Radio advertising??


New member
Just wondering how many have tried radio advertising?

How did it work out for you?

Was it worth the money that was spent?

Thinking about it but sounds like a lot of money for just a few minutes on the air. And it has no lasting value, like a business card you can carry it with you for the next year, where as radio it's there for 30 seconds and it's gone, you either got it or you didn't.
I have ran a couple... and one of them was a every big campaign..
Not really convinced radio is all its cracked up to be.
I am going to put my money this year in TV
Wasted a lot of money early on marketing to business AND residential.

They try to convince you that repeating over and over again gets results. I should have called the ones who repeat over and over again and got some feedback before I started.

Here were mine repeated over and over again during the highest rated shows on the radio for 3 months. I didn't get one call from it. Over $10k down the drain:
Save your money on the radio ad. Question, how many times have you called about something on the radio? I just call stuff on the radio and try to win stuff!! So if you don't call why do you think you customers will. Just my 2cents
To be honest, I wasted $9500 on TV last year, and radio has been my best use of AD money besides the website. We ran 60 spots last year and got about 15 calls and landed 9 jobs for about $14000 or there about. This was only over 2 weeks.This year we are running a lot more spots in a better market and soo far have seen a really good return. They also put us on a net 30. I like radio ads, but I think the market has to be right for it. It definately won't be good for every market.
What do yall think about this for radio advertising? I was curious as to what it would cost to be on the radio. Just to supplement everything else.

Its not primetime but this is what I got from our local sports talk station.

124 week

Wed-Fri 5am-6am 2 commercials a day ( 6 weekly) this is during espn sports radio show

Sat 1-6 pm 1 commercial an hour 5 total

Mon-Fri 6am-7pm 25 streaming commercials (on the internet, sais 30k listen on internet in a month and 8k have downloaded iphone app.)

The questions I have to answer are...

They have 85% male listeners... Is that bad or could it be ok
Sports talk listeners should be more aware of what they are hearing...
Maybe they are golfers? and would rather be on the course than cleaning their home.
Im not sure about the internet deal. I think those people are prob. too young for my demographic.

they also produce my commercial or commercials in house at no other charge.

Ive thought of coming from more of a roof cleaning angle with this. My thinking is its easier to say "aw ive got a pressure washer, ill wash my house one day" Where as for roof cleaning people might think "dang that can be cleaned"

If yall dont mind id appreciate some feedback... I tried to attach the files with info but for some reason I have trouble attaching anything on pwi. If anyones interested in looking i can probably foward the files.

Thanks for the help

From what everyone says I dont think Id expect it to make the phone ring a lot but with an add coming from a roof cleaning angle I thought it might peak curosity and get them to the site or they might realize they saw out post card or bandit sign or brochure or door hanger.

Scott Davis will you chime in here? You said youve had success with it. Does it help folks to realize that it can be done?