzle. It soaped like a friggin monster!! however it would still draw soap while rinsing with my 20's (2520 and 0020).... I changed orifiaces to 15's (2515 and 0015) have no issues anymore. I may do a 3way valve like Guy said. I love using my 0540 to rinse pool cages , taller areas, etc.. My man way cover is a PITA to get too...Hope this helps.
I think there must have been a batch go through that were drill out abit large lol.

Me too Hal, i usually order about 8 at a time and I have had some from the same batch that would draw, and then the others that wouldn't. When I find myself using one that does draw, I just shut the ball valve a little and the soap stops.
Jeff, it still pull soap with a 3-5 gpm injector or just the 5-8? We use the #40 to wash & rinse with....of course we have to walk back to the trailer to manually pull the chem line but it's really not that big of a deal, we've done it like that for years.

We're installing 1/4" 3-way ball valves on the box truck we're building so we can just switch from pulling soap to pulling water (rinsing injector) through the injector. Still have to walk back to the truck though.

I also like to soap and rinse with the larger orifice nozzles, less stuff blowing around and a better rinse.

I will be ordering the remote from Russ soon to try it out and see how that goes, hopefully will save some walking and some time, especially on the larger projects.