PWNC to Meet in Raleigh NC

What I'm thinking Jeff, is that if we do bring rigs in, we can show that we have invested in equipment to do jobs effectively & efficiently, that we have means of reclaiming water used, that the general opinion of this industry is WRONG. I think not only bring rigs, but let's have a "rig contest"! Best set up, biggest set up, most efficient set up.....something? I'm pretty sure I can come up with a prize :)


I was thinking, let them know this isnt just some guy making beer monoy, this is business and how would they like their business or their job shut down, How would the news people like it if electricity was in shortage and they decided to stop TV use for 6 months I always love when they say make sure your faucet isnt running and big biz can dump a zillion gallons every day on old water wasting equipment
You want to hear the BIGGEST hypocracy of it all???

Pepsi, who bottles Aqua Fina water - OUT OF RALEIGH - is whining that it's not fair that they are being targeted to decrease their water useage. I'll find the link to the made me laugh!
Here we go:

Now, once you get finished reading about how unfair everyone has been to Pepsi, since they use less than 1 MILLION gallons a day and are not even in the top 10 users.....

Lets all do some math here from a pressure washers perspective:

1,000,000 gallons divided by approximately 200 gallons per house to wash =
5000 housewashes PER DAY. 100 companies working 8 hours would have to wash 6.25 house PER HOUR to accomplish that much useage. In one city.

But according to the press, since pressure washing has been restricted, Raleigh's water consumption has improved by 1,000,000 gallons per day.

Now, back to Pepsi......their whining got them another article:


And while I'm on my soapbox........... for any of you out there who don't feel like this is affecting you or your business - WAKE THE HELL UP. Maybe you're not in central NC and actually feeling it right now, but no one is safe from sudden disaster striking or public perception being skewed about what you do for a living.

This isn't just a natural disaster occurring. Over growth in a city is a MONUMENTAL contributor to the lack of water and that's not caused by weather, it's greed, pure and simple. Lack of education, lack of planning and the quest for more money.

Our industry should be one of the foremost to be concerned about how water is used cause guess what, when they take it away from you, you're screwed and they don't care. Other locations are going to start implementing conservation methods just to not make the same mistake that Raleigh has and as long as we allow pressure washing to be portrayed as the biggest waste of water, everyone is at risk of being restricted somehow.

And another thing - it's not even all about if you're being affected. Companies HERE are. These are people that have contributed to these forums, tried to raise standards, helped someone else along the way and probably way more than I could even think to list. NOT ONE is asking for anything more than support. Is that too much to ask for - just support from the rest of the industry?

Sorry I'm grumpy.

Amazing. The hell with the Aquafina. they should put a stop to it for a while. Pepsi would be smart and a good citizen even if they stopped it 2 days a week, not enough but they should do something

I have a couple parking garages that have to get done this week, if we finish them Friday I will try to bring 1 or 2 rigs up early Its when Sat what time?
Saturday's meeting will be held at Xterior in Raleigh, NC. We need a head count for food at this event so PLEASE, use the registrations forms available on the PWNC site or on the Contractor Events site.

Please bring your rigs! We are working on a contest to make this a little more fun but it is important that we project the image that we all work so hard for - that we are a profession that offers much to a community and not a bunch of hacks that can't cut it in their version of the "real world".

We look forward to meeting many of you there!
Don't serve Pepsi products at the event. :)
