Rising fuel costs...

Do you itemize fuel costs?

  • No I don't, I only show the services

    Votes: 44 88.0%
  • No, but I am thinking about it

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • Yes, I list a fuel charge

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Well someone got me started on the fuel.... Those low life, double dealing , lie in your face , oil tycoon's , with their billion dollar houses and Beemers.... Are you sure the oil company's don't own the rights to the milk we drink also... Whats up with 4.29 gallon for Milk... Well back on track what the hell is diesel costing 2.80 a gallon for? And another thing whats the deal with the pres candidates talkin fuel cost , they cant do jack crap about fuel cost... What we have to do as consumers is to stop buying fuel like we can afford it , this will put a crunch on us ut at the same time it will put a crunch on a bunch of money hungry thieves... I have even read where oil companies profits are always in the higher billions. If 20% of the workforce in America woke up and said I am not going to work today because I just cant afford the gas ... The oil company would feel a little pressure and gas prices would drop... When will it stop , it's up to us.. It looks like the oil company is playing a little game called " when our supplier goes up 20% will go up 200%".
I will tell you this when I right off the fuel for my machine every 3 months this year good old Uncle Sam will know what I mean.. It's time to Drill in Texas also and throw all those Save the world , Save the trees , Save the ozone yuppies in jail or the nuthouse... And start a New Program called " Save Our Ass...
**** diesel is as high as 3.98 a gallon here in tallahassee,fl and gas is 3.25 a gallon
Gas is $3.48/gallon here, diesel is $4.08/gallon:mad:

Won,t be long we will hear of tankers getting hijacked again........
I know diesel truck will run on vegetable oil. Will burners?

To make a vegistroke the conversion kit costs about $3200.Bio-diesel will run without conversion,but you need some basoc chemistry to make sure you are doing it right.
I would think the same would apply to burners.
Hey John

Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel...

Now think of it this way.

The oil company earns 10,000,000,000 bux.
Federal corporate tax rate is 70% that means the feds get $7.b
That leaves $3b for the share holders. That means people that own mutual funds, Primary share holders like Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett) and others. That money is taxed at 35%, since we can pretty safely assume that anyone with the money for stocks is in the highest tax bracket.
That means that out of the $10b dollars the government gets $8b of it. That is only if they pay out 100% of their profits. THey dont usually, but it is easier. Then on top of that, they get another 10% in federal taxes. Figuring that Fed taxes are 40cents a gallon. So, the question is, what incentive does the federal government, particularly congress since they pass the budget and tax laws, and spend the money, have to cut taxes when they are making 10 times the money that the oil companies themselves make?

$4.44 diesel was $4.19 the day before

GW should of attacked Saudi Arabia instead, maybe he will now that they told him they aren't going to increase production. basically we helped protect them and now they say screw US.

I'm getting a moped, I just got to get less weight on the trailers
I have a pretty heavy rig myself, thinking about buying one of those small burners with the little honda 13 hp engines, maybe mounting some smaller tanks and hose reels on a toyota tacoma flat bed or small trailer, trade the truck in for a ranger or something. I spent $170 yesterday for fuel.
I have a pretty heavy rig myself, thinking about buying one of those small burners with the little honda 13 hp engines, maybe mounting some smaller tanks and hose reels on a toyota tacoma flat bed or small trailer, trade the truck in for a ranger or something. I spent $170 yesterday for fuel.

Bahahhhahaa, My BIG machine has a 13 HP honda! My "normal" machine is a little electric, I use thier hot water, my ranger gets 27.2 mpg..................I feel for yall.
Bahahhhahaa, My BIG machine has a 13 HP honda! My "normal" machine is a little electric, I use thier hot water, my ranger gets 27.2 mpg..................I feel for yall.

At least we don't smell like a stir-fried french fry.
I parked four 1 tons so far, reducing the maint units size and taking un-needed junk off.

I have downsized a smaller unit and it gets the same GPM and PSI as larger units. I may post a share this. Dist and manufactures might get PO?

Share it please!
Nope, I smell ALL GREEN!!

I hear ya.
And I know that you wear a full body suit to keep the crud off, so i was just messin'.

But why am I craving Szechuan pork now?
Over the last three years, Exxon Mobil has paid an average of $27 billion annually in taxes. That's $27,000,000,000 per year, a number so large it's hard to comprehend. Here's one way to put Exxon's taxes into perspective.

According to IRS data for 2004:

Total number of tax returns: 130 million

Number of Tax Returns for the Bottom 50%: 65 million

Adjusted Gross Income for the Bottom 50%: $922 billion

Total Income Tax Paid by the Bottom 50%: $27.4 billion

Conclusion: In other words, just one corporation (Exxon Mobil) pays as much in taxes ($27 billion) annually as the entire bottom 50% of individual taxpayers, which is 65,000,000 people! Further, the tax rate for the bottom 50% is only 3% of adjusted gross income ($27.4 billion / $922 billion), and the tax rate for Exxon was 41% in 2006 ($67.4 billion in taxable income, $27.9 billion in taxes).

Another reason the government likes big oil companies.