Question about Xjet

Scott D.


I found a formula you posted for no pressure roof cleaning: 35gl pool chlorine, 25lb TSP, 65gl water...

Now, I plan on breaking this down into 5 gallon buckets. I know that for a 5 gallon mix, I would use 2 gal chlorine, 2 lb TSP and 3 gallons water. What would the ratios be if I were to use an Xjet since I am getting the water from the pressure washer? Would I just fill the 5 gallon bucket with TSP and Chlorine? And if so, what would that ratio be? I have a 4gpm, 3750psi machine with all of the proportioner tips for the XJet.

I got to tell you, I love the idea of not crawling around on roofs! Any info would be much appreciated.
If you plan on Xjetting roofs you will need to pull from 5 gallons of straight chlorine.I have done a lot of Xjet roofs so I'm pretty sure my experience would prove of some value to you.

However,the snake oil and fair dust salesman will be along shortly to try and discredit my knowledge on the subject.
Jeff. Don't you use a lower flow machine when you x-jet roofs? The x-jet has a fixed draw rate and the more flow your machine has the less SH hits the surface. I've tried this on a roof a couple of times with a 5 gpm machine and didn't have the results I would have hoped for.

I use a 3 gpm , but have used 4gpm with great results too. I think 5gpm or more is pushing it and yes may be to diluted. Althou, I think Scott has always used 5+Gpm with great results too, maybe he will chime in on the higher gpm machines


myrtle beach pressure washing
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Thanks for the input guys. I got the xjet from Ace cleaning and it came with the proportioner tips. they have a break down for your GPM and what color tip to use, and each color draws a different amount of chemical.

For instance 4GPM: open 1.6:1
grey: 2.5:1
beige: 10:1 ...etc...

So I guess where im confused, is what draw rate should I use, if i've got a bucket with 5 gallons chlorine, and 3 lb TSp? Thanks.
Ok, so...5 gallons chlorine, 3 lb TSP, and pull with an open exjet at 1.6:1, and this should give me the results I need?

Im am just still very skeptical that I can spray this mixture on, wait 10 minutes and then just rinse it off with a water hose...I have a hard enough time trying to clean roofs with a water broom, much less water hose pressure. BUT, this is the reason I joined this forum, because there are a lot of guys like you, that know a whole lot more than me! Please let me know if there's anything else Im missing here. Thanks alot!
IMHO ...... I dont like the x-jet or the pitch witch for cleaning roofs, I know they both work and I myself have used the x-jet but didnt like that much force when applying chems , I use the 5800 and it is fine , not quite the flow of a gas powered but never had any damage and its easier to control the flow of chems

the x jet (m5 is what I have) is an awesome tool though for many other applications, and I always use it open , the first thing I do when I get one is throw away the little proportioners
IMHO ...... I dont like the x-jet or the pitch witch for cleaning roofs, I know they both work and I myself have used the x-jet but didnt like that much force when applying chems , I use the 5800 and it is fine , not quite the flow of a gas powered but never had any damage and its easier to control the flow of chems

the x jet (m5 is what I have) is an awesome tool though for many other applications, and I always use it open , the first thing I do when I get one is throw away the little proportioners

I only use the M5 Xjet for roofs, but is it the best way to do roofs, no I dont think so. I'm with Russ and others, there is better ways. I dont do many roofs anymore, but if I did, I wouldnt be using the XJEt. BUT, if thats all you have you can use it and use it effectively. I didnt want to buy a roof rig, I liked the Xjet for some of the funky roofs I did, I can control it pretty good with no damage to a roof. But having buckets up on a roof is a PITA and a little dangerous carrying them up a ladder

If its all you got or all you can afford right now, for sure, go for it, use what you have, make money then upgrade. I use the Xjet with just a gun no wand for roofs, easier to handle, I use a 3gpm machine more chem, and its great for long shots. I love my Xjet!!!!!

Good luck to you
Wow thanks for all the input. I tried the chem mix today...5 gallon chlorine, 3 lb TSP and 3lb Borax and applied with open Xjet with 4gpm didnt work like it was supposed to, i think. I had 2 inches of granules on the bottom of the bucket, even after mixing it for like half an hour. Not sure what I did wrong, but I still had to use my water broom to clean it. Any advice on that?
What percentage of chlorine are you using? Also i would think(i could be wrong) you would want to use a good soapy mix like chlorine and tide or something so you get more cling.
The chlorine is 10%..I know that alot of people use 12 or 12.5 but 10% was the highest i could find on short notice. I figured Borax would give me the soapy mix, but, not so much. Does my mixture sound right? And how do I get the granules to dissapate? Hot water? or does it matter? Im so confused...
If your going to use a fiver i would use soap instead of tsp and borax. where are you going to get the chlorine?
Wow thanks for all the input. I tried the chem mix today...5 gallon chlorine, 3 lb TSP and 3lb Borax and applied with open Xjet with 4gpm didnt work like it was supposed to, i think. I had 2 inches of granules on the bottom of the bucket, even after mixing it for like half an hour. Not sure what I did wrong, but I still had to use my water broom to clean it. Any advice on that?

were you trying to rinse or were you just going to try to leave it and let it work ? Also what was the temperature outside ?
Well, I was trying to rinse, but I let it sit for about an hour and it didnt even lighted the color. And the temp was about 60-65.

I am going to warehouse pools. Thats the only place I can find that has Liquid Chlorine. What in the world is a "Fiver"? lol
I would play with the chlorine and soap first also maybe try and get you a lower gpm machine or even a delevan or shur-flo pump don't give up keep working with it
Fiver= 5 gallon bucket. Also there is a pretty big Difference between 10% and 12% especially when your using a x-jet. Call around to some chemical guys around you and see if they got the 12.5 % chlorine. Where is Dickinson TX?