It sure is!
After 16 years, you get a reputation for Roof Cleaning Tampa
We get roof cleaning business sent to us from people we dont even know.
My experience is it takes at LEAST 5 years for word of mouth to kick in.
But once you get known for roof cleaning, it is a lot more downhill then being a new roof cleaning kid on the block.
Chris, I bet it is a great feeling having your website rank so high up in the search engines, I am working on mine so maybe one day I will be on the first couple pages, that would be great.
I have always heard that it rains a lot in Florida, when we were there at Disney World back in 07', it rained a little bit but we stayed at the park and just went indoors for a while and when we came out, it was sunny again, that was nice.
When it rains a lot there, do you guys shut down, wait for it to pass or what? I am sure that if the roofs are wet, that will weaken the mix so you will be wasting your time and materials but wanted your opinion.
Being in the business for over 16 years I am sure you have seen a lot out there.