New member
Hi guys, I am trying to track down why my two new hot water heaters that I have just taken delivery of are over fuelling and smoking like steam trains.
They are meant to be 3GPH /420000 btu Beckett 230 Volt AFG burners but I am wondering if the burners are configured correctly as I can get them to burn clean with much smaller nozzles but not with the 3gph nozzles that were supplied.
The MFG’S SETTINGS says FIRE RTG: 1.65 –2.50GPH.
What is RTG and how is that going to effect running the burner at 3GPH?
MFG’S SETTINGS says PMP PRS: 140psi.
Now 140psi x 3GPH nozzles gives me 3.6 GPH fuel flow.
Should I reduce the pressure of the fuel pump to 100psi or maintain pressure at 140 psi and reduce nozzle size to 2.5 that gives about 3GPM?