Roads program

Sounds Like more Gov Jobs and the Goverment has never made us a DIME ;)
Maybe it will work but for how long? I mean your getting more people on the Gravy Train for BIG BROTHER and where does it end?
I think we are printing money with nothing to back it up, Like GOLD, Nope we just print away and then when our money is more worthless then it is now what do we do?

I hope it works and only time will tell I guess.

OH and Tony you 2 cents is worth 1/2 cent after taxs and inflation LOL

I don't see it as a gravy train, just jobs for American workers and it fixes at least one problem, out of date bridges. Not printing more money we are borrowing billions actually trillions to bail out wallstreet, banks etc. I rather use that money on real jobs for a real problem. Just my opinion after seeing the bridges & overpasses I have seen in the past working them
So you dont want a roads prgram I guuess
Fix the roads & brides country wide and growth will happen, money in out pockets we the american worker will save this country the hell with the wasted bailout, 290 billion so far and billions more we dont see and they really have no idea how its helped anything

Jeff, you missed my point. Yes, I think a roads program is needed and warranted. But lets pay for it by eliminating all the things the Fed has no business being involved in.

If our federal taxes (NOT INCOME taxes which the constitution gave no allowance for) i.e. sales taxes, tariffs, etc. paid for the basic things, commerce, protection, courts, etc we would have the best roads, the best military, the best of everything nationally and the lowest national taxes proportionally in the world.

Yes, build the bridges. Just stop almost everything else.
The problem is the MONEY has to come from someone does it not ? and a bigger Goverment is not what I want a this point......Yea it would get things going again as long as NO UNIONS are involved, I think they are killing are car industry along with a lot of other things, BUT Unions as in UAW are CORRUPT and WAY WAY OVER PAYED and I don't trust them either and seems to be a payback for voting for the dems.

I don't know Jeff I'm no money wizz kid LOL something has to be done I just don't know if thats the right way or not, I just don't trust our Congress right now and for good reason these guys can't wipe their Bottoms with Both Hands.;)
Jeff, you missed my point. Yes, I think a roads program is needed and warranted. But lets pay for it by eliminating all the things the Fed has no business being involved in.

If our federal taxes (NOT INCOME taxes which the constitution gave no allowance for) i.e. sales taxes, tariffs, etc. paid for the basic things, commerce, protection, courts, etc we would have the best roads, the best military, the best of everything nationally and the lowest national taxes proportionally in the world.

Yes, build the bridges. Just stop almost everything else.

I guess I did miss your point

Tony and Jim. I'm just being a realist. We know we arent going to get rid of eliminate all these other programs, we arent going to get rid of unions and the such right now. But I say we do need something to help stimulate the economy and all Im saying is jobs and all that helps the economy when there are a lot of jobs i.e jobs & businesses that support these roads jobs & program is something we can get rolling pretty fast. we can debate it for months or years but that I think would be to long and to late. The unemployment rate goes up and up and I really fear its going to get a lot worse with many many more layoffs on the way. its over 8% in SC

The economy is good when Americans are working. I just feel this is a good way to get the many hard working Americans working and fix the bridges at the same time

I'm just so sick of hearing about the bailout and the money that has no rules on it and then the ompanies ask for more while the CEO and such still have their high pay and perks, I say give it to the worker as in jobs
I guess I did miss your point

Tony and Jim. I'm just being a realist. We know we arent going to get rid of eliminate all these other programs, we arent going to get rid of unions and the such right now. But I say we do need something to help stimulate the economy and all Im saying is jobs and all that helps the economy when there are a lot of jobs i.e jobs & businesses that support these roads jobs & program is something we can get rolling pretty fast. we can debate it for months or years but that I think would be to long and to late. The unemployment rate goes up and up and I really fear its going to get a lot worse with many many more layoffs on the way. its over 8% in SC

The economy is good when Americans are working. I just feel this is a good way to get the many hard working Americans working and fix the bridges at the same time

I'm just so sick of hearing about the bailout and the money that has no rules on it and then the ompanies ask for more while the CEO and such still have their high pay and perks, I say give it to the worker as in jobs

I'm with you on that Jeff. And you're right about being a realist. I just don't see any way out other than something as radical as I proposed.

Shelly asked me last night why Obama doesn't appoint Bill Clinton to some high cabinet office. She then answered her own question by saying he probably makes too much money as it is and whatever position Obama offered him wouldn't be "powerful" enough after being president.

Jeff, that wasn't how it was in the beginning. Our presidents came to serve. Many of them served in other offices after leaving the presidency. Service has disappeared from the presidency all the way down to the scumbag city councils we have to jail all the time.

We need radical change and I just don't think we can work our way out of this one. We need a real maaaaaaaavarick! :rolleyes:
I'm with you on that Jeff. And you're right about being a realist. I just don't see any way out other than something as radical as I proposed.

Shelly asked me last night why Obama doesn't appoint Bill Clinton to some high cabinet office. She then answered her own question by saying he probably makes too much money as it is and whatever position Obama offered him wouldn't be "powerful" enough after being president.

