Roads program


JL Pressure Washing
Putting this out here for discussion. Trying not to be political. I have said for a long time to myself and others that we should have a roads program to bring all our roads & bridges up to what they should be. I also hoped Obama in this bad economy would start a roads & energy program to put Americans back to work and actually do what we need for the American roads and I like an energy plan that stops us from depending on foreign oil

I have a question, first we are going further & further in debt with the big bailout plans and even Iraq war we have borrowed billions from everywhere. ( I'm not talking if the war was right or wrong, its already done)All this money we owe back we have raised our debt and just kept borrowing. We are spending billion on banks, investment companies etc etc etc for pretty much a lot of bad business decisions

Well we are losing jobs and more jobs and the outlook really is kind of bleak for many in our country. If we do even just a HUGE roads program it will cost a lot of MONEY. Money we DO NOT have especially in this economy

My QUESTION is should we go further into debt to start a HUGE roads program. My thoughts are YES. I figure we will keep pouring money into this crisis no matter what and maybe not get great results like with the billions already spent. I figure we spend the billions on roads, bridges etc start putting people back to work at decent paying trades jobs. I have been on some pretty big roads projects in the past and everyone makes money, the worker, the company, the suppliers the local economy , stores, restaurants everyone

A master plan roads program is something we could start sooner than say an energy program, there are plans out there now for roads projects, every town, city, county & state know what has to be fixed or built on the roadways, we know our bridges have past the life expectency by years and are in need of repair or need a new bridge.

I think we spend now we put people to work, the money goes in all different directions helping the economy and our roads finally get the repairs that have been needed for a long time. We know if Americans are making money they will spend money, hopefully a little more conservatively or smarter then in the past. We could put Millions of American to work doing this

I have one other thought to about the roads programs, maybe get our steel mills to produce all the steel for these projects. This roads project may take well over a decade and could strengthen our economy for decades to come. I also think hope they put restrictions on these projects. I dont want a bunch of illegals getting the jobs, it has to be Americans first!!!! it would be horrible we create these jobs and even a 1/4 of them or more went to someone that isnt a citizen, we americans need jobs we could even make welfare people get to work

Heres what I read this morning and I was happy to see that Obama looks like he's going to do a roads program and a big one....The next thing I think that would help us is an energy program , put people to work and stop being at the mercy of Saudi oil. energy program may take longer to get going so I say start the roads program NOW. I think the debt we go in now these roads programs will eventually help reduce our debt news services
updated 1 hour, 21 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - U.S. President-elect Barack Obama said on Saturday that he was crafting an aggressive, two-year stimulus plan to revive the troubled economy, warning that swift action was needed to prevent a deep slump and a spiral of falling prices.

"If we don't act swiftly and boldly, most experts now believe that we could lose millions of jobs next year," Obama said in prepared remarks for the weekly Democratic radio and video address.

"We now risk falling into a deflationary spiral that could increase our massive debt even further," he said.

A day after U.S. stock markets rallied on his apparent choice of Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary, Obama gave a bleak assessment of the economy in his most detailed comments on the subject since winning the Nov. 4 election.

Obama in October called for a $175 billion stimulus measure, but his comments in the radio address on Saturday signaled he was prepared to push for a much larger package, though he did not give a price-tag.

The economic recovery plan being developed by his staff aims to create 2.5 million jobs by January 2011, and he wants to get it through Congress quickly and sign it soon after taking office.

He called the plan "big enough to meet the challenges we face" and said that it will jump-start job creation but also "lay the foundation for a strong and growing economy."

The proposal for a two-year stimulus plan further indicated a sizable effort. Most such plans are aimed at covering a one-year period.

The number of Americans on the unemployment rolls surged to the highest in 16 years, up more than 540,000, the Labor Department said on Thursday.

'Ignored for far too long'
Obama said his plan would rebuild roads and bridges and modernize schools while developing alternative energy sources and more efficient cars.

"These aren't just steps to pull ourselves out of this immediate crisis; these are the long-term investments in our economic future that have been ignored for far too long," Obama said.

A trio of crises — housing, credit and financial — have badly damaged the economy, and financial analysts have projected the country's economic hardships will continue through much of 2009.

Obama acknowledged Saturday that evidence is growing the country is "facing an economic crisis of historic proportions." He noted turmoil on Wall Street, a decrease in new home purchases, growing jobless claims and the menacing problem of deflation.

