Robert Blake the actor


New member
I heard that they were not going to seek the death penalty for Robert Blake because of a couple reasons.... first of all they claimed that he has no prior record and secondly he is a Hollywood celebrity. pretty ironic !!!!!!
And you thought OJ had it tough, he is asking the courts to set aside the money he owes the family of his EX wife.

All this does here is shows there are indeed two systems, one for the working stiff and one for the rice and famous.

Just think of all the people in TVs and Movies that get off with a slap on the hand. Drinking and driving and killing someone and still wins an Oscar for one female, another does drugs and still makes movies while attending the who still counts drug rehab clinic and the list goes on and on.

probably he will find some sort of a legal loophole and get a minimum amount of time and a hefty fine. Who knows? Again, like I said earlier he is a celebrity with a first-time offense. sure would be kind of frightening to have him get off without any punishment. Although, O.J. Simpson is still running loose.
You know, he didn't have to marry her. He could have supported the child regardless of being in a committed relationship. From what I have heard she was no angel either, but now that baby has no mother, and her father may well end up in jail for life, all because of his desire to be rid of the woman who at some point was ok enough to take to bed?

This makes me sick. He deserves what he gets. It's abuse taken to the worst possible level!

I have not really followed this. I'm not or never was a barreta Fan...

if he Killed someone then he should get waht he deserves.. no death penalty that would be too easy... I'm agaist capital punishment.. oh no look what i might have started... LOL

I 'm sure lots of people will not agree with that one>>LOL
I use to watch Barreta. I likd the show and I liked Robert Blake. If you want to see him in an excellent movie by Truman Capote see the movie "In Cold Blood" He was excellent as was the movie.

As for capital punishment I have always been for it. Take a life in cold blood then lose your own.

How ironic that Robert Blake starred in that movie and now he is being charged with pre-meditated(In Cold Blood) Murder. What a shame. What Blake doesn't have on his side is the "Race Card" which OJ had. But he does have fame and most likely some fortune which will probably at least keep him out of "Old Sparky" or whatever is is that California uses for convictions in a capital murder case.

What a shame and once again the person that lost the most here is a small child who now has no mother and possibly no father when this is over with....
Fair enough but the only one's who could really answer this is the victims families. Robert Blakes murdered wife was someones daughter. What do you think her parents would say about this if there still alive. How about Ronald Goldmans(Murdered by OJ) father. These are the people who can answer this better then us.

Some parents of murdered children want to kill the murderer themselves where some countries that is exactly what happens in front of a live audience.

Your thinking is the exact thinking of why we don't put to death these terrorist when convicted here because they will become martyrs which is exactly what they want.

I'm not saying that your thinking is wrong because apparently our justice dep't goes by that thought. I say zap them so they can meet there God or more likely they are just over and done with forever. One less punk to deal with.

Like Clint Eastwood says "Make my day punk"
Ron prison life is better then ever, FREE food, tv, excercise room, books, education, medical, lovers visits and more.

I feel prison should be one thing and one thing only HARD TIME, no freebies, one hot meal a day and cold sandwiches for the other meals.

NO tv, books and for sure no free medical and education. Ok perhaps educate them but they pay for some of it.

Sure they work and get paid, pennies an hour and that is ok.

Now as for taking a life, I believe in an eye for an eye, arm for arm, life for life.

Only I don't think the quick way is best, I feel they should SUFFER first, or as some say a slow death so they know damn well why they are being removed for life.

Now the movie In Cold Blood was indeed good, about how two cops got killed.

That room used to be called the Green Room in San Quentin, cyanide pellets mixed with some gas and did they suffer for a few momments, enough to think "was it worth what I did" then a few more momments and it is over.

Ah yes capitol punishment, should be much faster now that DNA can help prove if one is quilty or not. No more years of appeals, OFF WITH HIS OR HER HEAD as they say in England and it is done that fast.

(no name for fear of relataliation) Oh shoot my picture gives me away LOL.
We are taught that muder is a sin and to turn the other cheek >>>>>>>>

BUT >> Why pay for his keep in jail there is countless guys/gals in there that did harm to good people and they live a better life in there than they did when they were free.........

I just dont get it

I liked his shows It was kool back way when but those holliwood folks think that b/c they are who they are means that they can get away with anything.
I say burn them all >>>lol<<<<<<<<

no not really but someting needs to be done
Jon said:
Ron prison life is better then ever, FREE food, tv, excercise room, books, education, medical, lovers visits and more.

I feel prison should be one thing and one thing only HARD TIME, no freebies, one hot meal a day and cold sandwiches for the other meals.

NO tv, books and for sure no free medical and education. Ok perhaps educate them but they pay for some of it.