Jeff, that wasn't how it was in the beginning. Our presidents came to serve. Many of them served in other offices after leaving the presidency. Service has disappeared from the presidency all the way down to the scumbag city councils we have to jail all the time.

We need radical change and I just don't think we can work our way out of this one. We need a real maaaaaaaavarick! :rolleyes:

Radical yes but like you neither one of us really think it will happen. I did like how Clinto and a republican congress cut the welfare roles

Obama I think is going to really push service for the country. If you want money from the Gov for college, join the peace corp, military or othertype groups. Put welfare people to work, if not take them off welfare. Obama has pushed in his campaign for people to take responsibility. He said it when speaking to black groups just like Bill Cosby did. It wasnt popular but he did say it and hopefully he pushes that to all young Americans and Old Americans too for that matter

We do need radical and the only way Obama can have a good presidency and a legacy is to do some radical or at least different stuff. Thinking reality he (Obama) does not want to go down as the first black president to do just one term and then get kicked out of office. I really believe he will try to work with both sides even if its going against the far left

Will this really be radical like we talk about ? NO but more than in the past I think, we got to start somewhere I guess

In the next few months we could have another million or more out of work, they all better start thinking radical and of us the American people instead of themselves

(I love you brother, but you had to know this was coming.)

I agree that INTERSTATE roads (providing for commerce between the states) are within the scope of the federal government.

So is a fully funded military.

I say let's go ahead and start rebuilding roads and bridges.

Lets fund it by eliminating ALL entitlement programs and federally funded research and pork barrel building programs in individual states.

Immediately stop all foreign aid.

Suspend ALL environmental requirements until the economy has stabilized. THIS IS A TIME OF CRISIS, NOT A TIME FOR POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

Millions will be out of jobs. So what. This opens the market up for millions who have been living off the government tit to either get up, learn a real skill, open a small business, go to work for a private company or if they want back on the tit they can work for the companies building roads and bridges. OR they can just join the military and see what it's like to work hard for a little money.

Jeff, THIS IS CHANGE. What Obama is doing is NOT CHANGE. It is the same failed process that has gone on for years every since congress, with the help of greedy lawyers and federal judges, decided the constitution was just a "guideline" and they could find loopholes to do as they please with our money.

Am I saying there's no need for the government to provide some type of welfare? Yes and No.

Yes there is NO NEED nor NO PROVISION in our constitution for the FEDERAL government to provide for ANYONE'S PHYSICAL NEEDS.

No, it's not out of the question that a government might be perfectly justified in helping those determined to be in need, but that government CANNOT be our federal government! It's not allowed in the constitution!

Those needs can be met via the STATE or LOCAL governments if the law allows and the people of those states send representatives to their respective houses who choose to do so.

BUT NEVER from our federal government.

This way, we can vote with our feet. This is a big country. If I live in a state where my hard earned money is going into the pockets of low-lifes who won't work I can just move on to another state that shares my beliefs and allows me to choose the people who I think need benevolence instead of taking it from me.

As it stands I would have to leave the entire country to get away from "spreading the wealth" just because a lot of blue states on each coast and around the lakes want it to be that way. It tramples all over the constitution.

CHANGE is what caused this problem.

If we CHANGE back to the original plan for this country our economy will rebound in no time.

That's my 2 cents (it was 3 cents, but I had to pay taxes on it.)

Two Thumbs Up !!!
What ever is done to help out I just hope it works and is not a MAJOR Socialist Move, We need more Private Small Businesses to be helped out and NOT TAXED to Spread the Wealth after all it is us small guys that employ most of America and so taking more only stop us from hiring. I have yet to have a Poor Person give me a Job and Most of us in small business are not Rich but working our butts off to stay afloat right now. I think if they come in taxing us in small business they are cutting their own heads Off.

I think the auto industry needs a good Chapter 11 and redo the way the do business and get rid of Perks with these Unions like getting payed for 4 years after a lay off or paying them to play cards in the lunch room. It is killing them slowly but surly. Time To Rethink The Way They Do Things and it is not taking our money from us to do the same old same old.

GOD BLESS AND GOOD LUCK AMERICA, We need it no matter what way we go or what is done.
I wish it wasnt just small biz supplying most of the jobs. We have sent so much over seas we don't make to many things here in this country anymore. Please don't just blame unions, we are up against countries that pay VERY VERY little to their labor or nothing, state run companies, slave and child labor. We have to become somewhat protectionist. We can't compete with these countries we never will be able to unless we drop wages to what they pay. I don't know to many people who want to work for $2 an hour or $40 dollars a week or $40 a month, those are the wages we are up against

We can't just be a service country, we need our industries & factories back, not losing more & more of them. Industry/factory jobs were decent paying jobs and had some bennies for over 50 years, to bad we have given that all away for a cheap pair of sneakers from China

We are screwed when we make nothing here in the good ole USA. Think of the jobs that help make this country great it wasnt small businesses cutting lawns, pressure washing, dog walking services, manicurist and the such. It was Steel Mills, Coal Mines, Textiles, Auto, Transportation and many other huge industries. What huge industries do we have left? nothing like 30-40 years ago when a guy could get out of high school and get a decent paying job and support a family with a little overtime

We need to take back our industries start making stuff right here and have good paying jobs for us the Americans even if a we have to pay a little more at Walmart for a pair of underwear
I don't blame all Unions, but the UAW is Corrupt as hell and needs to be brought back to earth like the rest of us, I was in a Union years ago and they have there place to balance things out, but when you lay someone off and they get 4 years of pay for doing nothing and with bennies 78 bucks an hour Total? things have to change, You can't run stuff like that and stay a float.
Yet the union say they have gave too much, WHAT are they talking about.
I smell Money in some Union Bosses Wallet.