He said he was pleased Congress passed an extension of unemployment benefits this week, but added, "We must do more to put people back to work and get our economy moving again."

He cautioned, "There are no quick or easy fixes to this crisis, which has been many years in the making, and it's likely to get worse before it gets better." But Obama said Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, "is our chance to begin anew."

Obama said getting congressional approval for his broad economic plan will not be easy.

"I will need and seek support from Republicans and Democrats, and I'll be welcome to ideas and suggestions from both sides of the aisle," he said. "But what is not negotiable is the need for immediate action."

Across the country, Americans "are lying awake at night wondering if next week's paycheck will cover next month's bills," people are showing up at work to clear out their desks and retirees are watching their life savings disappear, Obama said.

In this country's darkest hours, the American people have risen above their divisions to solve their problems, he said.

"We have acted boldly, bravely, and above all, together," Obama said. "That is the chance our new beginning now offers us, and that is the challenge we must rise to in the days to come. It is time to act. As the next president of the United States, I will."
This is what roosevelt(I think) did to pull us out of the great depression.I hope it works.It is just starting to get really bad.

I think a lot of people are still sitting there waiting for someone to save them.I try to be prepared for bad things, my wife says I over worry about money and jobs and such.Well she used to now she says I'm glad you did.

There are going to be millions of people who are not prepared for this.I read that in just 2000 the average american saved 11% of thier income.Last year it was half on one percent.It's not going to be easy.

With that being said I think these bailouts are only allowing bad business people to continue to hurt this country.If we give money to the big three automakers it would have to be to different CEO's why giive people who have run thier companies into the ground more money to do it.It is like a gambler they will bet their last dollar in the world because they believe it is the lucky one and all they need is one lucky break.
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. — Alexis de Tocqueville
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS
The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH
If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else's expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves. — THOMAS SOWELL
This is what roosevelt(I think) did to pull us out of the great depression.I hope it works.It is just starting to get really bad.

I think a lot of people are still sitting there waiting for someone to save them.I try to be prepared for bad things, my wife says I over worry about money and jobs and such.Well she used to now she says I'm glad you did.

There are going to be millions of people who are not prepared for this.I read that in just 2000 the average american saved 11% of thier income.Last year it was half on one percent.It's not going to be easy.

With that being said I think these bailouts are only allowing bad business people to continue to hurt this country.If we give money to the big three automakers it would have to be to different CEO's why giive people who have run thier companies into the ground more money to do it.It is like a gambler they will bet their last dollar in the world because they believe it is the lucky one and all they need is one lucky break.

Funny sounds like my wife

Good post. Americans have lived way beyond there means, maybe this big slap in the face of todays economy will smarten some up. I hope
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. — Thomas Sowell
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. — FREDERIC BASTIAT
My thoughts on job losses and unemployment? Everybody screams about the 1 trillion we spent in Iraq so far. But not a peep about the 1.5 trillion on entitlements. And thats anually, not over 5 years. (Im not just blaming liberals, im blaming everybody. Even so called "conservatives" who collect a handout every month.) Heres my plan:

Cut the entitlement programs in half. We need programs for people who CAN NOT work, not for people who choose not to. We take that 750 billion and create a new branch of the military. The border patrol. (I know we have the Minutemen, but they are underfunded and under respected.) We also build a border fence, both physically and virtually. We then go on a roundup, finding every illegal alien we can and deporting them. The president then goes on the TV and has a press conference, and here's what it says:

"My fellow americans, we have allowed many of you to suck the life out of this great country through our welfare and healthcare system. This ends today. Starting now, we will be doing evaluations on ever person currently recieving a government assistance check. Any person found able to work both physically and mentally, will stop recieving benifits in 60 days. This means, that yard that Pedro Mowed last week, will now be your yard to mow. All these jobs that the illegals were doing that "Americans wouldnt do", are now open for americans to do. Do it, or you will not eat. You will not buy your daily latte on your neighbors tax dollars, you will not have a brand new car, and claim to not be able to afford health insurance......................."

And it would kind of go on from there. Bottom line is that we can not keep allowing people willing to work for $6/hour for doing hard work, to continue flooding into our country, and then scream about no jobs. Do our roads need to be fixed? Absolutely. Does it need to be our main focus on "creating" jobs for AMERICANS? Hell no.

