Sending my wife to do face to face sales.... whatcha think??


New member
In an effort to get accounts cleaning houses for open house weekends and to potentially speed up a houses sell time, im sending my wife out to do face to face sales with real estate offices.

heres the introduction i made up for her...

<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content=" 3.2 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> </style> Hi, my name is jane doe, is (insert name) here. Im with Dans pressure washing and would like to discuss the services we can provide you to help you sell more houses, and earn more money.

First impressions are very important.

Pressure washing can greatly increase the curb appeal of a house, resulting in a quicker sale and selling for more money. By cleaning the siding, gutters, decks and driveway, the visual presence of your house will create a great first impression on potential buyers. Sending buyers inside the house with a good “feel, or sense” of the house.

Lets say you have an open house coming up this weekend. You have the inside of the house vacuumed, dusted, picked up, and swept. But buyers dont see that until after they are inside. So, having Dan's pressure washing come out to detail the exterior will result in the house creating a good looking, long lasting first impression.

Sure, people try to do it themselves. But honestly, the soaps/chemicals and cleaners available to the public are very much inferior to the chemicals available to professionals. And the equipment used by dans pressure washing is going to give you a look that cannot be achieved by the do-it yourself-er.


With my limited advertising knowledge, i think it will work. but i could be wrong.

for your info, my wife is attractive, great personality. so i would not be surprised to get some business just because the real estate dork thought she was cute. hey, sex sells!! lol.
We need a pic to verify. LOL. Just messin with you. Good luck with it and let us know how it does.
Real Estate people dont clean anything....they can however suggest cleaning to the owner trying to sell the property
Personality goes along way in sales and everybody has to find their comfort zone..... then jump out of it :) If she's a "people" person she'll probably do pretty well. I'm not a big believer in the "sex-y" sells philosophy but I'm sure it doesn't hurt. If you know what your talking about and can educate the customer I think you can sell the pants off of anybody.
Sexy doesn't sell to women, Sexy sells to men, as long she is a true 8 or more.
I would bullet point your benefits, who you are, and why they need you... if it is scripted it is obvious. Personality and ability to quickly strike up the conversation are a must.

Don't expect to sell their and then with the face to face and the flyer - plan to follow up with marketing material and face to face, email or telephone calls.


They might not need you there and then, but you want to be the 'go to guy' for pressure washing.

good luck
Real Estate people dont clean anything....they can however suggest cleaning to the owner trying to sell the property

This is correct, i shouldve stated that. thats my goal, to have agents sell my service to the homeowner.

And no she wont be reading a script like a door to door salesman pitch. its just something for her to have so she has a base conversation piece.

The follow up being important, thats a good true fact i never thought of. I think i will go put candy jars in the offices in about 2 to 3 weeks after visiting them.
You may want to consider just going to RE offices and stuffing each agents mailbox. One on one is much better but you can reach a lot of agents at one stop. Also many RE offices love to have someone come in to their boring weekly sales meetings. It helps to have a "hook" something you do differently. Some will even let you lay out some fliers if they look professional and not home made in the lobby next to the home inspectors and other service companies etc.

The main thing about marketing to RE agents is being there when they have a need. They may round file your card today then be digging through the trash tomorrow when a customer has a need. That's why follow up is so important. ALWAYS get a business card and build your email list.

Another point is 10% of the realtors sell 90% of the homes. Focus on the heavy hitters.