Rain Rain Go Away


We've only had 1.5" since february 1st. we are in a severe drought and about to be in an extreme. I think my water bill at home has been more than my fuel bill. Lol.
Can someone tell me what rain looks,feels like?
Arizona some times doesn't get rain for 6 months out of the year... I think we usually only get about 4 inches a year
Sounds like San Diego summer weather. I may talk my wife into coming, yet.
What is rain? :scratchhead:
Im pretty sure weve had more than 4 inches in the last 24 hours...

:yikes: When you say We've had....Who exactly are you talking about?
Chris, if we had 4" in 24 hrs we'd still be in a severe drought. Its beyond where we laugh about it now. Its becoming a real problem.
2 3 2006 043 (Medium).jpg2 3 2006 036 (Small).jpg2 3 2006 039.jpg2 3 2006 035.jpg2 3 2006 042 (Medium).jpg
Oh wait....I think I remember rain. These are a few pics of a freak storm that rolled through in Feb of 2006. It poured non stop for over 7hrs. This was our parking lot.
Chris, if we had 4" in 24 hrs we'd still be in a severe drought. Its beyond where we laugh about it now. Its becoming a real problem.

I believe you... Isnt that what they say about one mans trash being another mans treasure