Serving and Protekting

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire

Dad saves boy before car plunges down cliff -- and gets pair of traffic tickets
By Greg Wilson
Published May 21, 2012

Frank Roders' Jeep took a bath, but he saved his son.
A New Jersey dad got the scare of his life when his 5-year-old son almost ran off a steep embankment, and though the man saved the boy from falling, he couldn't stop his Jeep from going over the precipice and into a river below.
The reward for his ordeal? Two traffic tickets from local police.
Frank Roder, a construction worker from the town of Winfield Park, had taken his son, Aidan, down to the Rahway River to feed ducks Thursday. But when he stopped briefly before settling on a parking space, the impatient boy jumped out and took off -- straight toward a ledge 35 feet above the river, Roder recalled.
"He hopped out, and I thought that was OK, I was just going to park," Roder, 38, said, but "he just took off, made a beeline for the edge."

The panic-stricken father jumped out of the cab of his 2006 Jeep Commander and raced after the errant boy, catching him just feet from the edge.
That's when Aidan, eyes as big as saucers, looked behind Roder and said, "Um, Daddy ..."
Roder turned in time to see the Jeep nosedive down the embankment and land in the muddy water.
Roder hugged the boy and waited as Union County police converged on the scene over the next few hours. A crane pulled the Jeep out, and amazingly, it started right up, though Roder is pretty sure his insurance company will count it as totaled.
He was counting his blessings when a young cop approached him and handed him two tickets. One was for failure to produce the insurance card, which was somewhere in the waterlogged cab. The other was for failing to use his emergency brake.
"I couldn't believe it," Roder said. "He said, 'If you would have taken the five seconds to apply the brake, this never would have happened!'
"I say, 'Really? And if I did and my boy stepped over the edge and fell instead of the Jeep, then were would I be?' He says, 'Jail, for child endangerment.'"
Too awful to contemplate is the fact the Roder almost took his six-week-old son Joel along for the ride.
"At the last minute, I told my wife to take him," Roder said. "I can't even think about that."
Union County Police Chief Daniel Vaniska told that his officers have some discretion about when and when not to write a ticket. But he said he just didn't have enough information to second-guess what this officer did.
"It probably could have gone either way," Vaniska said. "I can't comment on the discretionary practices of an officer, but certainly, the fellow will have an opportunity to tell his story in court."
Municipal Court is where Roder might get some sympathy -- and maybe forbearance on those tickets, which are for $50 and $60. His date is May 30.
"I don't care, I'll pay it," Roder said. "It's just the principle. When something like that happens so fast, I could give a rat's a-- about the car."

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Look in the italics and underlined sentence above where the worthless police chief doesn't even have the balls or the sense to condemn what this moron reject did to this man who could have lost his son!!!

I would be curious to know what happened behind closed doors. It is always bad for morale for a leader to castigate a person in public, which this young ambitious cop probably deserved. The silliness of it all slays me.

On a side note, what would you suggest for police departments to avoid this type of problem happening? Would you be for a society with no cops, and everyone has to fend for themselves? Give me your options.

You know how legalistic I am...
Come on Tony, those decisions that could go either way are tough to make, because, well, you know, they could go either way.
I am surprised the cop didn't chase the father down and taze him before he could get to his son. The Headlines would read " Cop saves man from fall with tazer"

There are no words for this !! Well there are but I will refrain !!
I would be curious to know what happened behind closed doors. It is always bad for morale for a leader to castigate a person in public, which this young ambitious cop probably deserved. The silliness of it all slays me.

On a side note, what would you suggest for police departments to avoid this type of problem happening? Would you be for a society with no cops, and everyone has to fend for themselves? Give me your options.

You know how legalistic I am...

What about the morale of the citizens of this idiot's town?

You tell me Scott. You're a businessman. what would you do if you had 35 guys working for your who didn't have the common sense to even spray a wand without breaking something? Would you go in front of your customers and say "I don't know if they destroyed your concrete or not Mr Customer, I just don't have enough information to make that decision at this point".