Yes we do need them back, there is no way we can not make our own goods and survive as an independent nation and not make your own goodsor atleast a lot of them. We need to get some of these things back to the states this I agree on. We built this country with hard work and we can build it back up with hard work, But it is not going to come easy. I think back and it seems it all started with the Steel Industry and has gone down hill from there.

But we do have farmers and we should have been charging these Oil Nations bending us over the same price for wheat as they did for their OIL..........We do have stuff they need here.

Lets start with the Phone Company and Credit Cards bring back People I can Under Stand when I call them ;) When you take all the jobs overseas and we are out of work how do they think were going to buy their good? it is crazy.
I wish it wasnt just small biz supplying most of the jobs. We have sent so much over seas we don't make to many things here in this country anymore. Please don't just blame unions, we are up against countries that pay VERY VERY little to their labor or nothing, state run companies, slave and child labor. We have to become somewhat protectionist. We can't compete with these countries we never will be able to unless we drop wages to what they pay. I don't know to many people who want to work for $2 an hour or $40 dollars a week or $40 a month, those are the wages we are up against

We can't just be a service country, we need our industries & factories back, not losing more & more of them. Industry/factory jobs were decent paying jobs and had some bennies for over 50 years, to bad we have given that all away for a cheap pair of sneakers from China

We are screwed when we make nothing here in the good ole USA. Think of the jobs that help make this country great it wasnt small businesses cutting lawns, pressure washing, dog walking services, manicurist and the such. It was Steel Mills, Coal Mines, Textiles, Auto, Transportation and many other huge industries. What huge industries do we have left? nothing like 30-40 years ago when a guy could get out of high school and get a decent paying job and support a family with a little overtime

We need to take back our industries start making stuff right here and have good paying jobs for us the Americans even if a we have to pay a little more at Walmart for a pair of underwear

Jeff, we can't do that. Industry has been destroyed in this country by regulation. Did you know that in California, because of ridiculous regulation a large manufacturing company moved to Mexico because, as the last straw, the local government made them change their thousands upon thousands of flourescent light bulbs at the same time on a fixed schedule whether they were bad or not. This had to be completed by a hazardous waste team.

That is what has destroyed our factories. Not lower wages. I have some friends who formerly ran businesses in California who either sold them or moved them to less restrictive states.

Now it's all over. Just like we were talking about earlier, WE are required to dispose of waste that we pick up at our expense, where, if we didn't pick it up it would just wash into the gutters anyway. It's lunacy.

That is what has destroyed our country.
I don't blame all Unions, but the UAW is Corrupt as hell and needs to be brought back to earth like the rest of us, I was in a Union years ago and they have there place to balance things out, but when you lay someone off and they get 4 years of pay for doing nothing and with bennies 78 bucks an hour Total? things have to change, You can't run stuff like that and stay a float.
Yet the union say they have gave too much, WHAT are they talking about.
I smell Money in some Union Bosses Wallet.

Yes we do need them back, there is no way we can not make our own goods and survive as an independent nation and not make your own goodsor atleast a lot of them. We need to get some of these things back to the states this I agree on. We built this country with hard work and we can build it back up with hard work, But it is not going to come easy. I think back and it seems it all started with the Steel Industry and has gone down hill from there.

But we do have farmers and we should have been charging these Oil Nations bending us over the same price for wheat as they did for their OIL..........We do have stuff they need here.

Lets start with the Phone Company and Credit Cards bring back People I can Under Stand when I call them ;) When you take all the jobs overseas and we are out of work how do they think were going to buy their good? it is crazy.

How about calling an end to all debt, today. Everybody owns what they have in their possession.

Wipe the slate clean and start over.

Now that's change.

That's a bailout that costs everyone and no one.
I would love for them to wipe out my debt LOL but it will never happen we are small fryes and they don't give a crap about us. But I never have asked for anything from the State or Feds, I have done it on my own and don't need any hand outs. I worked 2 jobs for 21 years and 19 of them 7 days a week to get where I'm at, I call it HARD WORK and that is something this country needs to get back too. It was not fun but I had to do it to pay off Debt from medical that got ran up, but I got it done and now I have my own business and nobody gave me a DIME ;) and I have an 800 plus credit Score no going belly up for me, just hard work. But I have to tell you things are a bit scary right now and having to buy another sweeper right now kind of makes me wish I did not have to go back into debt, I hate debt.