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PWNA, Professional mediation

Sometimes things have to self distruct before they can be rebuilt. I have stayed away from the PWNA due to what I have heard on these boards. To me this is no suprise, it is just one more nail in the coffin for these guys. I dont want to start anything or step on any toes but what do you think is really going to happen after this is resolved if it is resolved? My opinion not much! We have all spoke and read of ways we would like these org's to help the industry. Yet I see little results and more FEE's.
It seems that PWNA has drowned like a bag of cats. What happened to all the $$$ they charged for schools and membership. I think I hear a motorboat engine. Also what became of the poor misfortunates who paid to be certified. Do they have to go looking for new daddys.
I think it can be resolved......we can always take bets on who the bigger person is (ie, the one who compromises first!) Personally, I think that the PWNA needs to make some concessions that the membership has asked for which are not at all unreasonable - improve communication, provide the ethical leadership that they claim or a different leadership (one that only has contractors making decisions like was suggested above somewhere). In return, I feel like the Hinderliters could concede the original site - I mean what do they really need it for? The url itself is only worth something if the PWNA is worth something, right?

Just my .06.

Sometimes things have to self distruct before they can be rebuilt. I have stayed away from the PWNA due to what I have heard on these boards. To me this is no suprise, it is just one more nail in the coffin for these guys. I dont want to start anything or step on any toes but what do you think is really going to happen after this is resolved if it is resolved? My opinion not much! We have all spoke and read of ways we would like these org's to help the industry. Yet I see little results and more FEE's.
Kory, when I first moved to the State Of Washington, I saw a forest fire, and suprisingly, they let it burn!

They said "a fire can sometimes be a good thing, it burns away the old growth, so new growth can emerge".

Enough said ?
But would it not be a complete shame to see EITHER of the parties torn down or injured beyond repair from litigation? In the biggest picture, the ones who will be damaged the very most will be the customers, members & industry as a whole.


There are a number of great reasons to go to a professional mediator. Among these is that mediation is inexpensive relative to litigation, it is as private as the parties involved let it be, and it can therefore be less "pressurized" than court or public donnybrooks.

The parties have to agree on the mediator, where the meetings will be held, and to be bound by the results. Payment to the mediator varies, but is reasonable, and usually has some relationship to the participants' abilities to pay.

Mediators can be anybody the parties can agree to, and there is the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Office available to help set it up.

However, the parties in conflict have to be willing to settle. Without the desire to end the conflict, the mediation will be interminable and produce nothing. There must be an incentive for each party to take part. That is, neither party should believe they are negotiating for their life.

If these organizations believe they are fighting to the death, to determine which will be the ultimate PW organization, neither will wish to enter mediation. They will each believe that fighting in the public opinion arena will be preferable to perishing after mediation.

Similarly, the party that most expects to win in litigation will believe that ultimate vindication in court may be the only way for either to survive. Again, a reason not to be mediated.

I hope that some sense can be brought to this dispute, but it seems that the history isn't promising.
There are a number of great reasons to go to a professional mediator. Among these is that mediation is inexpensive relative to litigation, it is as private as the parties involved let it be, and it can therefore be less "pressurized" than court or public donnybrooks.

The parties have to agree on the mediator, where the meetings will be held, and to be bound by the results. Payment to the mediator varies, but is reasonable, and usually has some relationship to the participants' abilities to pay.

Mediators can be anybody the parties can agree to, and there is the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Office available to help set it up.

However, the parties in conflict have to be willing to settle. Without the desire to end the conflict, the mediation will be interminable and produce nothing. There must be an incentive for each party to take part. That is, neither party should believe they are negotiating for their life.

If these organizations believe they are fighting to the death, to determine which will be the ultimate PW organization, neither will wish to enter mediation. They will each believe that fighting in the public opinion arena will be preferable to perishing after mediation.

Similarly, the party that most expects to win in litigation will believe that ultimate vindication in court may be the only way for either to survive. Again, a reason not to be mediated.

I hope that some sense can be brought to this dispute, but it seems that the history isn't promising.

I agree Scott Great observation .
Again guys it not about wahts wrong or right, What are some ideas?

who could give what to make things happen, or is it possible boths sides dont want to resolve.

attempting to get a mediator would show they are trying.

How about a PWNA representive fly down to dallas and at least talk face to face.
All of this just assumes that Domain Names, BOD arguements etc.. are the ONLY problems that the PWNA is having. Contractors, for the most part, do not benefit from membership.
Regardless of Right or Wrong

I guess what I'm saying is that only the pricipals in this dispute know what they have to lose or gain from the dispute.