Or would you immediately say "I'm sorry this happened Mr. Customer, but you can rest assured I will get to the bottom of it and it will never happen again". ?

If you had a bunch of idiots running around with the ability to cause damage I am fairly certain you would go on a firing spree and put their sorry butts out on the street where they belong and you would go through the process OVER AND OVER again till you got a crew that could get the job done right.

THAT, Scott is what needs to be done in our police departments. The only problem is, the people running the police departments are just as stupid and corrupt and the little thugs they command.

We need to DEMAND a cleansing nationwide from the top down. If a police chief has more loyalty to his men than to the public he serves, he has to go. Do you have more loyalty to your guys than you have to the customers who pay your bills? See how far that gets you. They have everything backwards.

I am surprised the cop didn't chase the father down and taze him before he could get to his son. The Headlines would read " Cop saves man from fall with tazer"

There are no words for this !! Well there are but I will refrain !!

If it happened here they would have killed him and said he attacked him with his vehicle.
I do protect my guys, and I fire them in a heartbeat if they are not maintaining standards. I understand your point, but really, there is so much more then is ever apparent on the surface, it is always advisable to take a breath so that something could be looked at from a different angle.
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If you guys think I'm just a blowhard on the internet, just ask my family or anyone who knows me. I'm as vocal in person as I am on the internet regarding things as important as these.

I may run for office eventually. The only reason I haven't previously is because I felt I was too much of a newcomer to Las Vegas to be taken seriously without having put down some roots.

I post in many other areas including very frequently at the local news media sites. I am active in local campaigns and have hosted candidates in my home on occasion and attend and socialize at many of the party events.

I don't try to hide my religious or political beliefs. If someone doesn't want to do business with me because of my beliefs I hope they don't let the door hit them on the way out.

We need some SERIOUS change in this country.

Change starts with talk. Just ask Thomas Paine or Benjamin Franklin. They were the internet bloggers of their time and they started a revolution that changed the course of the world!

I can get on here and other places day after day and harp on about police abuse and the loss of our rights until I'm blue in the face. But real change will only happen when the Scott Stones and others like him are beaten or killed in the streets.

Unfortunately that day is closer than most think.
This kind of police chief response isn't taking a breath. It's a subtle way of the chief letting his men know that he will do whatever it takes to protect them.

And it's his way of telling us to go @#$% ourselves.

I think that is The Police Chiefs way to get off the phone with an overzealous reporter looking for a boss to publicly lambaste his subordinate. This is poor use of discretion on the officers part, but Tony, who are you to judge..... in other posts, you recommend that we all simply allow the Big Man Upstairs to judge us when our time comes, so why don't you leave it be??? Also, you should not criticize everything cops do unless you walk a mile in their shoes and you certainly haven't. It is easy to be a monday morning quarterback and point out all of the things that someone does wrong but remember that news reports are generally filled with misinformation, as such you should take what you read with a grain of salt.
Oh andlighten up, there are alot of cops out there that do plenty of great things each day, I don't see you posting all of the good deeds all over the interent and thanking those officers for a job well done.
Honestly, I worry about killed in the streets by someone other then a cop. There are drunks that can hit me, homeless guys that will pull a knife on me, and people that will take shots at me from a long distance, and not so long a distance. Those are the things I worry about. A cop going rogue can happen, just like any employee can go rogue. I have even been threatened unnecessarily by cops, and took it their commander and received an apology. And every one of the things I mentioned has happened to me at least once in my career as a pressure washer, doing what I do. I have always come away unscathed, because I was lucky, in the cases of the multiple times I have been shot at, or because I was able to talk to people and call them down.
A rogue cop is like a rogue employee. Every once in a while you are going to get one, and if you keep it to 1%, you are doing great. With a million cops out there, even with the extensive training that they receive, I think that there is a little higher percentage that will go rogue, and even at 2%, that is 20,000 cops.
The problem is we are dealing with humans, not automatons. If there is a problem, it needs to be taken care of. It is nearly impossible to profile people to find out what they are going to do in a situation before it happens. I am certain that you have been involved in enough organizations to know that it is impossible to predict. I was in a union, and the union leaders knew that it could not be predicted who would strike when a strike was called. Sometimes the most vocal people about striking would back down when they realized that they were not going to be able to make their house payment.
Should rogue cops be punished, of course, but you are painting them all with a very broad brush, and I just do not feel that they deserve that.
I think that is The Police Chiefs way to get off the phone with an overzealous reporter looking for a boss to publicly lambaste his subordinate. This is poor use of discretion on the officers part, but Tony, who are you to judge..... in other posts, you recommend that we all simply allow the Big Man Upstairs to judge us when our time comes, so why don't you leave it be??? Also, you should not criticize everything cops do unless you walk a mile in their shoes and you certainly haven't. It is easy to be a monday morning quarterback and point out all of the things that someone does wrong but remember that news reports are generally filled with misinformation, as such you should take what you read with a grain of salt.
Oh andlighten up, there are alot of cops out there that do plenty of great things each day, I don't see you posting all of the good deeds all over the interent and thanking those officers for a job well done.

