Smoking Burner


New member
Hi guys, I am trying to track down why my two new hot water heaters that I have just taken delivery of are over fuelling and smoking like steam trains.
They are meant to be 3GPH /420000 btu Beckett 230 Volt AFG burners but I am wondering if the burners are configured correctly as I can get them to burn clean with much smaller nozzles but not with the 3gph nozzles that were supplied.

The MFG’S SETTINGS says FIRE RTG: 1.65 –2.50GPH.
What is RTG and how is that going to effect running the burner at 3GPH?

MFG’S SETTINGS says PMP PRS: 140psi.

Now 140psi x 3GPH nozzles gives me 3.6 GPH fuel flow.
Should I reduce the pressure of the fuel pump to 100psi or maintain pressure at 140 psi and reduce nozzle size to 2.5 that gives about 3GPM?

Too big of nozzle. The fire RTG means the range of fuel flow the burner is meant to run in, so 3 GPhour is way too much, your max is is 2.5.
How many gallons per minute are you heating? I think I'd go down to a 2.25 and keep the pressure at 140.
What model burner is it? I know a Wayne EHASR will do 3 GPH. So will a Beckett AFG. But they have to be set up properly.
Here's a page on the Beckett. You'll notice at the bottom the different flame retention heads for the various firing ranges. Maybe you've got the wrong one?
Thanks everyone for their input. The good news is, that now the problem has been identified the supplier is all over it.

One more question, I am thinking of buying test gear so that I can tune all my burners instead of doing it by eye. I was thinking of a digital unit and after recommendations as to what I may need and what you would buy?