
Scott D.

Scary, Obama

Just a few of the many "Changes" from Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.

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Thank you for posting this. As a citizen i'm afraid,as a veteran i'm petrified of his plan to surrender the greatest country in the world. Dan Cosgrove
This might be tasteless........ but funny anyway.

St. Peter is standing at the Pearly Gates checking up on the people waiting to enter Heaven.

He asks the next one in line, 'So, who are you, and what did you do on Earth?'

The fellow says, 'I'm Barack Obama, and I was the first black to be elected President of the United States '

St. Peter says, 'The U.S.? A black President? You gotta be kidding me! When did this happen?'

Obama says, 'About twenty minutes ago.'
This might be tasteless........ but funny anyway.

St. Peter is standing at the Pearly Gates checking up on the people waiting to enter Heaven.

He asks the next one in line, 'So, who are you, and what did you do on Earth?'

The fellow says, 'I'm Barack Obama, and I was the first black to be elected President of the United States '

St. Peter says, 'The U.S.? A black President? You gotta be kidding me! When did this happen?'

Obama says, 'About twenty minutes ago.'

Tasteless...but funny!
Scott, I added his name to the subject. I had not looked at the video until now. Thats is alittle scary

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He wants me out of a job hu?? Wow Im scared, but glad I'm getting out this year! 10 years is enough for me! I never been happy with the 3 choices we have for president.... I bet there is a ton of people more qualified for the job!
Michael T made a funny!
Scott, I added his name to the subject. I had not looked at the video until now. Thats is alittle scary

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

If you look real close to the right of the pic. (left of his face) you can see someones face! Kind of evil and creepy!:eek:WOW Whatch it with the video on. The entity seems to move....I got chills! This guy needs to go away!
Go Barak - anything other than another 8 years of a compassionate Conservative holier than thou, mission accomplished republican rule. maybe we will get out of this huge slump the country is going through. I have had enough ...Its the Democrats turn to either change things some , get the country working again or lie like the rest of the bums in the Whitehouse

God Bless America, I love her!
The problem is it's just not GW's fault, it's the total package we have in this country, after all what has Congress or the Senate done for us ? NOTHING, it takes more then one guy to run a country and they are all to blame. Until we get someone with a clue and new blood. The cycle will continue, as long as there is power, money and greed and giving the country away for votes it will only cost all of us. Nothing is FREE and in the end we all pay.

I say throw them all out and lets start over...................OH and I want their Retirement Package myself and they can have my SS to live on.
BO sounds like a beauty pageant contestant. I want to save the world, blah, blah, blah. The guy isn't all that smart, or he doesn't appear to be anyway. He makes little catchy sound bites but no substance.

I agree the choices aren't that good.
it really doesnt matter what the people want they are going to do what they want in the end and I agree with Terry, trow them all out and start over
I have been saying for years that we need to limit the number of years a person can serve in Congress or the Senate. We limit how long a President can be in office, so why not all elected officials? Career politicians are in it for the money, the power and the prestige. They vote themselves raises, they vote for free health care for themselves at our expense, etc etc etc. They pretty much do whatever they please, irregardless of what we ask them to do. I would like to see more common people elected to run the country. It seems like all of the people in office are either millionaires or celebrities. What do they know about our day to day problems? And what do they really care?
I think I better stop there.