Michael, who am I to judge?????

I am the guy you are supposed to provide justice for when I am wronged by some criminal who has no regard for me or my property.
I am the guy who pays extra everytime I buy something to pay your salary.
I'm the guy minding my own business trying to get to the next job while looking in the mirror in fear of being pulled over and robbed at gunpoint or even shot, it I don't "comply" or fail to understand commands. For what? For doing something (talking on the phone) that I've been doing for the past 20 years that is now all the sudden a crime.

Who am I to judge? Are you kidding?

What you can't ever seem to understand is there is a difference between the cops and every other group. There are a lot of bad HVAC contractors with no morals. They will steal from you without blinking an eye. They will come into your home and take your belongings and you wouldn't want to leave many of them alone with your wife or kids.

But here are some of the differences:

The HVAC tech doesn't come up to your house with a gun pointed at you telling you how to move as you open the door for him.
The HVAC tech can't look all around your house for reasons to add to the bill
The HVAC tech can't make you pay whatever he wants just because he says you owe it.
The HVAC tech can't make you ly on the ground tied up like an animal while he "sorts things out"
Lastly the HVAC tech can't shoot you with impunity by claiming he "feared for his life" at any moment.

Michael, there are lots of good priests doing good everyday too, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to drop off my 6 yr old grandson at the doorstep of one for a few hours of ice cream every Thursday. There is a fundamental problem with the priesthood. They have taken the biblical precedent of leadership and made it a prerequisite that the priests be unmarried. Those who can remain so only fall into two categories, one, like Paul (of which even he says there are few) and the other is the one likely to rape your grandson. Until that fundamental flaw is fixed all the good things priests do will mean little to nothing.

There are lots of cops doing good everyday too. There is a fundamental problem with the police. As a whole, they LIKE Lording over the people. They are taught that their goal is to "come home to their families"above all else. They are taught to always shoot to kill. This draws a bunch of psychos to the force who think they are above the law. You know it and if you deny it you are a damned liar.


Different jobs require different experiences and personalities. Changing grandpa's diapers in the nursing home is not for everybody. There are lots of people who have a giving heart who are willing to do that kind of work and feel good about doing it. But being around old people like that gives opportunities for abuse and theft. That draws those nutcases who you see robbing grandma and beating grandpa on hidden cameras.

Representing the government with a gun in your hand requires a different type of person. If you are not more than willing to jump in front of a bullet to save a citizen then, Mike, you are not that person. Please start pressure washing full time.

