

Has anyone used Restora on house much. Ihave done shutters and they turn out fine. I used it on my own house last year. It looked good where I did it, did not have time to do 100% of the house. However in one area it has turned brown and looks like stain on the siding. In another area it has just started turning. The siding is yellow. I'm nit sure if the Restora is doing it or not.
Has anyone else had this problem.
Do not do your home in Restora. The light color siding will turn Brown. You will have problems with it. Dark shutters are OK. Never use it on siding. That is why it has been pulled from stores. My experience. Thank You.
I wish I knew that last year. I will probaly havem to replace the siding on my house. I will need to check with Flood about reimbursment. I'm glad I never used it on a customers house. They were puching that realy hard a couple of years ago.
Good luck. The Flood company is now owned by Azkol Nobel. They put off any problems by Flood products. They ignored me for the last year on a problem job. I only had one home go bad, but was lucky? They will probably not replace your siding as there are too many they have done already! Go figure. The largest coatings business in the world.