Sales To a Restaurant -How to Sell

Its really a waste of time to leave anything with someone other than a gm or kitchen manager. A lot of times the kitchen manager has a lot of say. I used to leave a quote with the manager on duty and follow up with the gm later and ask if they got it but too often they didn't. It did give me something to talk about, ie " I spoke to Jim today did you take a look at the info I gave him". That way the gm knows you were there and you spoke with someone because you know their name.

To sum it up, try to speak to gm. If you get directed to km they are ok too
Also, it wouldnt be good to leave a "price list". The only good that would do is maybe make them think about their pw vendor and call you out of curiosity. Just leaving a price list means your only selling point is price. In talking to them you may find out that the company doing it now has leaft a back dock COVERED in grease (had this recently) and your price may be slightly higher but you'll be able to help them where the current company isnt.

Meet, talk, learn.
Ok... Great info, thanks Ron. I'm heading into commercial this year.


1. Do you (should we/I) charge more for initial cleanings?

2. Contract only? Is this the only way to return regularly after a great first job?

3. How big or what size area is a reasonable demonstration?

***All responses petitioned***

How did it go CL?
Another question.
Do you find it better to leave a generic price list if no one is available to talk or make another call back to the premises?

To me these are not Worth the Call Back. I would Visit 5 to 8 times when I was Younger. Its Easier with this type of Client to have a Price list an Make they order.