My family has been in law enforcement for at least four generations.
I was a private investigator in the 80's and had a very close relationship with the Bay area police.
I was also SP in the Navy.
I applied for the police department in West Point Mississippi, but moved to another state for personal reasons before being hired.

Sure, there are good guys in the department. Like my Uncle who took two bullets trying to tackle a young man into submission. My uncle had a gun in his right hand, but he took the shots and took the guy down physically without firing on him because.... "I just kept thinking about how it was gonna hurt his momma if I killed him". My uncle was one of the only sheriffs to participate in taking down Buford Pusser for his crimes against the citizens. He was castigated by the surrounding sheriffs, but respected and loved by his deputies that he had hand picked for their respect for citizens.

Where are those cops Michael? I'll tell you where they are - they are in our past. We will never get them back again until the entire philosophy as to what the role of cops are is changed.

And that won't change until we stop making so many laws that make everyone PERPS! OR until the police start using their "discretion" and quit enforcing laws that violate civil rights.

Michael, you always ambiguously agree that some of the things that make the news that the police do are wrong.

How about a challenge?

When I was in the Navy I saw some atrocious things aboard my ship. I was on the ship two years, but I saw really bad unprovoked assaults, theft, blackmail, bribery, extortion and even two murders planned and found out later that they were actually carried out. That was in two years.

I challenge you to post up 5 of the most atrocious things you have seen police officers do with details. And fully condemn them. Then go find the victims and apologize to them for the actions of your fellow officers and offer to help make them whole by testifying against the abusers.

When you've done that, come back and enjoy the credibility you've earned. If you haven't been murdered by those guys you are asking me not to judge.
Hey Tony you're going to love this....

I voted as a democrat yesterday.

Chris, I've voted for democrats many times. An educated voter will vote for the right candidate, no matter what their party. (hint: Ron Paul). lol
Michael, who am I to judge?????

I am the guy you are supposed to provide justice for when I am wronged by some criminal who has no regard for me or my property.
I am the guy who pays extra everytime I buy something to pay your salary.
I'm the guy minding my own business trying to get to the next job while looking in the mirror in fear of being pulled over and robbed at gunpoint or even shot, it I don't "comply" or fail to understand commands. For what? For doing something (talking on the phone) that I've been doing for the past 20 years that is now all the sudden a crime.

Who am I to judge? Are you kidding?

What you can't ever seem to understand is there is a difference between the cops and every other group. There are a lot of bad HVAC contractors with no morals. They will steal from you without blinking an eye. They will come into your home and take your belongings and you wouldn't want to leave many of them alone with your wife or kids.

But here are some of the differences:

The HVAC tech doesn't come up to your house with a gun pointed at you telling you how to move as you open the door for him.
The HVAC tech can't look all around your house for reasons to add to the bill
The HVAC tech can't make you pay whatever he wants just because he says you owe it.
The HVAC tech can't make you ly on the ground tied up like an animal while he "sorts things out"
Lastly the HVAC tech can't shoot you with impunity by claiming he "feared for his life" at any moment.

Michael, there are lots of good priests doing good everyday too, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to drop off my 6 yr old grandson at the doorstep of one for a few hours of ice cream every Thursday. There is a fundamental problem with the priesthood. They have taken the biblical precedent of leadership and made it a prerequisite that the priests be unmarried. Those who can remain so only fall into two categories, one, like Paul (of which even he says there are few) and the other is the one likely to rape your grandson. Until that fundamental flaw is fixed all the good things priests do will mean little to nothing.

There are lots of cops doing good everyday too. There is a fundamental problem with the police. As a whole, they LIKE Lording over the people. They are taught that their goal is to "come home to their families"above all else. They are taught to always shoot to kill. This draws a bunch of psychos to the force who think they are above the law. You know it and if you deny it you are a damned liar.


