Quality Window Cleaning www.windowcleaninghawaii.net

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Cleaning High-rise in Hawaii

This is a great Photo
Just about to start a job like that, but in Edmonton not sunny Hawaii. but hope to be doing some work for them next year. if any one is intreasted, i have a complete. from start to finnish copy of the bidding procedure for three year contract all the forms safety plans bidding doc and such like, it will give any one an insight to how to go about it. it is a succsesfull bid package for a $250.000 contract. I can give it out as i did it
I would be interested in that also.
I have added three threads on bidding ask any thing you want and i can add to it. this countract is for 3 years with also interior cleans and twice annual exteria. just to make it better at 16.00 to day another contract came on line for 500000 over three years 9 mounths.
18854034.jpg31315363.jpg15675314.jpg This is the next job dumped on me at16.30hrs friday 3 year 9 months contract. will take a few days to survay it .It is in and out with a 16 floor atrium