
The worst part is they BECOME Millionaires while in office, so how do they do it on the salary they make ? I guess I don't need to tell you how it's done and it maybe legal, but not Morally Right. I agree this country was setup for people to serve then go back to public life and that is not happening and has not not for over a 100 years now. Change is Good, but not the change I see going on.

I love my country, but distrust the Politicians in it. :(
The way I see it is theres 2 choices McCain & Obama, I think McCain is just to out of touch with whats going on now. He has talked about keeping a lot of the same stuff as GW Bush and the way the country is now after 8 years of GW, I want change any kind of change So althou maybe not my 1st choice I will be voting for , YUP you got it B.O. If he does no good w can vote him out

Something yes should be done about politicians in general, they all pretty much lose touch after a little while
I will vote for Obama over McCain. It would pretty much be Bush back in office for another term if McCain wins. Puppet A or Puppet B you decide.