Different jobs require different experiences and personalities. Changing grandpa's diapers in the nursing home is not for everybody. There are lots of people who have a giving heart who are willing to do that kind of work and feel good about doing it. But being around old people like that gives opportunities for abuse and theft. That draws those nutcases who you see robbing grandma and beating grandpa on hidden cameras.

Representing the government with a gun in your hand requires a different type of person. If you are not more than willing to jump in front of a bullet to save a citizen then, Mike, you are not that person. Please start pressure washing full time.

My family has been in law enforcement for at least four generations.
I was a private investigator in the 80's and had a very close relationship with the Bay area police.
I was also SP in the Navy.
I applied for the police department in West Point Mississippi, but moved to another state for personal reasons before being hired.

Sure, there are good guys in the department. Like my Uncle who took two bullets trying to tackle a young man into submission. My uncle had a gun in his right hand, but he took the shots and took the guy down physically without firing on him because.... "I just kept thinking about how it was gonna hurt his momma if I killed him". My uncle was one of the only sheriffs to participate in taking down Buford Pusser for his crimes against the citizens. He was castigated by the surrounding sheriffs, but respected and loved by his deputies that he had hand picked for their respect for citizens.

Where are those cops Michael? I'll tell you where they are - they are in our past. We will never get them back again until the entire philosophy as to what the role of cops are is changed.

And that won't change until we stop making so many laws that make everyone PERPS! OR until the police start using their "discretion" and quit enforcing laws that violate civil rights.

Michael, you always ambiguously agree that some of the things that make the news that the police do are wrong.

How about a challenge?

When I was in the Navy I saw some atrocious things aboard my ship. I was on the ship two years, but I saw really bad unprovoked assaults, theft, blackmail, bribery, extortion and even two murders planned and found out later that they were actually carried out. That was in two years.

I challenge you to post up 5 of the most atrocious things you have seen police officers do with details. And fully condemn them. Then go find the victims and apologize to them for the actions of your fellow officers and offer to help make them whole by testifying against the abusers.

When you've done that, come back and enjoy the credibility you've earned. If you haven't been murdered by those guys you are asking me not to judge.

The philosophy of I'm right and your wrong and what you have judged people on is in the past. It did not effect me, you or most others around wach of us. You like to categorize, stereotype and place blame. You harbor alot of resentment against the police and its shows in your internet diatribes. Perhaps you have some underlying feelings of dissatisfaction that you should address prior to blaming every police officer in the country for the things that you find abhorent. There are scumbags in every profession and there are professionals. It takes someone with a brain to realize that a few bad apples don't ruin the whole bunch.
Your continuous attacks are laughable. I would love to see you run for public office and spew the hatred that you harbor within. You will likely end up on the losing end of that battle.
Michael, who am I to judge?????

I am the guy you are supposed to provide justice for when I am wronged by some criminal who has no regard for me or my property.
I am the guy who pays extra everytime I buy something to pay your salary.
I'm the guy minding my own business trying to get to the next job while looking in the mirror in fear of being pulled over and robbed at gunpoint or even shot, it I don't "comply" or fail to understand commands. For what? For doing something (talking on the phone) that I've been doing for the past 20 years that is now all the sudden a crime.

Who am I to judge? Are you kidding?

What you can't ever seem to understand is there is a difference between the cops and every other group. There are a lot of bad HVAC contractors with no morals. They will steal from you without blinking an eye. They will come into your home and take your belongings and you wouldn't want to leave many of them alone with your wife or kids.

But here are some of the differences:

The HVAC tech doesn't come up to your house with a gun pointed at you telling you how to move as you open the door for him.
The HVAC tech can't look all around your house for reasons to add to the bill
The HVAC tech can't make you pay whatever he wants just because he says you owe it.
The HVAC tech can't make you ly on the ground tied up like an animal while he "sorts things out"
Lastly the HVAC tech can't shoot you with impunity by claiming he "feared for his life" at any moment.

