Red bull

Whe I make the transition from day to night work I use the 5 hour energy drinks, 1 before I start, 2 during the night and 1 more for the ride home, once I am home I make the transition from Mr Hyde back to Dr Jeckyl :)

Russ hates the drive home.He has called me a few times when driving after doing strip malls it's like talking to a zombie.
I love the Red Bull and the Full Throttle by Coke. I haven't ever gotten addicted though. I like Full Throttle more cause I can drink it like a regular coke instead of a tiny can that just pisses me off. lol. I love a drink called a Jaeger Bomb. Jaeger and Red Bull!! Gets you tipsy but keeps you awake!!! Also known to put a bit of hair on your chest from time to time. (No Larry...I do not have hair on my chest!! LOL) Katt Williams has a comedy bit about "crazy white people" who get drunk but can't pass out because of the Red Bull. HAHAHAHAHA

I just spent 5 days on a cruise and lived on jaeger bombs. lol.
I had to look this up......what is a jaeger bomb Yikes

Effects on the drinker
The effects of a Jägerbomb are held to be different from those of other alcoholic drinks. This is attributed to the fact that the energy drink has a stimulating effect upon the central nervous system, whereas the alcohol has a depressing effect. Consequently, some of the effects of intoxication are masked.
A Brazilian study conducted in 2006 found that combining energy drinks and alcohol “appears to show us that the use of energy drinks might predispose people to abuse alcohol when its depressant effects — or at least the perception of such effects — are masked by them.”<SUP id=cite_ref-1 class=reference>[2]</SUP> Professor Roseli Boergnen de Lacerda, who conducted the study, also warned of another possible effect: “a higher risk of car accidents because they [people who drank energy drinks with alcohol] felt less intoxicated than they were.”<SUP id=cite_ref-2 class=reference>[3]</SUP>
A further concern is the effect that the stimulant-depressant combination has upon the heart. Alcohol can reduce brain activity, impair heart function, and lead to a heart attack.<SUP id=cite_ref-explosive_0-1 class=reference>[1]</SUP> When combined with an energy drink, its effects may include cardiovascular risks, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. The body’s defenses are weakened by the dehydration caused by the alcohol and caffeine, both of which are diuretics
I've been experimenting with eating a slow carb diet. You eat carbs like beans, lentils, fruits, vegetables and whole grains instead of white carbs like potatos, pasta and white bread.

The carbs release glucose (energy) slower so you have a more constant stream of energy. It's been working well, I don't get tired at all through out the day. Eating faster carbs causes a spike in your blood sugar which results in a crash later. That results in eating more crap or drinking energy drinks.

Put good stuff in your body and it will run correctly without the need for energy drinks.