Search your Name & UAMCC Or pressure washing Institute

See thats the WOW!! factor I am talking about, it gets picked up quickly by google, I dont know a thing about web optimization, but that kind of recognition by google use to take a while, PWI gets crawled almost instantly on google.

PWI still gets crawled fast WOW!, SEO to the max, made a statement in the nickname thread and with in 6 hours PWI is on the google search first page (was not even listed on the first 2 pages prior to posting) the nickname.

Wonder if PWI would knock off the other pw board for first place (They were initially listed in #3).

(I deliberately did not use the other board name or the nickname again in this post just to keep the experiment neutral.)
I'm not sure what your testing, its the entire thread thats indexed.

Click on the link in my post above (highlighted nickname thread) and you would see what nickname I wrote, just after writing those words a searched google PWI was not index with google for the first two words of the nickname only the other pw board, I did another google search after 6 hours with the first two words of the nick name and they were on googles first page.

7 hours later, the exact order of the first two words PWI is now # 1, ......with the first two words in reverse order the other pw board is #2 and PWI is no #4, I was wondering if google would somehow index PWI ahead of the other board over time with the words in reverse order.

We will see!!