Regulations - City vs State vs Federal


New member
I realize there is a practical vs technically legal issue here.

If the states wants to suck up to the feds then are they and their cities bound by the fed regs? Can they add on whatever they want?

The clean water act clearly says if the water doesn't reach the waterways- no requirement.

We've heard from one of the Kalifornia members that once you touch something You are responsible to 'decontaminate'

For Jim, I'm wondering do they just pull this out of their hat? Does the city just make codes as they feel and the county etc? Are there written standards? Do they cite some authority for their regulations? What was the progression like? Thanks in advance.

I think the smart plan is and is going to be to work the situation to your own advantage, have water police do your marketing, go green, charge more etc. But on the other hand I don't want to see every locality run roughshod over the industry, especially when the work is outdoors! Getting washed into the stormdrain by RAIN!
I'm wondering what experiences anyone has had in cities where they have increased their regulations. Are they implementing their interpratation of the cwa, making up or borrowing standards, is it the city, the sewer dept, seperate agency, have any been challenged?
Areas such as coastal areas fall under different requirements.

Also, the complience of building and zoning needs to be reached by certain numbers.

YES, the city can do whatever they want until you prove the interpitation is wrong.

This is why we need a body voice or org that truly understands this.