Michael, there are lots of good priests doing good everyday too, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to drop off my 6 yr old grandson at the doorstep of one for a few hours of ice cream every Thursday. There is a fundamental problem with the priesthood. They have taken the biblical precedent of leadership and made it a prerequisite that the priests be unmarried. Those who can remain so only fall into two categories, one, like Paul (of which even he says there are few) and the other is the one likely to rape your grandson. Until that fundamental flaw is fixed all the good things priests do will mean little to nothing.

There are lots of cops doing good everyday too. There is a fundamental problem with the police. As a whole, they LIKE Lording over the people. They are taught that their goal is to "come home to their families"above all else. They are taught to always shoot to kill. This draws a bunch of psychos to the force who think they are above the law. You know it and if you deny it you are a damned liar.


Different jobs require different experiences and personalities. Changing grandpa's diapers in the nursing home is not for everybody. There are lots of people who have a giving heart who are willing to do that kind of work and feel good about doing it. But being around old people like that gives opportunities for abuse and theft. That draws those nutcases who you see robbing grandma and beating grandpa on hidden cameras.

Representing the government with a gun in your hand requires a different type of person. If you are not more than willing to jump in front of a bullet to save a citizen then, Mike, you are not that person. Please start pressure washing full time.

My family has been in law enforcement for at least four generations.
I was a private investigator in the 80's and had a very close relationship with the Bay area police.
I was also SP in the Navy.
I applied for the police department in West Point Mississippi, but moved to another state for personal reasons before being hired.

Sure, there are good guys in the department. Like my Uncle who took two bullets trying to tackle a young man into submission. My uncle had a gun in his right hand, but he took the shots and took the guy down physically without firing on him because.... "I just kept thinking about how it was gonna hurt his momma if I killed him". My uncle was one of the only sheriffs to participate in taking down Buford Pusser for his crimes against the citizens. He was castigated by the surrounding sheriffs, but respected and loved by his deputies that he had hand picked for their respect for citizens.

Where are those cops Michael? I'll tell you where they are - they are in our past. We will never get them back again until the entire philosophy as to what the role of cops are is changed.

And that won't change until we stop making so many laws that make everyone PERPS! OR until the police start using their "discretion" and quit enforcing laws that violate civil rights.

Michael, you always ambiguously agree that some of the things that make the news that the police do are wrong.

How about a challenge?

When I was in the Navy I saw some atrocious things aboard my ship. I was on the ship two years, but I saw really bad unprovoked assaults, theft, blackmail, bribery, extortion and even two murders planned and found out later that they were actually carried out. That was in two years.

I challenge you to post up 5 of the most atrocious things you have seen police officers do with details. And fully condemn them. Then go find the victims and apologize to them for the actions of your fellow officers and offer to help make them whole by testifying against the abusers.

When you've done that, come back and enjoy the credibility you've earned. If you haven't been murdered by those guys you are asking me not to judge.[/QUOTE
The philosophy of I'm right and your wrong and what you have judged people on is in the past. It did not effect me, you or most others around wach of us. You like to categorize, stereotype and place blame. You harbor alot of resentment against the police and its shows in your internet diatribes. Perhaps you have some underlying feelings of dissatisfaction that you should address prior to blaming every police officer in the country for the things that you find abhorent. There are scumbags in every profession and there are professionals. It takes someone with a brain to realize that a few bad apples don't ruin the whole bunch.
Your continuous attacks are laughable. I would love to see you run for public office and spew the hatred that you harbor within. You will likely end up on the losing end of that battle.
Michael, are you claiming that every violation of rights and physical confrontation you have witnessed or been a part of during your time on the force has been justified?

I ask you again. Share with us 5 abhorrent acts you have witnessed.

Why not use this opportunity to gain some credibility for the entire force? You like to make ambiguous statements about a "few bad apples" yet you haven't offered any examples of what you have personally witnessed.

But you can't, can you? And you know why. Because if you do, my next question is going to be why are they still on the force and why haven't you done something to stop them.

