SCHOLARSHIP Offered to Wood Boot Camp at PWNA Annual Convention

Beth & Rod

SR Wood Geek / Moderator
SCHOLARSHIP Offered to Wood Boot Camp at PWNA Annual Convention

Pete Marentay, president of SunBrite, is offering a scholarship to cover the tuition and certification test for the Wood Restoration and Preservation boot camp to be held in March in conjunction with the PWNA annual convention in Columbus, OH. The convention dates are March 16-19, 2005.

All power washers interested in the scholarship should submit a 500-word essay detailing how certification in wood restoration will change their business. Entries should be sent to Pete Marentay, SunBrite, 361 Pike Boulevard, Suite 240, Lawrenceville, GA 30045, by January 5, 2005. All applicants must be a PWNA member at the time of their submission. The submissions will be judged by a panel of wood experts and become the property of SunBrite.

The successful candidate will be notified no later than February 1, 2005, in time to make arrangements to attend the convention. Please note that the costs of hotel, travel and convention registration are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.