Roof Cleaning With No Effect On Plants ?

Tim, ARC dude is aka Roof-A-Cide.
Yep, that's how YOU guys all know John.

But, I see him in perhaps a different way Mike ?

John Brown of Roof A Cide was once "one of us"!

Back in roof cleaning's "early day's" John was called American Roof Cleaning.

He was just like us, cleaned the same way, had several trucks like me, except he is on Florida's East Coast, and I am in Tampa.

Before there were many of these boards, we struck up a friendship that only two roof cleaning brothers can have.

Like myself, he has tried, in his own way, to push what he feels is the state of the art in roof cleaning.

True, he has gone in a completely different direction from his past.

Just like I believe in big hose, big dual tanks, big pumps, and ability to vary chemical strength, he believes in what he is doing.

And, in fairness to John, I have not tried what he suggests, so I have no opinion on it.

But, I HAVE lost Jobs to Roof A Cide applicators, big one's too!

And, it wasn't just because John is my friend either!

Friendship aside, I am a formidible competitor, a good salesman with a fleet of kick butt roof cleaning trucks, and a proven track record.

I LOST the job's simply because the HOA's/Property Managers REFUSED to allow anyone using Chlorine into the bidding!

And yes, I showed them the ARMA stuff, told them we won Business Of The Year, etc, etc.

Like I said, I know how to sell.

But, when a customer says NO to ANY Chlorine ......
A few months ago when I was picking up some non roof related chems from a supplier. to be exact.A guy I'm assuming was the owner tried to sell me on the idea of cleaning roofs with oxygenated bleach.He said it would only be active for an hour(or maybe it was ten minutes I cant remember) after mixing up a batch and wouldnt harm plants.Has anyone ever tried this?
Are you talking about Percorbonate ?
If so, yes, I have tried it, and made an ass of myself, LOL
A few months ago when I was picking up some non roof related chems from a supplier. to be exact.A guy I'm assuming was the owner tried to sell me on the idea of cleaning roofs with oxygenated bleach.He said it would only be active for an hour(or maybe it was ten minutes I cant remember) after mixing up a batch and wouldnt harm plants.Has anyone ever tried this?

Not enough punch! I got a 50lb bag if you want what's left of it. I use it to clean carpet stains in my home though, wife loves it. Sodium percarbonate is the main ingredient in oxyclean.
Yes,sodium percarbonate.Lets here the story.:)
Bought some, mixed it strong too, was told it would work, and not kill plants either.

It just did not have it, used almost my whole tank on one side of roof, and it still wasn't really clean either.

All it is is powdered hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide will clean roofs at higher concentrations, but it is NASTY ****tt.

Tim Aselton is a fireman with access to HazMat Data, and knows how nasty liquid Hydrogen Peroxide can be!

The stuff can literally burst into flames being transported on an open trailer!

The problem with Percarbonate is the same as with Calcium Hypochlorite, it just can not be made strong enough to clean with, in comparison to Chlorine.
Me too! Chris, I like this up and coming roof washing star Dustin. I talked to him today, well grounded and figuring out this stuff very fast.
I like Dustin too!
You know what I REALLY like about him ?

On his web site, he is at a fair or trade show out promoting his business!!!

All the technical competence in the world don't mean chit w/o jobs to do!

He is covering both bases, so he will be around for awhile.

In 14 years, I have helped hundreds get going, only to lose them to business failure.

This guy is one serious hombre', he is gonna make it.
I like having him around.
Thanks Chris,I want to be a old pro some day too!
You ARE a success already Dustin.
There is BIG money in your neck of woods.
You can charge what we used to in Florida before I taught so many, LOL

Hey, just kidding, competition is inevitable, and low priced whores don't last anyway.

They are like people lacking fishing skills, who cast 2 pound sinkers repeatedly in the water, ruin it for everyone, and leave.

Glad to see you aboard!
And They Sink With The Sinkers !!!!!!!!
I KNOW you like to Fish Russ ?
Tim Aselton does, I do, so do a LOT of cleaners I have found out.
If we are fishing and doing a round table I WILL BE THERE.
I read it heard it and sang it, Chris much appreciated on the EAST coast.