Right here Right now

I came to the conclusion Its the people that are in a particular organization that I would want to join,
me personnaly You could have people Like Ron ,Jim, Thad, scott (stone) Grant,Tony (s) Micheal K, Jeff L, bob (ptstate) Steven and others...and you would be making a wise decision..
It just so happens (most) are at pwi.. if these's guys started an organization and moved away from here I would follow (because of their Knowledge and Temperment (attitude) and willingness to help others.
So in the end ,discounts are Fine.... leads are okay....
But what I'm looking for is their:

"Free Exchange Of Their Knowledge" :)
I haven't felt the need either yet. I'm watching the direction a few different ones go but, I feel I already belong to the "things" I need to. This forum and others are awesome in my opinion. Perhaps I'm just not big enough to feel the need to get discounts at places I haven't dealt with yet. I check various things in the search engines to see what might happen. Just gonna wait here before I do any "joining".
I came to the conclusion Its the people that are in a particular organization that I would want to join,
me personnaly You could have people Like Ron ,Jim, Thad, scott (stone) Grant,Tony (s) Micheal K, Jeff L, bob (ptstate) Steven and others...and you would be making a wise decision..
It just so happens (most) are at pwi.. if these's guys started an organization and moved away from here I would follow (because of their Knowledge and Temperment (attitude) and willingness to help others.
So in the end ,discounts are Fine.... leads are okay....
But what I'm looking for is their:

"Free Exchange Of Their Knowledge" :)

Thanks David, but everybody you named up there are people just like you who also learn from you.

After a few years of being involved in other orgs, (in other industries) it was refreshing to find the free exchange of information that PWI offers.

The current up and coming organization had an initial look of an organized extention of PWI. I'm not one to care too much for individual benefits and exclusivity in RFP's or any of that stuff. I really like the idea of an extention of PWI carrying with it the open sharing and education opportunities for the entire industry.

I don't like the idea of an organization pushing the idea of minimum standards on local governments and private businesses to funnel their paid members into the bid process while eliminating perfectly good contractors who choose not to join. <a href="http://www.freesmileys.org" title="Free Smiley Face courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org"><img src="http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-sex011.gif" alt="Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org" border="0" /></a>

The air conditioning and filter organizations have been doing this for years and it's despicable. I hope the pressure washing industry does not fall into that rut.

That approach is not effective - I'm NOT a member of N*FA and I've only had one (big) customer tell me that membership was a requirement for the account, but I got it anyway. The only thing it did was waste a lot of my time educating that customer that could have been spent building a relationsihp.

I've not seen that type of behavior yet from the up and coming PW org and I hope it does not turn out that way.

My plan is to take some time and see which way it goes. If, in 6 months or a year it looks like the industry truly is benefiting from it, and not just the members, I'll take another look at joining. Who knows, maybe it could be the best thing that's ever happened to the industry. If it is, I want to be a part of it. If is isn't good for the industry as a whole I don't want to be associated with it.

Go PWI! <a href="http://www.freesmileys.org" title="Free Smiley Face courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org"><img src="http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-violent047.gif" alt="Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org" border="0" /></a> <a href="http://www.freesmileys.org" title="Free Smiley Face courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org"><img src="http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-happy080.gif" alt="Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org" border="0" /></a>
Tony, I think that you are one of the few that sees just how dangerous this could be for the contractor. It is a slippery slope when one gets in bed with a union or any group that tries to monopolize an industry and restrict individual growth, pricing, representation.

I've just been involved in it for years in other industries. I'm a "serial entrepreneur" :p according to some, but that's at least given me a good cross section to look at.

Look at the unions for example. What started off as a movement to HELP the workers is now a political tool for one party and a means of strongarming anyone who gets in their way.

Chris worked for a paint booth air filter service most of last year in the daytime. He made about $15.00/hr until they came to a "prevailing wage" job (school district paint booth for busses) where he had to be paid $42.00/hr per job. Can someone explain to me how, when working for the government he miraculously became three times more experienced and worth three times the money? It's ridiculous, but that's where it leads.

There's got to be a better way to protect workers than that. Some one just needs to find it.

I speak ONLY for ME David

I feel NO "need" to belong to ANY "national organization"
ALL the knowledge you can wish for is on these Forums.
All ya gotta do is LOOK :)

I SEE these "National Organizations" as one big PARTY for those at the Top :(

Do some Math ?

If you get 5000 Contractors at 400 bucks a shot ?

Thats 2 MILLION Dollars David :eek: :mad: :eek:

Ain't NONE of them Getting MY Money ;)


You say that Chris, but now you are going to start charging just to be a member of RCIA BBS......:cool: