PWNA National Community Outreach Program begins in July

Hey Tim,

Thanks for the welcome wagon. We do alot of marketing and sales throughout the winter and early spring. Contacting former homeowners making them aware that it may be time to clean their home again. I downloaded property managers, realestate agents, painters, shopping centers, condo associations. Talk with them get contact name, address, email, etc. Get them out info and follow up every so often. So, you see I stay busy. I belive in this buisness I know everything there is to know. Well, can't really fix stuff, but if I bust an o ring I can replace it. If I need to replace a hose I can. I can change oil, gas the units up, carry latters, restore decks, get on roofs. God I love this job. I have my own box truck my cousin Pam and I do at least three jobs a day in season. I know the in and outs of cleaning, selling a job, quoting. I may not be a techinical wizard like my husband but I am a stickler when it comes to the house, foundations, walkways, gutters, and rinsing. It doesnt' hurt that you got to hot babes cleaning house, decks, condos, whatever. Woman love it, guys drool and I am out making money.

I want you to know Tim that I have viewed your archive threads and I am really impressed with the way that you do buisness. You are very analitical and right on the money. Matter of fact just last night I was reading on one of the posts about your analogy of the proper wording for advertising and something about it costs alot to advertise but even more to not advertise properly. I forget all the specifics but was very, very, very impressed. You go son. Take care I have taken up enough of your time. Can you tell I am going stir crazy yet? Nancy J Cassidy

Mobile Power Wash of New England
The Community outreach program is doing quite well here in the Dc area. I've spoken to quite a few organizations and I'm looking forward to July. We should be able to make quite a difference to a lot of people in my area. Two of the projects I'm working on think this is an amazing project and are excited about being involved in it.

If your interested in getting involved email me and let me know. I look forward to seeing just how much of a difference this project is going to make for the professional power washing industry!