To take it a step further, Obama kept screaming " we're going to tax companies who send our jobs overseas to oblivion." Yea that'll work, take more of their money so that they have LESS to pay americans. No, what you do is give every corporation a TAX CREDIT, for every american citizen it employs. This would get them to hire americans, it would lower their tax burden, which would in turn lower the cost of all goods.

Thank you and have a good day.

Davis/Lecours 2016!! lol
This Posting program is have some issues-keeps adding test-not sure what is wrong?????????????????
My thoughts on job losses and unemployment? Everybody screams about the 1 trillion we spent in Iraq so far. But not a peep about the 1.5 trillion on entitlements. And thats anually, not over 5 years. (Im not just blaming liberals, im blaming everybody. Even so called "conservatives" who collect a handout every month.) Heres my plan:

Cut the entitlement programs in half. We need programs for people who CAN NOT work, not for people who choose not to. We take that 750 billion and create a new branch of the military. The border patrol. (I know we have the Minutemen, but they are underfunded and under respected.) We also build a border fence, both physically and virtually. We then go on a roundup, finding every illegal alien we can and deporting them. The president then goes on the TV and has a press conference, and here's what it says:

"My fellow americans, we have allowed many of you to suck the life out of this great country through our welfare and healthcare system. This ends today. Starting now, we will be doing evaluations on ever person currently recieving a government assistance check. Any person found able to work both physically and mentally, will stop recieving benifits in 60 days. This means, that yard that Pedro Mowed last week, will now be your yard to mow. All these jobs that the illegals were doing that "Americans wouldnt do", are now open for americans to do. Do it, or you will not eat. You will not buy your daily latte on your neighbors tax dollars, you will not have a brand new car, and claim to not be able to afford health insurance......................."

And it would kind of go on from there. Bottom line is that we can not keep allowing people willing to work for $6/hour for doing hard work, to continue flooding into our country, and then scream about no jobs. Do our roads need to be fixed? Absolutely. Does it need to be our main focus on "creating" jobs for AMERICANS? Hell no.

To take it a step further, Obama kept screaming " we're going to tax companies who send our jobs overseas to oblivion." Yea that'll work, take more of their money so that they have LESS to pay americans. No, what you do is give every corporation a TAX CREDIT, for every american citizen it employs. This would get them to hire americans, it would lower their tax burden, which would in turn lower the cost of all goods.

Thank you and have a good day.

Davis/Lecours 2016!! lol

That sounds like a good start.
All monies recieved from now on needs to be accountable. Their should be better oversite on what is given to major corporations, and also to government spending.

Putting money into infastucture is always a good thing, but just remember who runs all of construction, these people dont play by the same rules.

Every project that will involve union's, or building materials, or labor will include the Boy's..I have and others here have worked the Unions and it is run solely by them. Use guy's no there is no work done in this country that dosen't include Kick Backs and Favors..

I think they should have given some of the bail out cash to the american tax paying people. This would help stimulate the economy and get cash flowing back in to the economy.
Here is a story about a speech given to congress by Davy Crockett - Yes, Davy Crocket was a congressman! It's about government taking money for any good purpose. They wanted to give money to the widow of a navy officer. It's Awesome and fascinating.

Here's a link confirming the story

That's what I've said for years. Do you know how much more good we could do with our oun personal money if the federal government took only the tax money they need to insure commerce and protect our borders as the constitution allows?

(I love you brother, but you had to know this was coming.)

I agree that INTERSTATE roads (providing for commerce between the states) are within the scope of the federal government.

So is a fully funded military.

I say let's go ahead and start rebuilding roads and bridges.

Lets fund it by eliminating ALL entitlement programs and federally funded research and pork barrel building programs in individual states.

Immediately stop all foreign aid.

Suspend ALL environmental requirements until the economy has stabilized. THIS IS A TIME OF CRISIS, NOT A TIME FOR POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

Millions will be out of jobs. So what. This opens the market up for millions who have been living off the government tit to either get up, learn a real skill, open a small business, go to work for a private company or if they want back on the tit they can work for the companies building roads and bridges. OR they can just join the military and see what it's like to work hard for a little money.

Jeff, THIS IS CHANGE. What Obama is doing is NOT CHANGE. It is the same failed process that has gone on for years every since congress, with the help of greedy lawyers and federal judges, decided the constitution was just a "guideline" and they could find loopholes to do as they please with our money.

