Recess games


Did anyone catch the nightly news yesterday about the popular recess games we played as a kid, Well adults are playing them and have leagues for the popular recess games.

tag (a little much)
red rover red rover

man, my daughter can't play any of those games at her school. She looks at me like I'm crazy when I start naming all the fun stuff we did in school. I had to show my little nephews how to play "butt's up" and they are in the 4th and 5th grades. What kid doesn't know butt's up, or some call it wall ball...??

They don't play dodge ball (one of my favs) because it may hurt a kids self-esteem if they get hit. What ever happend to good ol chicken fighting too...Where you give another person a piggy back and fight against another couple of, if I would have learned as much as I played in school...I would be a freakin genius :D
i am scared to ask but what the hell is "butts up"'s nothing like what you played in the pin Russ...:D

it's where you throw a raquet or tennis ball up against a wall and then the person that misses the catch has to run and touch the wall before the person standing closest can grab the ball and throw it to hit the wall before the one that missed it. If he hits the wall before the guy that missed it then the guy that missed it has to stand against the wall and let the guy that threw it try to hit him in the butt with the ball.....