Brett Greunke
New member
We currently store our SH in a 325 IBC Tote and are looking for new ways to transfer SH from tote to truck. What are some efficient ways of doing so? Ideally want to be able to transfer up-to 100 feet.
Just drop your line in through the top. A filter/strainer should be installed at the bottom of the line or somewhere before the pump. A check valve is a plus as well.
We use a electric pump that works great in the last 10 years went through 2 of them with 100's of gallons a day. They have a tube with fan on the bottom that is all plastic. 2 inch hose 100 ft. To trucks can fill up 50 gal. In a couple minutes.
You can draw with a dipstick just fine from the top cap opening. I belive you can draw up to 14 ft with a 5850.Thank you for all that replied ! Its nice hearing great advice. I like the advice of adding a 12v to top of tote, seems easy and economical. Will the 12v draw from the top
(placing hose thru top opening) or requires to be plumbed to the bottom of IBC tote?