Am I saying there's no need for the government to provide some type of welfare? Yes and No.

Yes there is NO NEED nor NO PROVISION in our constitution for the FEDERAL government to provide for ANYONE'S PHYSICAL NEEDS.

No, it's not out of the question that a government might be perfectly justified in helping those determined to be in need, but that government CANNOT be our federal government! It's not allowed in the constitution!

Those needs can be met via the STATE or LOCAL governments if the law allows and the people of those states send representatives to their respective houses who choose to do so.

BUT NEVER from our federal government.

This way, we can vote with our feet. This is a big country. If I live in a state where my hard earned money is going into the pockets of low-lifes who won't work I can just move on to another state that shares my beliefs and allows me to choose the people who I think need benevolence instead of taking it from me.

As it stands I would have to leave the entire country to get away from "spreading the wealth" just because a lot of blue states on each coast and around the lakes want it to be that way. It tramples all over the constitution.

CHANGE is what caused this problem.

If we CHANGE back to the original plan for this country our economy will rebound in no time.

That's my 2 cents (it was 3 cents, but I had to pay taxes on it.)
Sounds Like more Gov Jobs and the Goverment has never made us a DIME ;)
Maybe it will work but for how long? I mean your getting more people on the Gravy Train for BIG BROTHER and where does it end?
I think we are printing money with nothing to back it up, Like GOLD, Nope we just print away and then when our money is more worthless then it is now what do we do?

I hope it works and only time will tell I guess.

OH and Tony you 2 cents is worth 1/2 cent after taxs and inflation LOL

(I love you brother, but you had to know this was coming.)

I agree that INTERSTATE roads (providing for commerce between the states) are within the scope of the federal government.

So is a fully funded military.

I say let's go ahead and start rebuilding roads and bridges.

Lets fund it by eliminating ALL entitlement programs and federally funded research and pork barrel building programs in individual states.

Immediately stop all foreign aid.

Suspend ALL environmental requirements until the economy has stabilized. THIS IS A TIME OF CRISIS, NOT A TIME FOR POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

Millions will be out of jobs. So what. This opens the market up for millions who have been living off the government tit to either get up, learn a real skill, open a small business, go to work for a private company or if they want back on the tit they can work for the companies building roads and bridges. OR they can just join the military and see what it's like to work hard for a little money.

Jeff, THIS IS CHANGE. What Obama is doing is NOT CHANGE. It is the same failed process that has gone on for years every since congress, with the help of greedy lawyers and federal judges, decided the constitution was just a "guideline" and they could find loopholes to do as they please with our money.

Am I saying there's no need for the government to provide some type of welfare? Yes and No.

Yes there is NO NEED nor NO PROVISION in our constitution for the FEDERAL government to provide for ANYONE'S PHYSICAL NEEDS.

No, it's not out of the question that a government might be perfectly justified in helping those determined to be in need, but that government CANNOT be our federal government! It's not allowed in the constitution!

Those needs can be met via the STATE or LOCAL governments if the law allows and the people of those states send representatives to their respective houses who choose to do so.

BUT NEVER from our federal government.

This way, we can vote with our feet. This is a big country. If I live in a state where my hard earned money is going into the pockets of low-lifes who won't work I can just move on to another state that shares my beliefs and allows me to choose the people who I think need benevolence instead of taking it from me.

As it stands I would have to leave the entire country to get away from "spreading the wealth" just because a lot of blue states on each coast and around the lakes want it to be that way. It tramples all over the constitution.

CHANGE is what caused this problem.

If we CHANGE back to the original plan for this country our economy will rebound in no time.

That's my 2 cents (it was 3 cents, but I had to pay taxes on it.)

So you dont want a roads prgram I guuess

All I have to say is I rather fix failing bridges and overpasses and put laid off workers to work. The workers are the ones who kept this country going. I worked bridges & overpasses from 1982 - 1996 and I have seen so many bridges & overpasses that are cracking, bolts rotted right off, areas where I have put my hand right through the steel. The look fine from the ground. maybe thats why I would support a roads program, I have seen how they are.

Fix the roads & brides country wide and growth will happen, money in out pockets we the american worker will save this country the hell with the wasted bailout, 290 billion so far and billions more we dont see and they really have no idea how its helped anything