Of course, after the original term is served, how much better it will be to have uneducated, unfit, sick and hungry ex-cons in our populace! Let's forget that even some of the criminals committed minor offenses, sure no reason to give them civil rights. Hey, Jon, let's lock them all away and throw away the key! Why don't we make you prosecutor, judge and jury, since you seem to have the answers for our growing prison population. Gee, and I thought this country was more enlightened. Maybe it is, maybe it is just the narrow-minded, undeducated, rightwing reactionaries that are the problem.

What sort of statistical data might you have to share indicating the percent of those convicted who actually do become "rehabilitated" and are able to become a useful and functional, productive part of our society? You raise an interesting point. Care to expound?

I don't have any data myself, but I would guess that the percentage of repeat offenders is quite high, and that would tend to have a very frustrating effect on those of us who are law abiding citizens. Ergo, let him rot in hell or in prison, I don't care which.... attitudes.

After all it's murder. I hope he get what's coming to him.


What are the option we have, well we could have educated criminals creating havoc on the general public. All options are poor, however the public must be protected from the educated or the non educated career habitual criminal.

We do have the birth of a new Mentoring programe for our little band of brothers.

So if the problem is too difficult, ignore it. If one professes to be an enlightened people, does that only apply when it suits you? Our old and infirmed are no longer "useful" members of society. They drain the healthcare system, they are demanding and have no chance of rehabilitation. Let's let 'em die and make way for those that have a chance of recovery?!

Don't get me wrong, I am for the death penalty, as well as pro-choice. My point was that you cannot treat people as subhuman, simply because you think they deserve it. There are certain basic, intrinsic and inalienable rights, obligations and benefits a society bestwows upon its populace. You may not arbitrarily forego these, simply because you want to. This is what separates us from them and most other forms of life, compassion.

My argument was with the view that we should feed them cold sandwiches and not let them read.

Ah, but Zip~

We're not speaking about the elderly here, we're speaking about a cold blooded murderer. So while you make a rather good point, socialogically speaking of course, it would be a rather broad sweeping statement also know as a generalization. And of course if we make such generalizations are we not in fact displaying descriminatory behavior? Something to think about...

You may not agree with Jon's views, and he may not agree with yours. But the bottom line is that this is all a matter of opinion anyway.

To me the interesting thing is if we all take the time not just to read these posts but to consider them we might find a point of view that we had not considered. Ok, maybe we considered it, but was it understood? Have you ever noticed how few people go out on a limb to ask others why they feel the way they do or to ask them to expound on the view so it might be better understood?

By the way, why would you feel that a cold blooded murderer should feel human after taking a life? Should a murderer not be removed from society? Do we not hope they feel remoresful? Do we as citizens not also have the right to be outraged at hate crimes which take away the lives of others who are merely trying to live their lives as law abiding citizens with rights of their own? Families of their own? Children and granchildren of their own?

There is no doubt that criminals in this country are afforded many rights, in fact more often than not the criminals have more rights than the victims do. I seriously doubt that our founding fathers had that in mind.

Well I was going to stay out of this one, but here goes, I do believe in the death penalty and believe it should reach a wider range of criminal ie any one found guilty of cruelty, torture or sexual crimes against children, even if these people could be helped, which is proven time and time again that they can't, I would still have them put down like an old mangy dog. Saying that there are a lot of good people in prison that have made bad descisions, this is not a defense for them but having your liberty, family, home etc taken away is indeed a punishment and no further degradation is needed. Dont confuse these folks with repeat offenders, I am very much in favor of the 3 strikes and your out rule and one of these days they might start enforcing it.
Zippo I was not referring to the little guy who steals a pack of gum, sure many of them go on to stealing and doing much worst things as they grow up and learn how to get away with it.

I was talking about the hard core ones, both male and female, remember Charles Manson and his followers? well one of his female followers is fighting to be released from prison now, she got educated in prison and has an attorney, they are now going to court to fight the people who make or break one from being released.

She says she is now reformed, fine but what about Sharon Tate and her unborn baby, the others they killed, the husband and wife who oned a business they killed just because it was something to do?

Do you really believe she deserves to be set free, even if it was 30 years ago?

Outlaw, the 3 strikes law as written is to broad, it really does need to be tightened up, like Zippo says many in prison committed very minor crimes which should not be held against them in the future. Example, someone with pot should not be locked up forever unless he/she is selling it, but enough to smoke one or two joints is not really a crime to me.

NO I do not smoke pot, nor cigs nor do drugs and have less alcohol a year then a six pack of beer.
Jon, your right about the 3 strikes being to broad, it should be based on a case to case basis, saying that however there are too many smart ass lawers out there that will use the system in any way they can to get their clients aquitted, and before anyone says they take an oath to do just that,...thats your defense for them, all I know is I couldnt sleep at night knowing I helped a child molester get off just by bending words....but untill a better system comes along I guess were stuck with this one.