I'm not sure where the right or wrong of this all lies, and few of us outside those two boardrooms can know, since information without agenda is so scarce. This is not to criticise anybody involved, I'm just stating that people have positions on this.

I feel there is a great deal to be lost in this dispute, but that the losers are most likely to be the newbies, looking to get into this business.

I see it at least partly like this: This dispute may be about domain names and transparency, even ethics, but what really is at stake for these two organizations may well be control over the information necessary to operate a successful PW business.

We all know that information is publicly available, but our customers don't know that, and we have precious few ways to transmit our skill-set to prospective customers. These organizations are each about showing our customers what we are as PW business owners.

The aim of each is to show that their members adhere to some set range of professional knowledge, and that should translate to a standard by which our prospects can guage us.

These organizations are each trying to be the group most respected, and most authoritative in the field. There can't be two most authoritative groups. There can be many authorities, but only one can be the most authoritative

Likewise, there may be many leaders, but only one recognized leader in any one field. This is some pretty picayune semantics we are talking here, but there may well be a fortune on the line. We all know that money makes people do crazy things, especially when people see that they may get no share of a large amount of it.

If one organization can eventually win out and show that they really are the authority to go to when seeking knowledge in this field, that organization will be in control of the future of the industry, because they will be educating the newbies.

There are powerful implications here for the future of vendor operated and free boards alike. The handwriting is on the wall: This information is valuable, and control of it is as well. Already members of some organizations find themselves under sanction for giving away, at RTs and online, information others would like to sell. This happens in all fields, especially in those that attract independant-minded people.

I am not certain what the outcome of this dust-up will be, but I think the participants believe there is a reason to be involved in it. That reason has to make business-sense to them. That usually means MONEY.

Maybe things aren't as dire between these people as it seems, but they have gone a long way down this path together, and I wonder if there is any incentive for either one to let up now.
Again guys it not about wahts wrong or right, What are some ideas?

who could give what to make things happen, or is it possible boths sides dont want to resolve.

attempting to get a mediator would show they are trying.

How about a PWNA representive fly down to dallas and at least talk face to face.

I think Mr Robert Hinderliter gave them a good deal he was silent.
What do you think happened to all the $$$ PWNA charged for schools and membership. Also what became of the poor misfortunates who paid to be certified. Are they now un-certified? R hinderliter doesn't care about PWNA - has a new group and has moved along. He made scrap of PWNA. :D
Was Pwna Incorporated ? and The old name was what ? After veiwing the web site it looks like they have a new name .

I think I can answer some of Mr Robert Hinderliter questions .
No . Its a new company new company now . Literally

Mr Robert Hinderliter would not owe the new company anything . Two of the Local chapters may be able to request for the domain but not the new company .

If the company changed names which that is my guess they would have new by-laws . They changed the name slightly so it would be hard to notice thats my guess .

Old Pwna
New The Pwna
This is my guess .
They can still use the Pwna and logo because the two locals according to the web site only joined the new company thats my guess .
Sorry to break the news fellows, but Mr Hinderliter knows the answers to all the questions. He is just showing the new PWNA crowd who is boss of the range. He knows what goes on because nurse riesman fills him in. Mr. H's son Mike runs the southwest part of Facilitec that reimans boss owns. Mr H has just kissed them all off. It's the old, I brought you into this world - I can take you out, and so he did. All the original ranchers are safely in Fort Worth sassy as ever. PWNA as you knew it is no more. It's a done deal. All that's left is rag tag. If you want to join a group best get on board the Hinderliter wagon cause PWNA is turning out the lights and everybody is going home.
Sorry to break the news fellows, but Mr Hinderliter knows the answers to all the questions. He is just showing the new PWNA crowd who is boss of the range. He knows what goes on because nurse riesman fills him in. Mr. H's son Mike runs the southwest part of Facilitec that reimans boss owns. Mr H has just kissed them all off. It's the old, I brought you into this world - I can take you out, and so he did. All the original ranchers are safely in Fort Worth sassy as ever. PWNA as you knew it is no more. It's a done deal. All that's left is rag tag. If you want to join a group best get on board the Hinderliter wagon cause PWNA is turning out the lights and everybody is going home.

Not even close. I've been in contact with Robert Hindeliter and where trying to resolve this. As for the PWNA where about as strong as ever and from what I hear the UAMCC isnt doing to bad themselves.

This will work out one way or the other..I love reading the speculation above when you know the facts like I do and whats going on then you'd would see that most of the speculation is wrong..still fun reading it.