You can't win this argument. Not because I'm right, but because the entire system is so wrong it is indefensible.

The whole force is full of coverup artists and it doesn't matter if there are 75 good ones and 3 bad ones, the 75 BECOME bad when they won't REPORT and DEMAND excision of the 3 bad ones.

I have hatred alright. I hate liars. And I hate people who abuse others, especially when empowered by the state to do so.

If you aren't one of the bad ones, get out now Michael. You obviously aren't willing to spill the beans on the bad ones in your department. That would make you either one of the bad ones or a good one that's too weak to stand up for their victims. If you are in a position to affect any kind of positive change and you don't do it at least step out of the way and make room for another who might.

On the brighter side it looks like you've got a pretty good thing going pressure washing. There's plenty of money to be made cleaning things. You're still young enough, maybe you can shake off whatever influence that atmosphere has sucked out of your soul. lol.

Either work for the citizens or join us.
I don't work in a place that is full of civil rights violations, ass kicking polic officers and officers that go off half cocked. I am in a position to do good. I have been a boss by us for almost ten years. I have seen my share of things that were not done properly in the past and by virtue of my position I have worked to make things better. As a result, we are a accredited police agency. There are less than 5% of police agencies in NJ that are.
Your frustration with the system should not be with every line officer that dons the uniform day in and day out. There are alot of good cops out there that do good every day. I will not publically go into detail about any specific situations that I agree with or disagree with because it serves no purpose. All I know is that I can look in my mirror each day and be proud knowing that I do the right thing. I happen to run a business as well and I think that gives me a different perspective than some. I also have a masters degree and consider myself to be an intelligent person. I am an analytical person by nature. I very much enjoy my job as a police officer. I have seen alot of things in the past 15 years and experienced some not so pleasant things as well, and this job may not be for everyone.
That being said, you should channel your frustration, anger, resentment into some form of positive behavior. Going off half cocked about others does nothing to change the things that you resent.
Hey Tony there's just a couple of things I want to add here. First thing is I never met an officer that was taught "Shoot to Kill" in any training they have ever done. If you have proof of that I would love to see it. I'll be a little bias here now because I retired. As a cop your taught to be "Non Bias". The Bias answer and it may be true.. I graduated from the best police Academy in the country if not the whole planet back in the 80's which was the NYPD academy. We were taught probably the same thing most academies were taught which was "Shoot to stop". Just wanted to clarify that point.

What Mike says above About you channeling you frustration and resentment into something positive is perfect advice because your obviously energetic and driven.

What your saying about so many people makes you seem narrow minded and extremely judgmental. Your categorizing people and then labeling them. Not all cops brutalized, Not all priest are pedophiles, not all northerners are screaming liberals,not all southerners are racist, not all politicians are crooked(well that ones a stretch J/k), but when you see everything as black or white what your really doing is an injustice for all the good people out there and I know that's not who you really are.

Buts let's look at the cop issues your bringing up. Better yet let's look at the idea of you running for an elected position within your community. Obviously you want change. That's fair and always a great platform to run on. What positive things do you want to bring to the table? Do you really want to tell the voters that your going to "categorize"?

When Mike says above "your going to fight a losing battle". I would say that's a very fair statement to make. Let's stick to cops again. How do you tell a voter who's listening to you who may have lost a son or a daughter that was a cop and was killed in the line of Duty such as what happened to so many of them here during 9-11, that all cops are categorized as bad? How do you tell the family of let's say NYPD Police Officer Eddie Byrne who was assassinated on duty while protecting a witness that Police officers are bad people?

If you turn your endless energy into something positive such as " I respect what the every day Police officer does but any officer who unlawfully uses his position to violate, intimidate or to terrorize anybody should be brought to justice swiftly so we can route out any corrupt cops" will make people feel good because it shows that you care about the good guys which is a positive and your going to protect the citizens from the bad guys is also a positive..

Does that work in your mind?